Monday, September 1, 2008

A Walk On The Beach...

Labor Day is a United States Federal holiday observed on the first Monday in September. The holiday originated in 1882 as the Central Labor Union of New Your City sought to create a "a day off for the working citizen." Congress made Labor Day a federal holiday in 1894. All fifty states made Labor Day a state holiday.
Traditionally, Labor Day is celebrated by most Americans as the symbolic end of summer. Families gather for picnics, barbecues, and fireworks events. Those with school-aged children often take it as a last chance to travel before the end of summer. Although the official last day of summer is not scheduled on the calendar until September 21 of this year, I thought we might take one last stroll along the beach together. I can think of no better way to relax and rest from the labors of each day than to walk along shores edge with good companions such as yourself.I met Benny C. Gull on the gulf shores of the Florida coast and he assured me he knew the lay of the sand. For a mere mackerel he could be persuaded to act as our tour guide today. Benny says to kick off your sandals like this.....And leave them in a heap.....
No one will bother them, it is an unwritten beach law that all sandals go undisturbed until reclaimed by the owner! Benny beacons us to walk this way.....But watch your step! It looks like a man of war has washed ashore!Remember to stay off the dunes, they are protected you know!We are invited to be guest judges for a sand sculpting contest! A couple of castles..... And a tortoise or two.....Which one do you choose? Oh look! A dolphin is swimming in the surf!How about we join the hermit crab race?Last one to the slimy rock is a rotten fish!Benny is getting a little crabby (pardon the pun!).....He wants to stop for a little snack. Here are some great gooey filled shells on a shoe! Benny wants to share. Um, ewww, no thank you!While Benny enjoys his sumptuous snack, why don't we rest here a while.....
and enjoy the views of the deep blue sea.....And stunning rays of the sun.....Sand dunes that look like snow capped mountains.....And sun warmed wood.....Now that we are rested and refreshed, Benny invites us for a stroll down to the pier....To meet his best friend Harry.....Who thinks he is a weather vane!How about a bit of beach combing? Look, Benny has found something.....A pretty cockle shell and some driftwood!I found a float from a fisherman's net!It looks like we have reached the end of our day as sunset nears.....Benny invites us to sit on the tip of Bird Island and watch the setting sun....As it sinks below the bridge and melts into the edge of the ocean....And to quietly reflect.....
On the hand full of treasured memories....That summer always leaves behind!

Miss Sandy

Photos: Taken on the Florida Gulf Coast in June of 2008


  1. This post brings back great memories of when I used to go clamming at Bodega Bay with my dear sweet dad.

  2. Oh Sandy, what beautiful photographs ~ each and every one!! Our family loves the Gulf too ~ thank you for reminding me of the wonderful vacations we've had there, hope your holiday weekend has been a good one sweet friend, xxoo, Dawn

  3. Such lovely photos. The weather lloks good too.

  4. Sandy, thank you for the stroll on the beach! How I long to be able to do that! But we are so far inland! It's been several years since we visited Cape Cod and just beach combed.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog also! And for your kind comments about my September photos. Is it REALLY Sept. ALREADY?!


  5. I have never had the pleasure of seeing the east coast, thank you for taking us along!! Laurie

  6. Sigh. . . . Love your photos. Reminds me of all the summer days we should have been on the beach. We went to the beach about 5 times this summer. When summer ends I always say we should have gone more often!

  7. Thanks for the tour along the beach. I loved your tour guide. Those are just glorious pictures. My husband and I enjoy the beach. I don't know about you but I find it so peaceful. I really think it is a great place to talk to God as well.

  8. The photos are beautiful. Looks like a wonderful trip to the beach and I love your little story!

  9. Wow beautiful photos!

  10. Sandy, thank you {and Benny too} for the wonderful stroll along the beach...your pictures and commentary are just delightful:)

  11. Oh these pictures make me want to be there.....right NOW!!!

  12. Sandy - Thanks for the stroll - we go there nearly every summer. Didn't make it this year, so this was a real treat!!!

    Thanks for your encouragement and comments about my daughter & her friend! I'm sure they'll work the clothes issue out - I hope you have a wonderful week! Vickie

  13. Miss Sandy,

    What delightful ocean shore pictures. Thank you for sharing them with us. Mr. Seagull looks quite pleased to have met your acquaintance.


  14. How delightful! I enjoyed every scene and every caption.

  15. So very beautiful ~ thanks for providing me with a tiny vacation for my soul! Peace, Katie

  16. Lovely post, Sandy. The pictures are beautiful and your words inviting.


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