Saturday, April 10, 2010


"Every spring is the only spring - a perpetual astonishment."

-Ellis Peters-
Thank you to all who signed up and left such sweet comments. I so wish I were independently wealthy and could gift you all with something. Your friendship and encouragements means the world to me. Thank you for your visits and your precious presence.

The winner of the Sweet Spring Nest is...Charlene!
The winner of the Songbird Scrap Pack is...Celita!
The winner of the Little Lamb Collage is...Dorthe!
Please email me your mailing address so I can get your packages in the mail.

I got to be a winner recently in a give away Diane had. Just look at this darling box topped off with one of Diane's watercolors. Adorable and the perfect accent to display in the kitchen at the farm!
Right on top was the most breath taking handmade journal I have ever seen! The cover features a precious little bird...Each page is beautifully embellished with a different design and just enough room for writing in favorite quotes! Here are a few of the pages...The back cover is just as stunning...Inside the box was a whiff of heaven! A beautiful tag sachet filled with lavender and a sweet petite hanging sachet...A couple of tiny floral tags...Lastly is a sweet egg nestled in a raffia nest!
Diane, thank you so much, I love every little bit of this wonderful gift.

Here is a sweet image for you to use in your art. Enjoy!
I hope each of you have a weekend filled with brilliant beauty!

Miss Sandy


  1. Congratulations to the winners, and the journal you received is so beautiful and creative, thank you for all that you share...

  2. OH!! Miss Sandy, thank you!! I NEVER win anything, so I am thrilled beyond words. I will email you my information after finishing here... Congratulations to all!! And, you got a wonderful giveaway prize yourself. Lovely.

    hugs... :-)

  3. Miss Sandy, you are so very welcome! You entered the giveaway just in the nick of time! You were the 31st to post for my 31st Day of March prize!

    Blessings and happy spring!

  4. Hi Sandy, your project from Artist Class is just beautiful, I really love what you did! I haven't done mine yet, I can only hope it's half as wonderful as yours and the artist who did it!! I look forward to seeing your other projects in class.

  5. Congratulations to the winners! Everyone won a beautiful prize~even the giver!

  6. Can you hear me screaming with surprise & JOY all the way out there? Sandy, THANK YOU so very much!!!! I am very excited to be a winner of anything created by your sweet self! I am so thrilled. Again, thank you for your generosity of having this give away & for your sharing of all of your pretties through your blog. Always a pleasure to visit you. HUGS! Charlene

  7. Congrats to the winners, and the gift you won is just darling!

  8. I so enjoyed your blog this morning,I came over because i was searching the Artist Class blog. The projects on it seem so charming. There are so many talented people in the world! Love your home sepia project! Vanessa

  9. Wonderfull giveaway to win, I so love Diane`s art ,it is alwayes full of beauty, and so very inspirering.The little notebook is so sweet.

  10. Congratulations to the lucky winners. Diane's gift was so special. She is a fantastic person.

  11. Oh my goodness,Sandy, I compleately missed that, I`m more than happy to win this sweet little beautifull,one.Sometimes my computer gives like big hops,when it is loading, I guess thats,why...
    I`m so exited, thanks for writing me, so I would not loose this wonderfull gift.
    Big hugg, from me


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!