Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Sweet Tweet Give Away Sneak Peek.....

"Those nimble little musicians of the air, that warble forth their curious ditties, with which nature hath furnished them to the shame of art."
~Izaak Walton~

I recently mentioned that I had reached my 300th post and would soon be hosting a give away. I am working on three art projects to give away and thought I would give you a sneak peek of the first project that is almost complete. This project was inspired by artist Vanessa Spencer while browsing the video library of Stampington & Co.; who publishes all my favorite art publications. You can also view other great Stampington & Co. videos here on StampingtonCo's Channel on YouTube.

(journal cover)
I fell in love with Vanessa's Bird Journal and decided to give it a try. Her written instructions with supply list and product brands, as well as her video showing how to make the project made assembly quick and easy. This large board book journal measures 12"x5" and contains 14 journaling blocks.

(journal back)
I still have to bind the book and add the final embellishments. I will give you a peek at the other projects as soon as I get them started. I confess one page did not make it into the book, I have plans for that sweet tweet. I will be hosting the give away next week so check back then for sign up as well as project details. I also have some great tips and fun tricks to share with you.

(journal pages)
I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Miss Sandy


  1. That is going to be beautiful! I just love that....

  2. I love just about anything to do with birds! This will be fun!
    Waiting anxiously!

  3. I wish I could spend an afternoon in your writing/craft cottage. You have the most creative ideas! Can't wait to see more.

  4. Oh Miss Sandy - it looks wonderful so far. Can´t wait to see it finished.
    I´m having a giveaway over at my place too - pop over to see if you like
    Hugs, Tina

  5. I didn't know that Stampington has a video library, thanks for the tip, how am I ever going to shut down this computer lol? I love the bird journals. Looking forward to your giveaway ;-)
    Have a nice day!

  6. That's a darling project. I'd love to know more about it. But, course you know, I ran over after my day away to find out how that unexpected day off went. Hope that you both had an excellent day!

  7. Wow...the bird journal is so sweet.

    Hugs Karen

  8. I too , like the bird journals. You and I are both approaching 300 posts!Isn't blogging fun?

  9. Your creativity never ceases to amaze and bless me! Beautiful birdies!

  10. this is so lovely - looking forward to seeing more -- Kathy - ga

  11. Hi Sandy
    Ofcourse you may share the photos on your blog. I would be delighted.
    Thanks for entering :D
    Hugs, Tina

  12. What a wonderful idea! It looks beautiful so far. . .can't wait to see more!

  13. You have been one busy bee!

    I just recently returned from Minnesota and have so missed visiting you.


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!