Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Zoo Nest...

"Everything in a bedroom should contribute to an atmosphere of peace."
~Billy Baldwin~
(photo, former bedding at Quill Cottage)
I so admire everyday bloggers! I have been trying to figure out what I could post on for a couple of days now. Not much is happening in my world as I am still stranded here at home, although one vehicle was released from the hospital yesterday, but it wasn't mine. I have been filling my time with the usual stuff, chores, a little writing, and assembly line style storage box production. The closest thing I've had to an adventure is buying a new mattress. A process which has turned my house into a zoo nest! Blogger even said so see:Pretty dull huh?

Have you ever heard of or read the children's book "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" by Laura Joffe Numeroff? It is a quaint little story about a boy who gives a mouse a cookie. Once he has the cookie he wants a glass of milk, followed by requesting a straw to drink the milk, then he needs a napkin, and on and on the story goes. Not only does the little mouse need one more item each time, he makes a huge mess in the process. This is exactly what happened when we purchased a new mattress.

Handy Hubby is very rarely insistent upon anything that has to do with the home. I ask his opinion but he usually defers to me in all things domestic, until recently when he insisted we get a new mattress. Not just any mattress mind you but a super sized one. Never mind the fact that none of the bedding we own would fit the monster or the fact that we live in a cottage of small rooms. He patiently explained to me that it is called a BED room for a reason. I am kind of silly that I want other things in the room like a dresser and chest of drawers to hold our clothing. I felt like I had stepped into the pages of my very own version of "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" only my title would be, "If You Give a Man A Mattress"!
The story goes something like this:
(photo, sneak peek at new bedding, Garden Dreams, I only purchased the quilt and two matching shams, I mixed and matched the rest of the pieces)

If you give a man a mattress, he will super size it.
And chances are if he asks for a mattress,
he will want some sheets.
(For the first time ever he steps into my domestic domain and goes with me to purchase bedding, have mercy!)

He wants sheets, any old sheets will do, the cheaper the better.
You must educate him in the fine art of purchasing bedding, standard vs. deep pocket vs. extra deep pocket as well as patiently explaining the benefits of a high thread count, cotton vs. organic, what wrinkle free means, pima cotton vs. Egyptian cotton, and that color most certainly does matter!
He will look at you helplessly, you will select the sheets, without even gasping over the price, after all it was he who insisted on the super size model!

Once he has the sheets he will want warm blankets, after all it is winter!
You must educate him once again, micro fleece vs. cotton knit vs. micro plush vs. down vs. vellux vs. acrylic vs. electric. His eyes will glaze over, no worries, this is normal.
He will defer to you, you will choose, and color most certainly does matter!

Once he has his blankets he will want new pillows to fill out those super sized pillow cases.
You must educate him in the fine art of selecting pillows, allergen free, firm, medium, or extra firm density, down vs. poly fiber vs. memory foam vs. feather, standard/queen vs. king size.
He will punch a few pillows and look to you for guidance. Make him choose his own, if the choice is wrong, he cannot blame you.

When he has his pillow, he will think he is off the hook on the shopping expedition.
Gently explain to him that he will also need a mattress and pillow covers. Be prepared for a very scared look to cross his face.
Gently lead him through the choices of poly cotton zip allergen free, stretch knit zip, waterproof, baffle channel feathered, cotton blend, terry cotton blend, and Egyptian cotton blend. Color does not matter, they all come in white!

Once this choice is made, he will think he is through at long last.
Smile sweetly as you remind him that pretty matters and must also purchase the icing for the king sized cake!
Once he enters the land of lovely bedding choices he will sweat profusely, mop his brow, pat his back, take his hand and lead him through lovely land! Ever so gently explain bedding collections, duvet cover vs. comforter vs. quilt vs. coverlet vs. bed in a bag. Smile at him sweetly and exclaim that you sincerely hope to find something that will match your hand painted furniture, wall color, and window treatments, if not they will have to be changed too! Gently remind him that your custom built headboard will no longer fit and you will sketch a new design and put his handy skills to good use in the very near future. It might not hurt to remind him that this was HIS idea!

