Sunday, January 11, 2009

Serendipity Sunday: Building Up A Nest Egg.....

Serendipity: An instance of making a delightful and unexpected discovery.
"But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

~Matthew 6:20-21~
Align Center
"Every time you affirm your trust in Me, you put a coin into My treasury. Thus you build up equity in preparation for days of trouble. I keep safely in My heart all trust invested in Me, with interest compounded continuously. The more your trust Me, the more I enable you to do so.

Practice trusting Me during quiet days, when nothing much seems to be happening. Then when storms come, your trust balance will be sufficient to see you through. Store up for yourself treasure in heaven, through placing your trust in Me. This practice will keep you in My Peace."

Excerpt from "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young

This weeks delightful discovery came through the reading of the above passage. How awesome it is to think that while my earthly bank account balance may fluctuate and there may be little interest gained, my heavenly account keeps building with interest compounded continuously! We are living in some financially unstable times with uncertainty for many in the job market. I am glad to know the trustworthy Banker who will meet all my needs!

Miss Sandy


  1. Very comforting words this morning Miss Sandy. Hope you enjoy a wonderful Sunday.

  2. Such a good and comforting word for this Sunday when the wallet is empty yet the bills are paid. Have a wonderful day, Miss Sandy!

  3. What a great message! Thanks for the encouraging words and I hope you have a great Sunday!

  4. Hi Miss Sandy,

    ....lovely blogs yourself !
    I don't know how you manage three blogs ..I can hardly manage one !

    Thanks for the visit ..would love to see you again .

    Of course you can use a picture ...just let me know which one. I do appreciate you asking since I haven't put anything up about copyright yetwhich friends say I should - especially for the paintings.

    So just pop by my blog again and let me know - I'm kind of curious:)


  5. HI Sandy,

    Thanks so much for your kind comments! Your blog is beautiful too! I adore that header also!

    Yes, you can use any of my pictures, I would love that! I am running out the door now, but when I get back i'd love to look through your full blog, so nice to "meet" you :)

    Hugs, Cynthia

  6. Perfect timing! I am sitting here at my desk figuring out my tithing for the year. Right now I am tithing by faith and know the jobs will soon follow.

  7. Hi Miss Sandy!
    Well I would be honored if you added me to your favorites and please feel free to use a photo from my blog as long as you link it....
    p.s. I just added you to my blog roll...thought you were there, but must have missed you when I set it up in it's new format.

  8. Hi Miss Sandy! Just a quick note as I am running out the door - but you sure can use some of my photos and I am honored to be added to your blog roll. I will come back and add you to mine and do some visiting.

    Lovely post and a good reminder that we need to trust out Lord - in good times and in bad.


  9. Hello Miss Sandy!
    Thank you for your compliments regarding my blog. Of course you are welcome to put my blog on your blogroll. If you want to link a photo you are welcome too, though I do appreciate it if you would give me credits, but as I understood it should be part of a 'linking', well of course you have my permission for that. Nice to meet you and have a great day!

  10. Thank you for the beautiful thought!

  11. Thank-you for the scripture and words of comfort that help me remember Who is really in charge and He does not make mistakes. The God who made the world can certainly take care of His people.

  12. Sandy - thank you for the sweet reminder dear friend -- Stay
    warm -- Cold in the south this week - Kathy - ga

  13. Great thought. It's really true. Hopefully, I'm making regular deposits in my spiritual bank account with the Lord.

    God bless,

  14. Sandy, You will never know how much I needed to hear this today! So many things swirling around us. This is wonderful encouragement.

    Thank you!


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