Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Don't you just love a good party? Well, Karen of My Desert Cottage is having one and all the land of blog is invited! She will be hosting WHERE BLOGGERS CREATE II on June 19th, 2010. This is an opportunity to show off your creative space whether it be a TV tray, card table, kitchen table, converted closet, or full blown studio.

Jo Packham of Where Women Create will be offering these great prizes:

* The first prize is a feature in Where Women Create Magazine! Jo will have the tough job of handpicking the winner.

* There will be six random selections among the party goers for the following prizes:
2 - 1 year subscriptions to Where Women Create Magazine!
2 Sets of Jo's books - Where Women Create and The Book of Inspiration
2 WWC Charm Bracelets

For full details and how to sign up to participate, please visit Karen at this link. Trust me, you will not want to miss this party it was THE event of the blog season last year. It is a great place to meet new friends and be inspired by all the creatives here in the land of blog.

I had the pleasure of meeting a new blogger, via email, this week and she has decided to start her own blog and I'd love to introduce her to you. Marylin of Cordelia's World just got her new blog underway and I would love it if you would give her a warm welcome to the neighborhood. She also has a wonderful shop, The Colonial Hitching Post, where she sells a whole host of items from greeting cards, collectibles, collage works, books, and more, so pay a visit to her store, you might just find something you have been looking for.

It is also my pleasure to tell you about a new blog shop that has opened up, Lisa of Tarnished and Tattered launched her new blog shop this past weekend!
Lisa's art is amazing, you might remember that she taught me to make this in Artist Class: If it has not been snapped up there is the most amazing fabric collage featuring a tiny bird for sale over there, so go see! Congrats and best of wishes to both Marylin and Lisa on their new endeavors.

Here at the Quill I am still enmeshed in trying to settle into the new studio space. I dusted off my pencils and paint brushes yesterday and started a little sketching and decorative painting BUT, (and it is a big one), I am not a happy camper with the ensuing results - I AM RUSTY!
Yes'em I am, rusty as an old bucket set out in the rain too long, as the old sayin' 'round here goes. Diane, in case you are reading this, it is NOT like ridin' a bike, it does not come back so easy as all that.Use it or lose it comes to mind, well, I think I must be losing not only my painting skills but my mind as well with this little painterly project. It may just disappear altogether. I will at least finish the bird and the nest and then decide before I go much further and waste any more time on it. To be continued...(sorry about the yucky photos, the lighting in the new space is awful!!! working on that though)Did you notice that I gave you a lot of little linky things to click on today? Well, that is so I can divert the attention away from my lack of things to blog about here at the moment. Tomorrow I will try and finish the new free tutorial so I have something fun to share by the weekend, fingers still crossed that it gets done by then. Well, I am off to either finish this painting or to paint over it. Have a bliss filled day!

Miss Sandy


  1. Miss Sandy,

    You are way too hard on yourself. What you have shown is darling. I love the colors in the leaves and the gracefulness of their form.

    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  2. Hello Miss Sandy,
    I am popping over from Marilyn's blog! :) Happy to "meet" you - your blog, art & studio are gorgeous! I'm adding your blog to my blogroll and hope to visit often!
    Happy day to you,

  3. Sandy, you're at that stage in a painting where it's so easy to toss it in the circular file! Keep going! It IS going to come back like riding a bike. Thanks for all the updates here on what is going on in blogland. I'm sorry that I have not yet posted about Lisa's shop. She has some wonderful goodies!!
    It has been a busy week and I'm still catching my breath too - no crafting! :-(

    Hugs! Diane

  4. Thanks so much for sharing this! This will motivate me to get my craft room finished.

  5. Miss Sandy,
    You are such a sweetie for plugging me like that! I worked so hard all weekend getting it done, it feels good tho. Yes, my little bird collage sold the first day! I feel like a real artist now. LOL Your painting is amazing, you know how blown away I am by all of your art. I wish you'd do some small paintings & sell them. I'd snatch em up, I can't paint a stick figure. Love to look at Diane & Michelle's stuff tho. I'm starting to fluff my space too for Karen's party. You new space will be awesome for that, you might win the prize! Lisa

  6. Thanks for the heads up about the party. I will go sign up. I am loving your new studio. It is amazing!! Creamy and Dreamy indeed. I ant to move in with you. Love your Project Run Away post below. Boy, I am gonna miss that show!

  7. Hi, How can you even think of painting over it. It's beautiful

  8. I hope you do not paint over this I think it is beautiful- The artist always looks for flaws in their work- when all of us viewing can only see whats beautiful!Have a wonderful day!Jonny

  9. Have you been well enough and inspired enough to return to your beautiful painting? I'm a fleuriste. {Sounds so much more wonderful than florist, don't you think?} Can't paint worth a lick, but I DO know that it's not finished until it's finished. One of the worst things I have had to endure was the person I'm making a bouquet for watching! They begin by being certain that you can perform miracles, then they start to wonder at my odd decisions, then they start asking whether that flower really looks okay there, and if I can distract them until I'm finished, they come back to the appreciation stage. It's the old "can't see the forest for the trees thing", I think. And I think your trees are gorgeous! Maybe when you're well, maybe you'll see the forest again, too!

    I am totally loving your blog! Thank you for stopping by mine, and your very kind comment! Do you mind very much if I follow?



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