Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Quiet at the Quill

"Voluptates commendat rarior usus."
"Rare indulgence produces greater pleasure."
Juvenal - Satire XI. 208

Just a note to let you know that things will be quiet at the Quill for a few days as I am whisking my husband off for a rare indulgence, a four day weekend to a quaint little remote cabin overlooking a slow moving lazy river where the rainbow trout and quality time alone will be plentiful. I hope you all have a great weekend - I plan to!

Photo: Wooden vintage stamps and a nature collage note card


  1. Hi Sandy,
    have a wonderful weekend. It is so nice to get away isn't it? I notice when my hubby and I are away from our every day life we hold hands more:)


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!