Let the poor guy off the hook and take him home with the assurance that you can choose the icing for the king sized cake on your own. Once there, a frenzy of flying bedding will take place, everything and I mean everything will have to be moved and your man will make you house look like this:

A corner full of cords!
A pile of pillows!
A not so inviting entry! Although the light shining on the plastic is kind of pretty.A new nook look! Sunshine on sheets is pretty too! After all I am in search of everyday beauty and this is the best I can do in chaos!A clump of quilts! Hey was he using these to drag furniture across the wood floors and is that a dog toy I see near them? What were those two up to while I was gone? I about fainted when I saw this mess and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Poor velveteen rabbit did faint when she saw it or was this hammer used to keep her quite of the activities in my absence?Not domestic bliss! A blur of bedding, OK, I admit I did this! While he is making a mess you will escape in a borrowed car to select icing for that king sized cake! You will arrive home with a beautiful vintage look coverlet in tow, more pillows to fill out the pillow shams you purchased, a new dust ruffle to hide those storage containers under the bed, and new curtains, (that you will later return because you lived with them for one day and they were not a good choice, the current ones you made get to stay), rods, and rings (they get to stay too). You will live with the current small decorative pillows for a day or two and see if they will do. The paint is perfect and the furniture will not need to be redone. A headboard is in the works!

If you give a man a mattress, he will super size it.
And chances are if he asks for a mattress,
he will want some sheets...

I don't think Handy Hubby will be stepping into my domestic domain again any time soon. Although when he came home from work and I had the new bedding in place, the curtains washed and line dried, with the smell of sunshine permeating the room, he exclaimed, "That's pretty! I really like it and it looks old." We both have a love for vintage things and the icing choices I made make his cake choice a perfect recipe for domestic bliss and contribute to the atmosphere of peace!

I'll post pics of the finished room once we have time this weekend to put up the new curtain rods, move my wall desk to another spot in the room and do a bit of rearranging. My comfy reading chair got booted and is in the entry until I can get it to the resale shop or I may slipcover it and leave it for a bit until I save up for the piece that I really want in there. Anyway, that is all that is happening here. I'm off to straighten up my zoo nest! Until next time...

Miss Sandy

Visit Melissa of the Inspired Room on her link up post to Finding Inspiration When You Feel Overwhelmed and enjoy a visit with a link list of other inspiring posts as well!


  1. I am in love with that bedding! So beautiful! You have the best taste, girly! :) And I loved the post! meme

  2. Hillarious, and so very true!
    Vicki Page

  3. Oh Sandy that is so funny! I always ask my hubbie if he wants to go pick things out with me but I think he just prefers to let me make the decisions. We have a king size bed right now and I want to go to a queen size but he doesn't. Not sure what we will end up doing.

    I can't wait to see how you finish up the room. The new "icing" is really pretty.

  4. Oh so funny! I love your bedding and can't wait to see the finished project. I've been going thru something similar with Nalley and his "study." I envisioned vintage golf prints on the wall; I overheard him talking to the painter about a big blue "M" for Michigan!!! The compromise - the study has NO theme!

  5. LOL! What a wonderful post today....I laughed all of the way through it. I am looking forward to your reveal of your new bedroom...

  6. Oh no! We're about to embark upon this journey as the carpenter has had it with my antique full-sized bed. He'd like a mattress long enough for his frame. Sigh. At least, you've given me fair warning...cute post!

    Can't wait to see the new bed and bedding all set up.

  7. Miss Sandy, what a funny post...poor bunny, i hope he is ok after his fall:)

  8. Boy oh boy, isn't that true? I am always amazed at their ( husbands) ability to plan and execute building projects with the realization of all the different stages involved, but add or take away something big in the house and apparently all that sensibility is out the window!( apparently the sensibility is napping on the wonderful new mattress) Great post.

  9. Well, Miss Sandy, I do agree that this is a funny post. You are quite the writer and I do think you must get un-stranded soon (tho' I must admit I would love a chance to be stranded for a week or two without a physical limitation). Thank you for a delightful time of entertainment. And your bedding is lovey - a true bed of roses!

