Conference Director, LeAnn Rice, has this to say about the conference, "She Speaks is a life-changing conference for women of every generation seeking to explore the tug on her heart to reach out to the world for Jesus. Through She Speaks, Proverbs 31 Ministries encourages and equips women who are called by God to share our mission to bring God’s peace, perspective and purpose to today’s busy woman. Sharing God’s truth with love is not only a holy calling but a remarkable responsibility. We believe by equipping women to become more effective at sharing the Word of God, we multiply our efforts to reach a hurting world with the life-transforming hope of Jesus."
Here's what's in store for 2008:
She Speaks : (Speakers Track) Whether you feel led to speak in a large arena or lead Bible studies in your church, you will be equipped with the tools you need to effectively share your message, create a bio sheet, market your ministry, and jazz up your presentation.
She Writes : (Writers Track) Learn everything from basic writing guidelines to preparing an article or manuscript for submission, and everything in between. In addition, you will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with some of the top editors, publishers, and literary agents in the Christian market.
Or maybe you are a blogger and just want to learn how to more effectively connect with your readers and increase the impact of your blog. What better way than to sit in sessions taught by three of the most widely read blog authors: Boo Mama, Big Mama, and Rocks in My Dryer.
She Leads : (Women's Ministry Track) This track is specifically designed for women's ministry directors and facilitators. Learn creative ways to reach your community, organize small groups, select a team of volunteers, plan successful events, and network with other directors.
She Influences : (The Next Generation Track) This track provides 12-17 year old young women with the confidence they need to make a difference within their own sphere of influence, and equipping them with skills that will enable them to answer God's call on their lives to speak or write for His Kingdom.
For detailed Conference Information, Schedule, Session Descriptions, Registration and Payment, Speaker Information, Writer Information, Womens Ministry Information, and Next Generation Information, visit Proverbs 31 Ministries - She Speaks Conference here.
The team at Proverbs 31 Ministries has a sincere and heartfelt desire to teach, train, and equip women through this life-changing conference. It is their prayer that during this year’s conference, God will validate old dreams and inspire new ones.
He Speaks - "Come, go higher with me!"
For the past six years I have lived the life of a secluded writer, very content, in a comfortable camp keeping my words hidden away from public view. I knew without a doubt six years ago that God was calling me to a writing ministry and I was just as certain that He desired me to be faithful with the task at hand until His timing was right. I knew that I was to wait and listen in my safe hiding place in the cleft of the rock until He called for me.
I identify with the little maiden in that there is a temptation to stay where I am comfortable, content, and satisfied, to let fear rule and keep me captive. But greater knowledge rests in the blessings of obedience. I don’t want to find myself refusing His call, being lonely, sad, and abandoned because He moved on without me. The maidens story, however, does have a happy ending. Tenderly, her lover knows how much she can bear, so he returns to her after a short absence. She learns a valuable lesson, until she really leaves, she cannot fully cleave.
A few weeks ago I heard Him speak to my heart, “Come, and go higher with me!” He said. I was given the choice to stay or obey. I stepped out on faith by choosing an opportunity that opened up before me. I asked a question, made a submission, and received confirmation all within a few days time. More perfect peace cannot be felt than that of being where He wants you, doing what He desires you to do, and following where He is leading you.
My desire is to learn from those who have gone before me, just as I have learned a valuable lesson from the Shulammite maiden of answering His call, accepting His challenge, knowing that He is directing my steps. I am really ready to leave my hiding place and fully cleave to Him as I seek out my God given voice in the writing world. I realize the benefit of being well trained when pursuing any path and I feel that the Proverbs 31 Ministry – She Speaks Conference can be a valuable part of the foundation of the ministry God is calling me to.
Listening for His Voice,
Sandy Babb
Oh I had no idea that the three bloggers mentioned were also teachers and public speakers in the Christian arena. That's sooooo cool!
ReplyDeleteSandy, I have every faith in your ability to hear God's voice. He's got a wonderful plan for you and for those who will be blessed by your words.
Another lovely post. You always paint such a picturesque message.
ReplyDeleteHope we will be able to meet at the conference.
I really enjoyed your post! You write wonderfully. I hope we all can get together at the conference!
I gained so much last year at SheSpeaks. I am sure that God will meet you there in amazing ways.
ReplyDeleteAn Open Letter to the Proverbs31 Selection Committee,
ReplyDeletePlease pick Miss Sandy for your conference. Her writing is superb, her use of illustation and word pictures compelling and she is a very great and positive influence in not only my life, but in the lives of the readers she serves daily.
I am proud to say she is my friend although we have yet to meet. So a better example you would not be able to find. She has found her heart's desire and is pursuing it. How can we not dream that big dream right along with her? We always knew she was great, but she was hiding her light under a bit of a bushel. That light has now peeked out a bit and it is warm, enveloping and welcoming.
We love her and are sure others will love her, too! Help us light the world by assisting our friend to spread her ministry to the whole world!
We would be thrilled!
What a friend you have in Cindy! And here I am, rooting for you again too. No matter what, God has gifted you and you will be stepping out into new arenas of ministering through your words to many people. God will bless your wholehearted committment to Him.
ReplyDeleteI can also relate to the maiden. Writing is definitely your calling. I also enjoy your pictures. Thanks for your cup of encouragement on my blog. Hopefully, we'll met at the conference.
ReplyDeleteso nice to meet you! i'm always glad to find other bloggers from arkansas.
ReplyDeleteSandy---what a beautiful blog! Very uplifting music as well--to sit and read by!
ReplyDeleteBE blessed---thank you for your kind words on my post!
Thanks for your kind words on my blog. Maybe we'll both be able to attend she speaks somehow and meet in person!
ReplyDeleteGod Bless
Thank you for your sweet note on my blog... So many others seem so much more deserving than I - I am praying for divine appointment - that the person who gets the scholarship will be the person God is opening that door for in their immediate future. You strike me as just this type of person. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteWow, Miss Sandy! Your words, and your blog, are beautiful! I wish you the very best of luck in the scholarship contest. I think you are right in what you are more hiding and keeping your words to yourself because you have a beautiful voice that glorifies our living, saving, and wonderful God! Perhaps we'll have a chance to meet at the conference! I sure hope so, if not, we'll do what bloggers do best, become best of friends through the world of words, pictures, and comments! I can't wait to see what God has in store for us who wait patiently for His still small voice, and take hold of his hand to for Him to lead us to higher places! ~Hokey Pokey Girl
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my blog. Blessings to you as well.
ReplyDeleteAnd I will pray for the concern you posted above and will go there to say a word or two of encouragement. thanks for letting us know.
Thank you for taking the time to encourage me - it looks like you have been spreading that all around this weekend. May the blessings you have spoken to others be multipled back to you.
ReplyDeleteOur God is amazing. Praying for Corey and her family.
Thanks so much for your kind words on my blog. I have really enjoyed reading your posts as well! I will certainly keep the above post in my prayers...
Just hoping that you're not under the weather...
ReplyDeleteKLU! (Keep looking up!)