So sorry to have gone MIA again but I have been one busy beaver getting everything perfect for my Artist Class tutorial. Let me tell you it has been a huge undertaking, not putting together the class instructions, BUT the technical side has been a challenge to say the least. I think I need an Everything Dummies Need to Know About Technical Stuff guide! I am every bit as tuckered out as the sweet little gal in the image above. Feel free to save her and use her in your art.
I won't bore you with the details, let's just say I have about snatched myself bald. Luckily I have a computer guru son who bailed me out and this afternoon Mary will have my contribution in her hot little hands and I will swoon with relief.
Talk about coming in under the wire, the Artist Class starts tomorrow! I wanted to share a few more goodies from the class with you. What can get better than books and cake? How about a cake made out of books? Look at this yummy project by Martha!

Also, Joy is going to show us some tips and tricks with digital art to make ATC's. She will be using elements and backgrounds from Mary's French Dictionary collection and is including a mini digital kit you can use.

Now, I'd like to offer a little goodie of my own to one of my blog readers. It's time for a give away! My project for the class is an Autumnal Banner. I will be giving away the sample banner I made for the class!
Now, I am off to continue to sort through all my own goodies and get them organized on the new closet shelving, making room for more fun stuff in the room! I'll see you on the flip side of the weekend. I hope you all have a happy Saturday!
Miss Sandy
What a sweet giveaway. I'd love to be entered. Thanks! Hope everything goes well for your class.
Your gorgeous tutorial is definitely worth waiting for!
I would like to do that class but all my Christmas gifts are handpainted etc. this year so I have no time to put in anything else. I would like to register for the give-away. Maybe you all will do another tutorial.
Good luck with your class- I'm sure it will be great!!
What a pretty banner! Count me in! Thanks for the free image. Sally Hackney
I would love to be entered into your giveaway! Thank you!
The projects for the class look like so much fun to make. Such creative ladies!
Thanks for the darling image I just know your Class will be a terrific success!
Miss Sandy,
What a wonderfull gift giveaway, your banner is beautifull, and I`m happy to be one of the partisipants in Mary`s class, so I will be there to learn all about this beauty.
I will also be happy, to be counted into your great giveaway.
Miss Sandy what beautiful projects all of you have submitted for the artist class! I love your gorgeous Autumn banner that you made, how beautiful it would look across my fireplace :) I have always loved your art work, it so reminds me of Dawn of The Feathered Nest...your styles are both so beautiful focusing on nature and all its beauty. I have a piece of her artwork and hope to one day of one of yours too. Rose
I'm very excited about the class! I'm sorry it was so hard for you technically, but I'm glad you're finished and now is time for the fun to begin! I'm camping with my son's Scout Troop until tomorrow afternoon, but will log on as soon as I can to the class!
Sandy, wish you all the best with the artist class! Can't join this time as I am watching expenditures since I currently do not have a job. Have fun!
The art class looks like it's going to be wonderful. I love the book cake!! I also adore your banner. Please enter my name!
I'll try my luck one more time ;-). Goodl luck on teaching on Art class. I won't be joining as I still have to many projects on my mind not to speak of supplies waiting. I even didn't go to the flea market for that reason this morning, so that really says something. Have a nice Sunday!
Oh, yes! I'd love to win that pretty banner!
Glad you got your class stuff worked out. I know how frustrating it can be trying to figure out the techie end. That's why God gave me a son to do it for me.
The art class sounds wonderful! How busy you must be right now... So glad you have technical support available. I am often challenged myself.
Autumn in my favorite time of year, so please count me in on the giveaway! It's absolutely lovely!
Abundant blessings upon your class and each day of this great adventure of life; living it to its fullest...
Wishing you great fun with all this. Perhaps you'll write the book that you've been needing for the rest of us. What a beautiful banner!
Good to see you are home Miss Sandy, I hope you are having a wonderful Fall. Your banner is lovely, and I would love to join in. Hugs, Mary
i think i know just what you are talking about Miss Sandy...i am not so computer savvy and i have no idea how i am going to send my tut details to Mary...i guess i will figure that out this week...
wonderful goodies -- anyone would like to win -- Blessings kathy - ga
That's very pretty! Would look great in my living room! Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks Sandy!
I love the banner!!!
I've been reading about the Artist Class event - sounds SO delightful! Your AUTUMN banner is great - please add me to your list of possible winners!
Oh Miss Sandi!
What a wonderful give away. I love the Autumn banner. The blue jay and the squirrels are just precious. What a wonderful job you did on this. Thank you for sharing and giving me an opportunity to win. Country hugs and love, Sherry
Hi Miss Sandy~
I found you through Charlene at My Heart's Ease :) This is such a lovely Giveaway. Please enter my name for the drawing of this beautiful garland.
I am having a Giveaway also that ends tomorrow so please come and enter mine also. I am off to read more of your is so lovely!
LuLu Kellogg
I am lovin this banner! Wish I could take those Artist classes! You have a lovely blog that I enjoy reading. Please enter me in the giveaway!
Hello, from a peep that visits daily. I would cherish this banner if i were fortunate to be chosen.I love your music and have come to visit a few times just to listen and relax. :-)
Hi Sandy!!! You KNOW I have to enter your wonderful giveaway ~ your banner is just gorgeous!!! xxoo, Dawn
Lovely banner, love your blog too. Thanks for offering this, I'd love to win it. Hugs, Carol
Sandy, I love your blog and have been visiting for a bit now. Please enter me in, I love the banner!
What a lovely giveaway. It is gorgeous! Thanks for chance to win your artwork!
Hi Sandy, I just found your blog thru feathered nest and I love your art and your banner! Please include me in your giveaway.
I joined up for the classes and I can't wait to get started on the projects. This week end I will be creating! (:
Smiles and Blessings!
Nancy C
I too am so happy to have found your blog through The Feathered Nest. Your autumn banner is just gorgeous and I too would love to be entered into your giveaway! Someone is going to be so lucky to win this beautiful piece!
HI Sandi!!
Oh I love your blog..the graphics, the music..just Lovely!
Please enter me in your wonderful banner giveaway!! How exciting!
I am having my first giveaway too, so please stop by and enter;)
Happy Friday!
~Let FREEDOM Ring!~
I LOVE the banner - you are such a talented lady!
Many blessings always,
What a gorgeous banner...please include me in the drawing! I'm enjoying the projects on Artist Class...I just wish I could stay home from work and play all day!
What a beautiful banner. I thank you for the chance to win that beautiful banner!
This is a lovely banner. I keep going back to look at it again and again! Glad to find your blog! Jamie V in MT
Love love the banner! You're so creative!
Love the gorgeous banner! Please enter me in the drawing!
I arrived at your beautiful blog from Dawn E's, The Feathered Nest!!
Thanks for the fun giveaway opportunity!
Grandma G's
That is a gorgeous banner! Please enter my name in your Give Away. I love anything to do with autumn, my favorite season!
Nita Jo
Hi!! I'm just peeking in your door...I have just come over from The Feathered Nest. Please count me in for your Giveaway for the beautiful Autumn banner. I am moving in a few weeks and it would go just perfect in my new home just in time for Thanksgiving!! Great tidings of Joy to you and yours!! Thank you! Susan in Georgia.
Hi Sandi~ Just found you through Feathered Nest. Your banner is beautiful and I would LOVE to win it! Many blesssings to you~Sonya
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