"Christmas is forever, not for just one day, for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf. The good you do for others is good you do yourself..."
~Norman Wesley Brooks, "Let Every Day Be Christmas," 1976~
Happy Monday to one and all! I am feeling a little chipper that I actually got the tree decorated this weekend AND the mantle to boot! Today I will do the vignette for the dining table and that will be my meager offering for Christmas decor this season. Sad but true.
(Run to your nearest Big Lots ~ bottle brush wreaths on clearance for $3.50!!!)
~Norman Wesley Brooks, "Let Every Day Be Christmas," 1976~
I am so in love with my first very own tree! It is tricky taking a photo of a Christmas tree. No flash and it is too dark. Using a flash and it is washed out. I tried a trick a friend recommend to me and I think it turned out more realistic. She said to put a piece of vellum over the flash and then take the photo. My flash pops up from my camera so I made a little vellum sleeve to slip over it. It seemed to cut the glare of the flash.
My friend, Pam, generously donated her dried hydrangeas and all the spectacular emu feathers that adorn my decor this year. She does not have an emu she just knew someone who raised them. Oh, she also gave me her used coffee filters dyed to perfection, I don't drink coffee so she gave me some of hers, that I used on my paper birds and a hunk of foam that became my sculpted paper birds. OK, she actually gave me a bunch of foam to use as packing products but around here anything is fair game for crafting with.
Thanks so much, Pam, for not only the cool crafting supplies you pass my way but for you friendship, the fun and laughter we always share, and for knowing that you are always there. I love you sister of my heart.
It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas here at the Quill. Wanna have a close peek at the tree? I present to you my version of a Rustique Christmas...
Topped to perfection...
The in between..
The glue gun was drawn and the glitter flew, from these...
To these...

To down below...

My mini mantle...(grrrrr, I still don't like Handy Hubby's big ol' TV!)

May your nest be filled with joy this holiday season!
Miss Sandy
P.S. Rose and Bonita, the ornament tutorials you requested will be up by Wednesday. I had to babysit the grands last evening and I did not get the photos up loaded. I am so sorry but will have them up for you next post.
It looks gorgeous, I love your colour scheme.
Your Christmas decor is charming. The feathers certainly add a touch of glamour!
Lovely tree, it was worth all the effort! You have just enough decorations, in my opinion. I never like decoration overload. Too much visual stimulation gives me a headache :)
Thanks for the heads up about the Big Lots wreath sale.
Enjoy your Monday!
Sandy, it's all so beautiful!!! I love the colors...and each and every ornament ~ it's all so very YOU!!! I hope you have a wonderful week sweet friend...hugs and love, Dawn
So glad you have found your merry.
Be bright!
Miss Sandy! I am SO enjoying all of this vintage-y Christmas eye candy...I love your tree and mantle!!! Fantastic job girl...those Christmas ornaments are so pretty, I love the way you embellished them! You are soooo inspiring, if only I could find the time to be as good as you!!!
Merry Christmas!!! Sit back and enjoy your beautiful decor!!!
everything vintage
ps...Have I thanked you for carrying me through the latter half of 2009??? I could never express how thankful I am for having met you!!!! {heart}
Oh Sandi your tree & mantle turned out sooooooooooo pretty! I love your tree! And I understand about the TV! Boys! But, they do put up with all of our foo foo decor so, I guess we have to give a little too. GRETA JOB!!!!! Were your ears burning yesterday? At the tea some of us were talking about your wonderful blog & how much we enjoy it. Hugs! Charlene
So sweet and beautiful!! The ringbearer in my daughters wedding is carrying a birds nest for the pillow. I may have to use some of your ideas to decorate it.
Miss Sandy, Oh what a beautiful tree! Hopefully, you can relax a little bit and enjoy the rest of your week. May your Christmas be as beautiful as your decorations turned out to be. Thank you for sharing your gifts with all of us. And may we all remember to rejoice in our Savior's birth.
Good tidings~Sonya
Your tree is magical! Soooo pretty! Thanks for sharing this soft, lovely vision with us all and Merry Merry Christmas to you!
I love every inch of your tree, too! I've never seen anything like it...so creative and original you are, my dear!
Your Christmas tree is so beautiful, so unique. Wow!
Sandy- I love the rustic vintage charm of your decorations- and of course, that "sepia" feeling. Thanks for the tutorials in your later post- I'm tempted to start making ornaments for next year!
Happy holidays to you and yours!
Best, Beth
Its beautiful Sandy ! How pretty are all of the ornaments you made for it too :) The mantle is gorgeous as well. :) You did more decorating than me, lol !! Where did the elves end up ? :) Merry Christmas !!!
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