Wednesday, April 14, 2010


"I saw a pretty bluebird, yesterday,
Rocking itself upon a budding spray--
The while it flutter forth a tender song,
That brought a promise of sunshiny days."

-Andrew Downing, The Bluebird-
A little birdie told me
that nest building is not always easy.. Sometimes one must go out on a limb...Be open and fully expose ones self to new ideas...Try on a few new colors...Play with texture...
Nothing is carved in stone...Don't get in a hurry, sit with the new ideas for a while...
Relax and enjoy the process letting new ideas blossom all around you and hatch naturally...I am trying to take the little bird's very wise advice on getting the new studio space put back together. Today I am taking the day off from working on it and taking a flea market field trip to be inspired by some of my favorite dealers displays and maybe find a treasure or two that will spark new ideas. I have exhausted my decor and design books and I still don't have a real feel for this space. I know I want different but I have yet to figure out exactly what different is.

Since I don't have anything new to share I hope you won't mind if in the next few posts I dig into my stash of things I have not shared, like these sweet images from an old child's poetry book. Feel free to save them and use them in your art!(FREE IMAGE)

I wish putting this new space together were as easy as weaving the little nests, sewing the little blue birds, or even painting the tiny nut shell eggs!(FREE IMAGE)

I hope each of you are enjoying a beautifully blessed and inspiring day!

Miss Sandy


  1. Hi Sandy1 You have such a creative spirit, I'm sure the room will come together for you soon!! You have about 8 weeks before the Where Bloggers Create Party. Maybe you can use that as the unveiling of your new and wonderful space!!!!

    I loved the photos and the words that went with them of the sweet little bird and her nest. Good advice for sure!!!

    My Desert Cottage
    Valentine Design

  2. Sometimes taking a break is just the thing your inspiration needs! Your bird is so sweet and the words a good reminder to me as I set up my new nest when I'd rather have my old one.

    Enjoy your day away!

  3. Gorgeous photographs! I love the nest, the birdie is charming and your pistachio nut shell eggs are just fabulous.

  4. Sandy amor, I love your beautiful new creation, but even more, the beautiful way that you staged all these pictures...sooo pretty! I love how the nest and blue bird are the main focus of the picture then the rest is a lil blurred in the background...soo pretty! Thank you for sharing those pretty images and I can't wait to see your lovely studio...I am always inspired by you wonderful artists and your beautiful studios, whether it is a closet or a whole room or building...I just wish I could get mine on the go :) Have a lovely week amor! Besos, Rose

  5. Praying that inspiration will come as it is needed. Have fun at the flea markets today...

    A lovely post with lots of good advice for the project that I am working on. Sometimes, I just want it done. Why? Why not just enjoy the process and take my time? I think I will give myself permission to do just that.

  6. Sandy, taking a break sounds like a good idea! It always helps to gain a new perspective and feel refreshed.

    Today we were watching our resident robins gathering materials for their nests. So much grass was hanging from their beaks that they looked like whiskers!

    Did you find any "nesting material" of your own at the fleas today? Wish I could have joined you!


  7. Don't worry sweetie, it will all fall into place....what matters is, is that you HAVE a space to create ~ and that my dear is the most wonderful thing of all, because we always love seeing the next beautiful thing you come up with!!! hugs and love, Dawn

  8. Sweet Sandy your little nest full of goodies arrived at my door today. THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart I thank you for having such a sweet give away & pulling my name out of that magical hat! I bet you will love your new space once you make it yours by putting your special touch on it. Your hubby sounds like a sweet heart. Understanding what really lies behind the concerns. And that space sounds like we might get to have that soldering class this summer. ENJOY the dance my friend. HUGS! Charlene

  9. Dear Sandy,
    I love your little blue bird in nest,and her advice, she is sitting there ,between all her most beloved things:a cosy nest,and her eggs.Soon you will have the same feeling,in your new room.
    What a beautifull post.
    xo Dorthe

  10. Sandy your nest with and little bird is so beautiful, love it. I'm a new follower.

  11. All I can say is WOW! your photos are beautiful! I love the little bird in its nest! what a wonderful creation!

  12. You always share the most delightful things! Love that bluebird in its nest. :)

    Hope you have a blessed weekend,


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!