  10. We need a new mattress too. I would have a hard time giving up that beautiful headboard though!

  11. Hi Miss Sandy.
    I have tagged you - I hope you don´t mind :o)
    Jump over to see on my blog.

  12. Great time of year for a bedroom makeover ..the bedding is glorious!

    .....can't wait to see what your wreath looks like ....antique forks are right up my alley - great idea !!


  13. I am so loving it -- the bedding --of course , but the story - too funny . and one sort of repeated at my house a couple of years ago-
    deep pocket sheets - who knew -- we got a pillowtop - needless to say I at 5 ft tall - have to p[ole vault into the bed --it is an antique bed also --I really needed a step -- too funny - Kathy -ga

  14. Sandy,

    Oh the layers to the story of mattresses and pun intended. Very funny. I can't wait to see the finished product.

  15. LOL! Very funny and very true!!
    Can't wait to see the finished product!

  16. Cute post and wonderful blog! Enjoyed my visit!


  17. And you won't believe what happens if you give a moose a muffin....:)

    I haven't even been able to have time for a new post in 4 days. I am doing a rerun. :)

  18. I have just experienced this same scenario with my new husband. Thank heaven, He already knew about the advantage of high thread count sheets. I didnt have to go there. But buying the new bedding was a chore. I never can find what I like. I just posted a couple of new pictures of the bedding yesterday. Have a great weekend.

  19. What a darling post. I'll be back. New to you.

  20. Great post! I love the bedding and wonder if you could tell us the manufacturer or brand. I need new bedding but I have very expensive lamps that I would like to use and the bedding looks as if it would match my greens and pinky-oranges!

  21. Loved your post!!! And the bedding!! ooo so inspiring!


  22. So funny and so true. I love the analogy to "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie".

    I have a mattress story, but it's more like Goldie Locks. When they delivered the set I noticed that the box spring was ripped. They took it back and brought another one. Once the mattress was on it, it was crazy high. I needed a step stool to get in bed. I asked them to take it back. The owner of the store was not happy. I shopped at another store and selected a set based on the height of the mattress and box springs. However, once I slept on it, it was hard as a rock. I asked him to take it back and I selected another set. It was softer and not real high. It almost sounds like a Seinfeld episode.

  23. Gayle,

    The bedding is made by C & F Manufacturing Company and the pattern is called, Garden Dreams. I got the quilt and two standard pillow shams at our local Belk store on clearance. You can readily find this bedding online. I am thinking of ordering one of the matching wool hooked rugs to go at the foot of the bed. Best of luck finding your new bedding!

  24. Very Clever Story Miss Sandy ~ Loved it!

  25. Hi sweet Sandy!!! I can't wait to see your beautiful room ~ I hope that you are doing wonderful...I'm so sorry I've not visited in so long dear friend! xxoo, Dawn

  26. Miss Sandy - What a cute post! I know very well the book you're talking about. Read it to my kids a hundred times at least...

    I also love what you're doing in your bedroom. I loved the old look, too, but I'm sure the new one will be beautiful - wish my husband would take a little initiative about the house...

    Don't know what delimna you're dealing with but I pray that the Lord will give you strength and peace as you work through it.

    Your post about the barren trees reaching up to heaven and knowing that they will bloom again really touched me today. It was about this time last year that my depression began and lasted for several months. At times I didn't know if I would ever bloom again. But God is good and I feel myself beginning to open up once more. Thanks for that picture lesson.

  27. I don't have a bedroom right now, and I am not sure where the decorating will take me when all is done up there. Right now it is being remodeled. I have a 1906 cottage farm house, and it is kinda room by room.
    I love this look you have done, and it looks so inviting.

  28. I just re-did my room as well but the only thing my hubby had any say in was.....helping to move the bed around and hanging a new light fixture :) What a hand fella!

    Here's a link to my room re-do post:

  29. Popping in to say hi since I haven't been around in a while. Cute post!


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!