Friday, August 28, 2009

Blog Inerruption...

(image source ~ Flaming June by Lord Fredrick Leighton)

This blog is interrupted until the room stops spinning, my knees quit quaking, and my head quits aching. It seems I have a lovely virus. I hope you all are well and enjoy a great weekend.

Miss Sandy


  1. Girl, what have you picked up now? Bless your sweet heart, I hope it doesn't last very long. Where my hubbie teaches lots of people are sick. Take care of yourself!

  2. I am very sorry Sandy. I hope you will feel better real soon.

  3. Sandy, I hope you feel better quikly, get lots of rest and come back smiling. Rose

  4. Oh Sandy so sorry.

  5. I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you feel better soon!

  6. Feel better soon...Seems I had a bit of Vertigo ...I took some motion sickness pills to help it...It could of been worse then I would of gone to the doctors if it had really persisted and got worse...So I hope you don't have that and you'll be back to do all the things you love to do

  7. Oh, Miss Sandy, i'm sending well wishes your way. hugs.

  8. Blessings and prayers sent your way for a fast and complete recovery - Sarita Boyette

  9. Very good painting to illustrate your desire sleep comfortably until you shake off this virus. Hope it is a "24 hour" bug and we read you again soon, but you probably are way more concerned about FEELING better soon!

  10. I am sorry to hear this. You better take a bed rest and don't come back until you are feeling totally recovered again. We will wait (anxiously) for you, take care, I do hope that you are on the mend soon. Thinking of you.

  11. Oh sorry you are sick -- Thankfully those virus type things do not last long - UGH !! - Get
    better quick - Kathy - ga

  12. Oh i hope it's "nothing" and that you feel better soon!

  13. OH NO! I hope you are feeling well again soon. Rest & take care of yourself!!!

  14. Hope you feel better soon Sandy. God Bless.
    Hey I watched "Fireproof". Loved it. You were right, it has such powerful messages. Thanks for recommending it.

  15. I hope you're feeling better soon!



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