Friday, March 20, 2009

She Speaks Scholarship Contest For Bloggers...

"She speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue."
~Proverbs 31:26~

Dear Readers, I am departing a bit today from the regular Friday Beautiful Life Goals hosted by Melissa of The Inspired Room to tell you about a wonderful opportunity. In a way it is not so much of a departure as one of my goals was to seek out a conference and hopefully be able to attend. I encourage you to visit all those who have been so faithful in posting every Friday. Lysa TerKeurst of Proverbs 31 Ministries has announced a She Speaks scholarship contest for bloggers. The 8th Annual She Speaks Conference will be held on July 31 ~ August 2, 2009 in Concord, North Carolina.

She Speaks is a conference for women that encourages, equips, and gives the confidence needed to make a greater impact in reaching out to a hurting world and offering hope. Speakers, Writers, Women's Ministry Leaders, Young Women, and yes, even Bloggers will benefit from attending this life~changing weekend! To see full contest rules and how you too can enter visit Lysa's post
here. To review the She Speaks Conference information in detail visit here.

This past week a stranger had a profound impact upon me though three little words. These were not words I was used to hearing in reference to myself. The more I thought upon them and reached back in my memory as far as I could go I knew they had never been applied to me in the positive way she wrote them. For days I hugged them to my heart and whispered them to myself in wonder and awe that they could even include me. My heart literally jumped with joy at the very thought of them. This woman does not know me, we have never met or spoken, yet her words were a gift of encouragement unlike anything I have ever received save that of the gift of knowing Jesus.

With three little words, a short message indeed, she opened up a world full of possibilities of believing I am capable of being or becoming anything I desire to be. She planted the seed of potential and the possibility of growth into something not yet in existence. In that moment of realization an even deeper desire to pass along the cup of encouragement to others sealed itself in my heart.

What did she write to me? "...have the potential..." It is my estimation that we often believe what we hear about ourselves and more often than not what we hear is negative rather than positive. I thought back to early times in my life when the power of words gave me the potential to become exactly what was uttered. "You dumb bunny, your so stupid!" made me think I was not smart nor could I ever have the potential of being so. "Your as clumsy as a bull in a china closet!" made me think I only had the potential of being awkward and clumsy. A classmate who barked in my face and called me a dog took away the potential of ever feeling pretty. The wounds that these words inflicted have stuck with me all these years.

With three positive little words of encouragement, support, an expression of approval, and the act of giving hope poured forth into my wounded heart and made all the difference in the world in how I suddenly saw myself. Scripture says that, "A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." (Proverbs 25:11 NIV) This suggests some kind of a decorative piece or centerpiece on a table or a carving done in gold over silver. Either way, the emphasis is on exquisite beauty, value, and artistry which our speech should resemble.

The increase of confidence that I gained from knowing that someone who doesn't even know me, yet believes in me, made me feel valued and was a gift of exquisite beauty. More than having someone know that I believe in them is sharing the message that there is One who believes in each of us. There is One who sees potential in us far greater than we could ever dream or imagine. We may not be able to comprehend what He sees in us but when we become His girl, He will change our world. My desire is to communicate God's love through encouragement.

Attending She Speaks would give me an opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge I need to hone a written message of encouragement, hope, and healing. I truly believe there is power in positive communication to break negative strongholds and to be able to effectively share with others what Jesus and this woman did for me is the reason I would like to attend the She Speaks conference.

Miss Sandy


  1. Words of encouragment are so needed these days- How wonderful that you found a great resource.
    I Hope you are able to attend.

  2. It's so amazing how the human spirit responds to positive words...just a few well chosen words can make us smile, can drive us to achieve more that we imagined, can turn our attitude around ~ if only parents, leaders and managers would realize this!!! I do hope that you get to attend the conference sweet Sandy but you must know that you have always been an uplifting and encouraging friend to me ~ have a wonderful weekend, xxoo, Dawn

  3. Miss Sandy, everyone who knows you finds you brilliant and beautiful. Isn't it odd that a moment of insanity on the part of the barking child could inflict so much pain?! Children can be so very cruel.

    May you find the means and the way to attend what sounds like a wonderful opportunity! The Lord will make the way, I am quite certain. He's already pointed you in that direction and given you that desire.

    Have a delicious first day of spring, my beautiful, brilliant friend!

  4. I think back to last Summer when I found your blog when you posted about Laura Ingalls Wilder. YOU gave me the encouragement and determination to start a blog. Your faithful friendship and support have made it possible for me to meet new friends in places I will never visit. Friends who pray with us when we are sad or laugh with us when we are delighted. YOU, whom I have never met cared enough to help me mend a broken heart over the passing of my mother & best friend. God has definitely had a hand in orchestrating all these healthy, positive relationships across the miles. Sandy, I thank God for your friendship and wish you a blessed weekend.

  5. Words are one of the most powerful tools we have to influence others. Too often words spoken are depressing or discouraging. How wonderful that someone spoke these words of encouragement to you - words that will encourage you to forge ahead!

    Happy Spring!


  6. When I was a little girl, I had a poster of a horse that I just loved. The saying on the poster sain.."within my lies the power to seize the hour, and live my dreams." Years later, I would add my own affirmation of strength to this... "I believe I can accomplish anything I set my mind to." It would be only when I was saved that I would learn a deeper truth.."Jesus looked at them and said, With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

    Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault

  7. I pray that you get to attended. I went last year and had a great time of fellowship and encouragement.

    Keep to that "potential" friend. God has seeded your life with purpose and promise within.


  8. Hmm, methinks there is a God whisper in your heart right now. You are the daughter of a King and He has placed the potential in you to fulfil His wonderful plan for your life. Go for it Miss Sandy!

  9. How wonderful for you, Sandy! Years ago, I was at a conference where the speaker spoke on the power of the tongue. It changed my life forever.


  10. WOW! You write so beautifully and so elegantly! Just your writing is worthy of you going to the She Speaks Conference and capitalizing your gifts of writing. Thank you for your encouragement on my blog this morning. Have a blessed day.

  11. What a beautiful, beautiful post with such truth.

  12. Thank you for the comment on my blog. Maybe we will meet one day. Have a great weekend.

  13. Thanks for the kind comment you left on my blog.I love your blog. I will be back again to look at all of your wonderful tutorials!:)
    Chrissie Grace

  14. Miss Sandy,

    Thank you so much for the comment on my blog. I have really enjoyed reading your post. You have such a writing talent and your site makes me just want to linger. The field trip post was so inviting. Made me want to jump in the car and make the 2 and 1/2 hour drive to visit the old stone church.
    I'll be back often.

    If we both get to attend the She Speaks conference, I would love to meet you.

    Your Arkansas Sister in Christ!

  15. You do have a wonderful gift and I do hope you get to attend the conference! You are so precious!

    By the way, the A Woman Inspired Conference (see a video about it on my blog is offering reduced price tickets now for $12.95 only until April 1. It is an online conference so everyone can attend, wherever they live! Lysa is one of the speakers! I hope everyone gets to attend a conference somewhere that inspires them to be all they can be!


  16. Hey sweet lady whom I do not know. I want to encourage you today to say that "You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you". Praying for you and God's direction in your life. God is our comforter and our Creator, you never know what He has planned for you! Good luck and hope to see you there!

    Much love,
    Tracy Jenks

  17. Beautiful words! Out of the overflow of the heart so the mouth speaks (or hand writes) You are beautifu, new friend. Beautiful.

  18. What a beautiful blog template! So welcoming!

    I love your heart and how you seek to use your words to reach others.

    Praying for your dreams & good luck in the contest!


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!