Monday, May 5, 2008

The Race is Run.....

Her time of departure was at hand.
She fought a good fight.
She finished her course.
She kept her faith.
Well done, thou good and faithful servant.
Now she rests.
My beloved grandmother, Irwin Lucille Gregg, departed this life at 9:39 PM this evening. As she held my hand through life, I held hers through death. It was the last physical act of loving kindness I could extend to her and it hardly seemed enough. She is at peace and I sorrow. Now I must help to prepare her life celebration and the strength that kept me at her side seems to have ebbed. My love for her cheers me on to do my best lasts for her.

I may be called on to speak, yet I feel I have no voice, words and heart fail me. I feel like the phoenix, a mythical bird with beautiful gold and red plumage. At the end of its life-cycle the phoenix builds itself a nest of cinnamon twigs that it then ignites; both nest a bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix arises. The new phoenix is destined to live, usually, as long as the old one.

I feel as if my emotions have been ignited, fiercely burned, and been reduced to ashes. Now I must garner strength from the example of the old phoenix, my grandmother. As the new young phoenix I must arise and live my alloted days as well as the old one did and make her proud.

The story of the phoenix is a symbol of Christ, representing His death, resurrection, and life-after death in heaven. These are the truths the foundation of my faith are built on and they comfort me in this time of loss and grieving. I cling to the promises that I will receive comfort in my mourning and it will be turned into joy, eventually replacing my sorrow. I know my broken heart will be bound up. I know that He will give me beauty for ashes and strength in fear as He drapes me in a garment of praise, which will cloak the spirit of heaviness. He will enable me to honor her and glorify Him.

Perhaps I too will be able to amass some of the beautiful plumage the old phoenix is known for. Some gold, in the form of richness of character, wealth of wisdom, and a treasure trove of the Christian graces ~ love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self-control. Some red, a primary color of light, living in the Spirit and walking in the Spirit, sharing the light of Christ. My grandmother bore such plumage and I can only hope that as I rise from the ashes of sorrow that it will be reborn and reflected in me. This is the greatest last gift I can give to honor her ~ to walk in her shoes.

Struggling to rise,
Miss Sandy


  1. Sandy, you are rising, dear one. It may not feel as if you are, but I can see you rising all the way from here.

    Will the service be right away or might you give yourselves a breathing time first? Even a few extra days can be so much help to the family after going through so much with together.

    Thinking of you today and praising God for your grandmother's life. She has been an inspiration and will continue to be as long as there are those who tell the story.

    Gentle hugs...

  2. Dear sweet Sandy, I'm so sorry for your loss, dear friend. I know your sweet grandmother is flying with the angels with her new body ~ In reading your post, you are already writing what you will is what you feel & know. Much love & hugs to you Sandy, my thoughts and prayers are with you. love, Dawn

  3. Dear Miss Sandy,
    My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. May your grandmother rest in peace.

  4. I'm so sorry! I stopped in for an update on your grandmother ...wasn't what I was hoping for. :o( I will keep you & your family in my prayers & thoughts.

  5. Miss Sandy,

    I'm sorry to hear about your dear grandmother. What you wrote on your blog was beautifully written you make her proud.
    Vicki Page

  6. So sorry to read about your beloved grandmother. What an honor you bestow on her. You already are carrying on her is what attracts so many to your beautiful blog...your Christian grace.

    God Bless & Keep you,


  7. I'm so sorry for your loss, you have left a beautiful, loving, inspirationsl tribute.

  8. Sandy,
    Prayers for you in the upcoming days. If you are asked to speak, you will honor your grandmother with your love and respect. I trust God will grant you the strength you need.

  9. My deepest sympathies upon your loss!
    Praying for YOU and your family!!

  10. I'm so sorry. I pray that the things your grandmother imparted to you during her lifetime will rise to the forefront and as you live each day you will see her influence in so many things that you say and do.

  11. Dear Miss Sandy,

    May our dear Lord provide you with the exact comfort that you need. What a glorious gift your grandmother has left you with~ precious memories~ may you hold them tightly in your heart.

  12. Dearest Sandy! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers today.

    Blessings! Nancy

  13. Miss Sandy,
    Just speak you heart and the emotions that you felt and your words will come.

  14. Sandy, I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I pray the God will give you peace.

    Hugs Karen

  15. I'm so sorry you have lost your grandmother, Sandy. May her memory always be an inspiration to you. Wishing you peace and strength at this time!

  16. I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Grandmother. My prayers are with you and your family. I pray our Lord will envelop you in his blanket of love and hold you close....Mary

  17. Miss Sandy, i am so sorry for your loss...but i am happy for your grandmother, her suffering is over and she is walking the streets of gold in her new heavenly body.

  18. I'm just now catching up on your most recent posts, so sorry to hear about your loss Sandy.

    May the Lord bring you comfort and peace as you walk through this time in your life.

    God's love--

  19. Oh, Sandy, I am so sorry you have lost your beloved grandmother. Your words have already begun to honor her life and spirit. You are blessed to have had such a woman to be yours and she, to have a granddaughter to love her so much. May you continue each moment to feel God's loving arms of comfort around you.


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!