Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Thinking of You.....

"Love is flower~like;
Friendship is like a sheltering tree."
~S. T. Coleridge~
I will be out of pocket for a few more days here in blog land and wanted to let you all know that I am thinking of you. I truly treasure the friendships I have made here and count each of you as special friends. Do you ever find yourself in a conversation where you refer to one of your blog acquaintances as your friend? I do! Even though we have only met through words I feel I have come to know you through our short conversations in our comments to one another and through reading one anothers blogs.

I have some special things to share with you when I return and I am very near my second anniversary of hosting this blog. That means a give away! I'll be posting details on that early next week. In the meantime, I hope each of you have a delightful day.

Miss Sandy


  1. I surely do refer to my blog friends in real life. I did it just this morning in talking about gardening with my mother in law.

    Thanks for being there.

    Your quiet spirit and way with words are a true blessing.

    Becky K.

  2. Enjoy your time away from blogland. All of your bloggy "friends" will be awaiting your return and that give-away!

  3. Wishing you pleasant days and eagerly await your return. My "local" friend/family know all about my blog circle of friends. When I am shopping, I even see items that remind me of each of you and your various interests. God has blessed me tremendously thru blogging.
    When you do return, look at my 8/12 post - I FINALLY got my din. rm. columns finished!!! YEAH!

  4. I treasure the friendships and ours too. It is even difficult to have a conversation with me without mentioning one of my blog pals :$
    Have a delightful day yourself, I am looking forward to your return up here.

  5. Sandy , yes I consider you one of my friends -- YOur blog -- delights my Heart and eyes - Kathy - ga

  6. Like you, I love my blogging friends! Thanks for sharing today!

  7. Oh yes, I think of my "bloggy" friends often. I haven't forgotten your question regarding Gatlinburg and will be sending a response soon.

  8. I'll be awaiting your return...your tutorials are my favorites

  9. Your posts will be missed but I am eagerly waiting for the next one. You are such a
    Blessings to you, my blogging friend..Sharon

  10. Oh I do hope that your current days are filled with happiness and sunshine.

  11. Sandy, thank you for this very kind note. I wish you a beautiful time wherever you will be. You are right, you are my friend. You have blessed me in many ways and I have learnt a lot and enjoyed your creativity.


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!