Friday, October 12, 2007

Hannah Time, Part 2

I now had my Grandmother name, I am Hannah!
1 Samuel 1:27 was my answer,

"For this child I have prayed, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of Him."

I then wrote my beautiful boy a poem or a lifetime prayer and explanation of how I became his Hannah. I tucked these words away until his first birthday approached and then pulled them out and complied them in a scrapbook along with various photos of his first year of life and gave them to him as a gift. This is my legacy to my beloved boy:

"Some day, dear grandson, you may read these words in my journal. Please know that they are divinely inspired as I thought upon you while holding you snuggled in my arms. You were, are, and always will be wrapped in great love. What I want for you more than anything else in this life is to know the love of God, to make right choices in life, and to grow up to be a good man who knows, loves, and serves God. You are only eight weeks old as I pen these words. I have yet to pick out my "Grandmother" name.

Today as I reread what was written many months ago I have decided to be your Hannah. It may seem strange to some that I have not chosen a typical term of endearment. I do not care that this is unconventional or what others think, nor should you. Always remember that it is God's opinion of us that matters the most. It came to me as I was writing this that I did have much in common with Hannah. Dear Grandson, I prayed for you before you ever came into being. 1 Samuel 1:27 says, "For this child I have prayed, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of Him." You are an answered prayer, our gift from God, and I AM your Hannah. My heart greatly rejoices in the Lord that He has lent you to us. I pray this poem will be a warm blanket for your life - covering and comforting you for all your ordained days. May these words warm you with love. May they wrap around you and shield you from the harshness this life sometimes has to offer. May they enfold you in a gentle embrace that reminds you of your Hannah's hugs. I love you, my beautiful boy. God made you, Jesus loves you, and I love you too!

Gorgeous Grandson's Prayer:
A man this child will be some day,
Oh Father, how I feel the need to pray!
In Scripture there is a time and place,
For every thing upon earth's face.
Can this sweet one be,
Divinely watched over by Thee?
And Father, please guard him well,
Teach him Your Word to tell.
Help him when he does not feel strong,
Correct and teach him right from wrong.
Fill his dreams and direct his days,
To be full of prayer and praise!
Make him a mighty man of valor,
Who divinely follows Your plans each day and hour.
Make him quick to understand,
Bless him with kind, giving, and helpful hands.
Let him faithfully study and learn Your Word,
Applying and obeying all he has heard.
Oh Father, let him be a man of prayer,
Turning to You for his every need and care.
Bless him with wisdom beyond his years,
Quiet his heart and calm his fears.
Help him to run this life's race,
At his own God-driven pace.
May he be quick to listen, learn, and grasp,
All that You teach him, all that You ask.
`O Lord, let him always readily obey,
Help him to act without delay.
Bless him to be a man after Your own heart,
From Your teachings may he never depart.
Lord, bless and keep him by Your grace,
May his life bring You great joy and a smile to Your face.

This is the story of who Hannah is, with whom and how she loves to spend her time!
Miss Sandy AKA Hannah

Photo: Page from a vintage soft paged baby book


  1. Ah, "thank you's" from us for the "love you's" from Him! So glad to have been introduced to your blog (hopped over from littlefrenchgardenhouse)! I'm going to love visiting again and again. Blessings, Polly

  2. Hannah is a wonderful Grandmother name (mine is Mima) and a GRANDson is a wonderful blessing. We have one GRANDson ... I always tell him he is my very favorite GRANDbaby...I know your new GRANDson will be your very favorite too. Aren't the greatest gifts given from above!



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