"One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries."
~A. A. Milne~
We installed shelving all the way across the space and I am still in the progress of figuring out exactly how I want it all arranged. This might have been simpler to do if I would have had time to plan it all out before the move.
Darling Daughter needed one of my cupboards for her art supplies in her new home and I had promised her any or all of the cupboards if she wanted them. I had to quickly empty this one...
for her to take with her, so all the stuff from it got shoved in a box or in the closet. Then this one and the one in the closet needed to be emptied...
to be taken up to my grandmothers for a laundry room project, so all their contents also got shoved into the closet. That is why the closet looks like a some what of a messy jumble, just a small peek mind you of the part that looks pretty good...
I still have to sift through the stuff Darling Daughter left behind. Shall we take a peek and see if there is any good stuff? In drawer number 1... just junk!
In drawer number 2...JACKPOT! Yummy rubber stamps!
She knows how much I love and used her feather so she left it for me, so sweet.
In drawer number 3...pretty papers left over from her projects!
Underneath, more paper and card kits, and beneath that decorative scissors and other fun stuff!
Cabinet number 1...a container full of cards, a lot them handmade by her!
Also, this container full of fabulous papers, stickers, and embellishments that she says are no longer her style, lucky me!
And this one...full of stickers and embellishments!
And yet another container full of paper kits and embellishments she has assembled!
A drawer full of ...bright cheery Christmas goodness!
That solves this years card making idea, I'm using this stuff!
I love hand~me~downs and leftovers like this don't you? I asked her a thousand times if she was sure she wanted to leave this stuff. She got very exasperate with me and said, "Yes, I am sure! Now go play and have fun with it all."
Underneath I found two scrapbooks that were nearly finished that she says she has outgrown, girlhood stuff. I'll finish them, save them, and give them to her in ten years when her twenties have slipped into her thirties and she will once again be sentimental about such stuff.
Lastly, I found this...an album almost complete of precious girlhood memories with more finished pages yet to be added. I'll finish it too and save it for her.
Now I have to sort through her stuff and my stuff and combine all our stuff but first I have to have a place to put all this stuff now that my cabinets are gone. So, that is where this stuff I dragged out of storage comes in, two tatty old book cases...
An old door...
Miss Sandy
Such a charming place to work! You truly inspire. :)
I can't wait to see what you do with the old bookcases, door and trunk! Where did you get them? I love, love, love your studio!
If you are in the mood for a funny story, stp by my blog sometime today and have a laugh!
What a lot of sweet treasures! Enjoy the "hunt" while you reorganize. That's always the most fun!
Please stop by my blog. I gave a little "shout out" about you. A "Thank You" for my gorgeous Autumn Banner! I love it!
Nita Jo
I love reading about your constructive ideas. I like how you arranged those beautiful items on the shelves, they look pretty neat to me.
Any update on your store!
What lovely finds to get your creative mind to envision all kinds of projects! Have fun!
What a pretty studio! I can't wait to see what you do with the bookcases and the door. Looking forward to photos!
Wow Sandy she left you some wonderful stuff! I know you will have fun with it all.
What a lovely bunch of treasures! I love the old door and the white trunk. I think it would be fun to make some discoveries in someone else's stuff!
Have a wonderful evening!
I can't wait to see what you do with the trunk and bookcases!
Looks like you are having such a good time. Can't wait to see what all you do for the new pieces. Also, sounds like you are missing dear daughter. But, look at the up side... all that room & left behind goodies. Besides, they are more fun when they come visit than when they LIVE there. Take heart! Thanks for sharing. Hugs
So many wonderful goodies Sandy!!!! I love it ALL! Your daughter was so generous but you're right, her mind is on other things right now...I love seeing glimpses of your studio and can't wait to see you transform these new pieces too! xxoo, Dawn
Sandy, will you excuse this statement, please? "I think you hit the Mother load of jackpots!" I couldn't resist...sorry. Not only do you gain a room you gain all those goodies. I wouldn't complain either! When my daughter moved out all she left was dirty clothes....lol
What a blessing! (AND alot of fun work!)
All these wonderful treasures, what will you do? I can hardly wait to see. I went back and looked at some of your posts I have missed...you have been busy.
Happy everyday, Mary
I see your daughter is every bit as creative as you, what fun you must have when you work together.
I know what you mean about the treasure hunt when cleaning and re-organizing. I think I am organized, then I find the most wonderful and forgotten things as I clean my craft-room up, like finding buried treasure..and really, it is often buried in the other crafty treasures.
Your storage itself is a thing of beauty!
Sandy -- I'm a bit behind on my blog reading this week and will be back to ogle those shoes some more! In the meantime, I wanted to tell you that I finished my Autumn Banner and posted it on my blog this morning! Thank you for such a wonderful project -- I had such fun doing it!
I just love peeking in other peoples studios! And yes please do the guessing 'what is in this box?' with us! I keep some things that don't belong together at first sight, together too. For example when I won the lovely journal here and you spoiled me with ephemera, I kept those papers (except for the journal which has a 'spotlight' place in my studio) together in a beautiful paper bag. I have this peg in my studio, with a few of these bags. Sometimes I keep stuff from swaps in the same way. This way I can remember my stuff better and I experience the joy of receiving these gifts over and over again. Mmm now I write this you trigger me: I should spend some more time in my studio just enjoying all the lovely things I received. Maybe today!
Have a lovely day Miss Sandy, warm wishes from afar!
Dear Miss Sandy,
You and I are two peas in a pod for sure. I gave my daughter the contents of my office so she could begin her new adventure. Unfortunately I don't have an attic to replace anything so it currently sits empty.
Ah, one room at a time. :)
I love your studio spruce up...can I get you to come to Cali and help me with mine :) It looks so great and you have it looking so organized :)Not jealous....really I'm not...did I sound believable??? I didn't think so :) Buy really I LOVE what you are doing in there. Besos, Rose
I'd say you got a good deal with all the 'goodies' that can be containerized easily. Plus your daughter got much needed storage, too. It's a win, win. Love the idea of finishing her scrapbooks for a later date.
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