Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Flea's & Tiques - Artful Finds.....

"When I go to a country, I go to flea markets, antique stores. I am always looking for something."
~Ursula Andress~
Thank you all so much for letting me know that my posts are now getting through. I really appreciate the feedback. I am sorry so many of you are experiencing some of the same issues as well as others. I think it is not "us" but "them". Anyway, I am glad to be back in loop.

I recently started a new art project and needed a few items to incorporate into the main body of the piece, soooo, I had to go flea marketing. I know, its a tough job, but a girl has to do what a girl has to do! I am working within a very limited color pallet of shades of three colors, wanted specific textures, and the items had to have the feel of a specific time period. Not much to ask for huh?

I knew my best bet would be to first try Flea's & Tiques, (1097 Highway 65N, Greenbrier, AR), one of my favorite antique and flea markets. They have a great mix of styles and items with equally great prices. The owners are friendly and fun to banter with. If you are ever in the area be sure and stop by, you will love it!(This photo has nothing to do with what I bought but don't you just love this old iron bed frame welded into a bench? Dreamy fabric too! I love this dealers booth!)

I found a wonderful old chippy picture frame with hand painted details on the corners ~ a steal at 50 cents! OK, so first thing out of the gate was not for the project I was working on but I had to buy it and I do intend for it to be a frame for a collage...someday.I did find a tiny pink fabric pin cushion with a crochet overlay,a pink leaf impression ceramic thing-a-ma-bob, and the best of all...a dance card from a 1917 Halloween Dance, complete with the original ribbon, tassel, and tiny pencil!
All of these will fit nicely into the project. The dance card cover is super delicate, I plan to carefully disassemble it, copy it and use the copy for the actual project as I don't think the original will hold up.

Ordinarily I would not touch the integrity of a vintage ephemera item but sometimes to save it you have to alter it. I will need to glue the brittle cover to another piece of paper in order to preserve it as it is literally crumbling with age. I will also treat it and all the pages with a spray that neutralizes acids that deteriorate paper and cause brittleness to prevent further decay. There are darling little notes under the dance titles.

Another stop netted me a few more items, a pair of ivory sheer ladies gloves with a ruffle at the wrist, (BIG SIGH, my technical difficulties are not over, Blogger refuses to load the photo below in the right position! In my file it it correct, when I upload it is sideways!!! Just tilt your head to the right to view the correct position. I give up!) a small round frame, and 3 chandelier crystals, a small oval mirror, and an interesting old opalescent bottle. I also found these very large spools of fiber.
One is a knotted cotton type heavy twine and the other two are chenille, these are also not for the project but for a dollar a spool I was not about to pass them up. They had several more cones and now I am wondering should I have bought them all but they are very large and take up space to store.

Can you guess which item in the photos is not mentioned? It was not a purchase, it is the first piece I made for the project and is not complete yet. If you guessed the dress you are correct!
I had a ton of fun designing and sewing this little lace number. I'll add a few more sneak peeks as I make progress.

Miss Sandy


  1. How very sweet! I would love to have tagged along as you gathered up treasures. The little dress is amazing. I just came from KathyB's daughter's blog (A. Joy at Home) and her 7 year old made her Barbie a dress all by herself. I believe we might have a fashion designer in the making!

  2. Glad your blog troubles are over. One never knows what will come up next. I love your creations and your finds. My little town is full of shops but I am afraid to go anymore. I used to buy things I thought I would use and end not, so I had a lot of things. I have six children and have started making a quilt for each one. It won't take long for the sewing, but I have never quilted before. But it is fun giving it a try. Blessings

  3. Great finds Miss Sandy!
    I can't wait to see more sneak peeks!!!!!
    I just LOVE the store name...Fleas & Tiques! How original, I've never heard that before!!! :)
    everything vintage

  4. Glad that the difficulties are almost solved. This was a good day for me not to be blogging. I hate having my knickers in a knot.

    My intrigue level is so high here. I can't quite imagine what you're up to, but I know that it's going to be good. Now, if you could clear up another little thing the way that you did with the gel medium...what's this about an acid neutralizer?

  5. Oh Sandy, I wish I would have been with you ~ I love shopping for art treasures and you found GREAT goodies!!! I love your new creation and can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve! Glad you are able to post now too :) ~ xxoo, Dawn

  6. Awwww! I don't like these con't. things! Just like some of my favorite t.v. shows! I am soo impatient!
    Sounds like you have some terrific shops near you. I love it when you find just what you are looking for!
    Anxiously awaiting the finished creation! I wonder if there will be a story to go with it? ;~}

  7. I love seeing your thought process as you put these things together and how you find artful ways to put things together to create such beautiful pieces. Lovely!

  8. Your artwork is simply stunning! and I loved to go fleaing with you. Have a nice day!

  9. What fun! I love sorting through Antique shops and you found some wonderful little tidbits that will become new creations.

    Linda :)

  10. You found some goodies, Miss Sandy. I can't wait to see what you do with them! I found some gloves like those, except they are sheer PINK. They are laying on my daughter's antique vanity. Do hurry!

  11. LOve this -- vintage things transport me to another time -- so lovely - Kathy - ga

  12. Your shadow box is just beautiful! And the dance card...eeekk!...what a find! Love the little dress you designed too!

  13. What a lovely project! That dress doesn't look easy to make at all. I would love to see that dance card up close. What a treasure.

    I'm really liking that white coffee table too. That's the kind I want. I saw one at Good Will one day for $5 and it was so well made. I just had to have it but, alas, it was already sold. Bummer!

    My neighbor has family in your area and after seeing that store I think I might have to join her for the next family reunion!

  14. What fun you had Miss Sandy. I am starting back on this post so I'm not sure if you have posted more on the darling little dress and how they are going to tie into your new finds. Looking forward to seeing your creation.

    Hugs Karen


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