Monday, April 27, 2009

Encouraging Words For Writers & Bloggers.....

"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart."
~William Wordsworth~

Have you ever had writers or bloggers block? Need a boost in that department? I know the perfect place for you to visit to receive the encouragement that you need! Bonita of Streams of Living Water has started a new blog called Encouraging Words For Writers. As an author of Hands-On Essays, a curriculum to help students master essay writing, having written devotionals for P31 Ministries (which you can read here, here, and here), as well as being a graduate of She Speaks, she has a wealth of tips, training, and advice that she is pouring into her new blog.

Bonita's new blog was birthed from her newsletter, The Writing Well, which is a weekly email newsletter full of not only encouragement but information that helps hone writing skills. She will be hosting a series of newsletters in the next few issues where she has invited some very successful bloggers to join her and they will be sharing their wealth of blogging knowledge and experience. To sign up for the free weekly newsletter you can contact Bonita at
I have to tell you that this is one thing that I look forward to every Monday morning!

I hope you will visit Bonita at her new blog and give her a warm welcome in sharing her passion for writing. On Wednesday she will host her very first Encouraging Words For Writers Give Away so you won't want to miss out on signing up for that! Sign up is from Wed. April 29 ~ Sat. May 2 for a copy of
" An Untroubled Heart" by Micca Campbell.

Miss Sandy


  1. Wow! I think you covered my entire life in this post! You are so sweet and I appreciate you getting the word out to other writers and bloggers. Bless you!

  2. Thank you Sandy for sharing this info. I'll visit Bonita now. Hope you are having a great day!

  3. Thank you, Sandy, for passing this information along. I'll be sure to visit her.



  4. Thank you for sharing this wonderful resource. I think that anyone who does this kind of work is an angel. And you're one, too, for getting the word out.

  5. Thanks for sharing this info Sandy. Sometimes not only do I have bloggers block but I don't even want to do it. Sometimes I just want to give it up. But then I would miss all my bloggy friends.

  6. "Fill your writing with the breathing of your heart", that phrase alone speaks volumes! Inspiring post! Thank-you.


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!