Thursday, June 17, 2010


No party is fun unless it is seasoned with folly.

-Desiderius Erasmus-(Image from The Graphics Fairy)

Yes, it is true, I am dyeing to attend Karen's party on Saturday! This will be her second annual event of Where Bloggers Create. As most of you know I have known about the party for weeks and have been sick for just about as long, so, to say my studio is showcase worthy would be a grave understatement. But, I am still going to attend! I have a pair of helping hands arriving today to do at my direction what I am not able. It won't be a complete space but it is so new that I still need to grow into it anyway.

Yesterday I felt up to doing some dyeing and I must say that the bushes of Quill Cottage never looked better!Today, I plan on a simple sewing project using the newly dyed materials...There has been a little painting going on too...And, a little transforming of stuff like this...A little wow factor of foof like this...
There have been some rumblings that I am crazy to try and make it to the party on time. Baby thinks I am delirious, so much so, that she can't bear to look...At the miles of piles still to be sorted...She refuses to acknowledge the crush of litter resting at her feet...Yikes! That is a piece of my artwork under there! How did that get there?

OK, maybe starting this was not such a good idea...
She says she is not coming out until party time...Oh she of little faith! I do my best work when under pressure and as the self-titled queen of procrastination, I have no doubt that I will pull of some sort of mini miracle, with a little help from my friend, AND, I will be a party guest with all the rest of the land of blog!

Now if you will excuse me, I will go and put on my party princess shoes...And finish organizing this drawer...
I know, I know, this is pure folly. It is this kind of daft doings that is keeping me from bigger party plans, but look how nice it all looks...This drawer kind of reminds me of the old Johnson Baby Shampoo commercial, " Look, no more tangles!" This is ever so much better than the tangled blob in baskets and well worth the effort and time spent getting it detangled!

That's all the sneak peek you get until party time. I look forward to seeing you there!

Miss Sandy

P. S. Thank you so very much for the sweet Birthday wishes! It was a happy occasion but I am still waiting on my gift to arrive. I am like a kid at Christmas only instead of checking my stocking I am stalking my mailbox. I can't wait to share the surprise with you when it arrives. I hope you all have a wonderful day!


  1. I can't wait for the party either..
    I will definily come back to see your space. Thanks for the sneak preview!

    Hugs, Linda

  2. Ahhh, poor baby! I know that she's in for a delightful surprise just as we all are. Now don't overdo. Just bark out those orders. :D Wonderful helpers who will be taking those orders and I know that they will be well compensated with some delight or other.

  3. Sandy, I'm going to have catch up on your blog. I didn't know you'd been ill. I'm so sorry and I hope you're feeling better soon. The peek into your drawers makes me drool - all those trims.

    My favorite thing is the Thorndike Barnhart Dictionary? or textbook in your photo. I used one exactly like that when I was in school and what memories it brought back!


  4. Oh, Baby is sooo pretty! And she'll be soo ready for the party :-)

    Your lace drawer is enviable! Love it!

  5. You can do it, Sandy! Glad you have a friend to help you with your organizing. LOVE your drawers full of beautiful trims--what a dream!

    Hope you feel better soon, and have a wonderful day!


  6. Oh Sandy you are teasing us and baby is playing along with you! I cannot wait til the party either. I don't know if I will be ready in time, but it will be so much fun to visit everybody anyway! Hope all is well with you, warm wishes from afar, LiLi

  7. Looking forward to seeing your "space"! I'm sure baby is, too!

  8. Oh I love the way you write! You have such a sing-songy way of typing, that just carries a person along, quite enchanted. Your pictures were great and I hope you get everything done in time!

  9. Oh Miss Sandy! I am drooling already! I know your studio is going to be amazing whether it is perfect or not!!! I can't wait to see the rest of it!


  10. Sandy, it doesn't matter if the studio is messy! LOL! Just be better!
    Love all the pretty laces all lined up in the drawers! And those princess shoes. Know what? I don't even own a pair of high heels anymore since I broke my foot about 7 years ago! Ouch! I'm too scared of heights now. ;-)
    See you tomorrow at the studio party!

  11. OH no party shoes for me alas --Had the same problem as DIane !!
    as for the laces and trims --
    "OH LA LA !! what delights - so glad you are better -KAthy - ga ♥

  12. Oh such sweet lace and vintage it all! Can't wait to see the rest of your space...I know you can do it ;} Thanks for visiting the Love Shack and leaving such sweet comments, fondly, Roberta


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!