Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Morning After......

The morning after Thanksgiving at 4:00 a.m. I am snugly tucked in my bed while visions of sugar plums dance in my head.....
shivering masses were huddled in doors,
hoping to be the first on the shopping room floors!
Some camped out over night in 28 degrees,
shivering and quivering and trying not to sneeze!
The clerks stood sleepily, eyes all a glaze,
as shoppers rushed in like rats through a maze!
They sought after the most coveted prizes,
In the perfect colors, shapes, and sizes!
They stood in lines ringed round the store,
wishing they were next to rush out the door,
To get to the next sale that starts at 8:00,
"Oh, won't this line hurry, I'm gonna' be late!"
There was pushing and shoving and a cat fight or two,
as shoppers grabbed for the gadget that was new!
Parking spaces were at a premium and shoppers were on a high,
racing from store to store shouting, "Buy, Buy, Buy!"
Timmy got the Playstation 3,
and Amy got the latest Barbie!
All mom got was tired feet,
and dad just watched his wallet deplete!
Bell ringers stood at every door,
hoping to collect a bit for the poor,
Christmas carols played their merry tunes,
while patrons crushed toward the dressing rooms,
Leaving in their wake,
someone to clean up the mess they make!
There were gadgets and gizmo's and doodads galore,
From shiny and tiny to flashy and splashy in every store.
As the weary shoppers lugged boxes and bags,
Their excitement waned and began to sag,
So home they did slowly trudged,
to collapse on the couch never to budge,
With one year to rest up before the madness abounds,
Oh, are they glad that's how often Christmas comes 'round!
.....while I am still nestled all snug in my bed, with visions of sugar plums dancing in my head!

OK, so I had to poke a little fun at all you early bird shoppers. I sincerely do hope if you braved the elements and the madness that you got some exceptional bargains! I actually did a little shopping myself. While all the shoppers in my town headed south to all the super stores, strip malls, and boutiques, I went north, to all my favorite flea markets and antique stores! While others were pushing and elbowing their way through crowds and circling the parking lot like vultures for a parking space, I shopped in relative quiet, with front row parking, and found some very unique gifts(I would love to show you these gifts but the recipients read this blog so no can do!) or supplies to create gifts with.There were no traffic jams or long lines and neither I nor my budget was depleted. Actually I did my "in town" shopping last week because I know how crazy it is here.

I returned home and found that "I got mail!" Yes, there were not one, not two, but three packages waiting for me! One was from sweet Cindy of Cindy is Crafty. I left her comment on some of her art work and she asked me which of the three pieces I liked best, I told her, and she contacted me to tell me it was mine! Well, I wanted to return the kindness and a little something sweet will wing it's way to her on Monday! Her art work was packaged in the most clever way and came with a sweet little note:
Is her pouty little face not adorable? She is perfect inspiration hanging on my design board! I clipped her little note off the package and may use them both in a framed collage to display in my studio space. Thanks Cindy, I just love her!

The second package was from Dawn at The Feathered Nest. It was her gift to me for signing up for her
Pay It Forward Challenge. It was an amazing soldered piece enclosed with an equally lovely note....
Encased in the glass is a copy of one of her vintage post cards backed with beautiful textured paper and it hangs from the loveliest shade of pale green ribbon, green being my favorite color and the shade of this rose fit perfectly in my homes decor! This piece will look lovely in several places in my home but first it will be used in my Christmas decor. Thanks Dawn, this is so femininely beautiful, I love it!
And the third package was a gift to myself. I was under the weather for a couple of days last week so I did some visiting over at Vee's of A Haven for Vee. She had a unique little post that out of curiosity I decided to try. You were to go to and click on book titles then enter your first name and see what comes up and then share your find. Well, this is what I found.....
I discovered this lovely old book and after doing some research on it realized it had been turned into a movie and I had seen the movie and loved it so naturally I wanted to read the book. So I looked on Amazon and there was a 1914 copy available for a very nice price of $10.00 in great condition so I ordered it. I can't wait to read it. It is about an orphaned girl who meets various people and helps them by pointing them to Scripture. The movie starred Virginia Weidler and was titled Bad Little Angel, the theme of this movie was believing in the Bible. The movie was made in 1939 and was more of a comedy than serious in nature.

My posting may be slow this week as I just found out that I am at my photo quota with blogger and I had to upgrade and it may take a day or two. I hope this is all as I have read that some are having problems with the upgrade. Have any of you experienced this? I am still so new to this whole thing that I don't know all the in's and out's yet, but at least I am learning.

I hope you all have a great week and even if I don't post, I will be visiting!

Miss Sandy


  1. Sandy,
    I am thrilled she made it to you! She has been the most posted about one on my Flickr page. She is HOT, HOT, HOT!

    I cannot wait to see what you create with her. I saw a post from e.beck about decorating the envelopes that you send items in and thought how neat. Makes it even more special.

    It is funny at the P.O. as they try not to put the postage over it. I just tell them it doesn't matter and it is me being silly. They still check of the empty place.

    Anywho, I am thrilled that you love her as much in person.

    Love the poem!

  2. Hello Miss Sandy,
    I am not a black Friday shopper either, I love your approach, If you live closer I would of went with you,
    I can't pass on a good Flea Market.
    Hope you had a wonderful holiday. I see you your blessed with surprises
    they are so wonderful, for a wonderful one. Thanks for sharing you
    poem it was too cute Pinkie Denise

  3. I was not brave and did not shop. Slumber called me to stay put! Maybe slumber is a nice word for laziness!!! Looks like you received some wonderful things. Hope you had a good weekend.

  4. Miss Sandy,

    I am not a Friday-after-Thanksgiving shopper either! Loved the poem. My 3 kids were too excited about bringing all the Christmas boxes down from the attic; so I made a day of it decorating with them. Now, I have at least accomplished putting out all my inside decor.

    I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. I am adding you to my Charm & Grace blogroll.


    Charm & Grace Web Magazine
    Charm & Grace Blog

  5. Such lovely things...some gals are so creative!

    I adore vintage books. The one that you found is very special indeed. Just look at that graphic!

  6. Thanks so much for the wonderful post, it is always a blessing to land here. I love the book you found!

    xo Lidy

  7. Thank your for your previous thoughts on Thanksgiving. I can never muster shopping the day after seems to take away from the day somehow, I loved your observations and the poem. I'm off to Amazon to see what I find:)
    Gods Blessings to you.


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