Sunday, May 18, 2008

Spreadin' The Word About Blurb.....

"People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like."
~Abraham Lincoln~

(photo source)
Some of you may know about Blurb, but if you don't, which I didn't, here is the scoop! Blurb is an online source with free software you download to make your own professionally bound book at an extremely reasonable price! You can order one book or many books starting at the low price of $12.95! You can make your book available for sale on a private site or in Blurb's book store. The step by step tutorial is outstanding. You have a choice of book sizes and types, soft or hard cover, layouts, fonts, borders, colors, backgrounds, etc. You can add photos, art work, text, documents, etc. The possibilities are endless and I am really excited about this so I thought it worth sharing.(photo source)
How about turning your blog into a book? With Blurb you can!
Kari Ramstrom of Artsy Mama is a wonderful artist who has used Blurb to create a beautiful book called, Artsy Mama, A Seasonal Guide to the Creative Life. Her book includes her favorite blog entries, her philosophy of living a creative and artful life, and wonderful tutorials. Her book has 250 gorgeous photos! Kari's book is for sale on her blog and on Blurb's book store. Have a peek at just one possibility for using this product.(photo source)
*Create a custom cook book, imagine a photo of a precious family member on one page and favorite recipe from their kitchen on the other page! What a great one of a kind gift!

*Need a unique wedding or shower gift? Blurb allows you to create great gift books!

*Immortalize your children's art into a coffee table book for Grandma!

*Have a poet in the family? Print up their poetry!

*Compile a coffee table book of your photography!

*Create a journal or catalog a trip!

*Are you an artist? Blurb your art work or share tutorials!

*Are you the family historian? Compile a family history with text, documents, photos, etc.

*What about putting the entire first year of your babies life in a beautiful quality book?

*Are you into scrapbooking, decorating, or crafting? How about making your own how to book?

*Is there a specialty subject you are knowledgeable about? Blurb it!

*Need a professional looking bound report for business purposes? Blurb can help you!

*Are you a home school mom? Use this as a Computer/Language Arts class, allow your student to learn to use the software and then write their own book. The reward will be seeing it in print!(photo source)
Blurb will even give the information on copyrights, purchasing and ISBN number, and a bar code if you desire to market your book in other ways! I could go on and on but I won't. Go over and check it out for yourself! Miss Sandy has already begun some great gifts using this software and at $12.95 for a unique and personal gift that will be a keepsake and family heirloom, you just can't beat that!

Miss Sandy


  1. Miss Sandy, i have heard about blurb but never went over and looked at the site until now, what a very cool thing!!!

  2. Wow...had never heard of it, but what a wonderful resource! Thank you so much for bringing it to our attention.

    How's the Hannah day going? Hope that you two are having a fantastic time together!

  3. What a wondrful piece of infomation. So much fun, and lots of interesting ideas for personal book making. Ok that didn't sound quite right LOL. Love the concept thank you for sharing.

  4. First of all thank you for visiting my blog....I don't know about teapot heaven...but it is pleasurable!....I can't believe you posted about blurb....I was just talking about doing that with my blog. I have a question that maybe you would can we print out our blog pages?

  5. Oh, I am feeling the sudden urge to make a book!! :)

    Wait ... wouldn't a custom book make a fabulous holiday gift??? Hmmm.... really thinking now. Oh, the possibilities!

    Thanks so much for sharing this!

  6. Hello,

    Thanks for the post on Blurb.

    Warm regards,


  7. Hey Miss Sandy!

    I got your question on my blog about printing out blog posts. This can get kind of tricky. You can view the page with the post and comments and go under File - Print Preview to see how it might print from the browser.

    This may not give you the prettiest looking print though. Honestly, if you wanted to format things for printing (which is different than reading online), the easiest thing to do would be to copy and paste the text in a program like Microsoft Word.

    I say this is the easiest, but only if you have a few posts you want to pull out. It can be tedious work otherwise.

    Another option is to have a custom cascading style sheet setup for printing. I'm not totally sure you can do this with Blogger -- but I don't see why not. This style sheet would just be setup to set most of your images not to print, take away background color, etc.

    I'll try to post more about this at simply His blogger tomorrow as I think it would be helpful to others :)

  8. Wow, that's amazing. I spent so much time on Blurb last night after reading your post that I forgot to come back and comment. Thank you so much for pointing us to this resource.


  9. Thanks so much for sharing this...that is something I can get excited about!

    I have done some books as gifts on Shutterfly...but it is meant more for photos than script. I think I will give Blurb a try!


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