You have to have an idea of what you are going to do, but it should be a vague idea.
-Pablo Picasso-
Ideas have been dancing in my head...
As I have been reflecting...
On settling into my new nest...
My thoughts and ideas are all a tangle...
As I seek direction...
Of creating a new creamy dreamy style in my studio...
I've been trying to put my best foot forward...
Wanting a chic sophisticated style...
But not a by the book copy cat design...
One that still reflects my rustic roots and earthy style...
But I've lost my head...
I am unable to pin down a specific direction to move in...
So I wait for that crystal clear moment of clarity to sparkle into being...
As my dream unfolds itself...
One step, one thought, one idea at a time...
I have come to realize that this is not a process to be hurried along but one to be savored. Some things that seemed right at the beginning did not make the cut...
While others crept upon me with great surprise and delight...
I will continue my dance of ideas today...
Hoping they will blossom anew...
As I take a break for a little flea market field trip seeking inspiration and possibly to stumble upon the perfect little book shelf. In the meantime, with a very vague idea of where this new studio is headed, I am opening my heart, head, and hands to any new notions that might wing themselves my way...
I hope you all enjoy a blissful day!
-Pablo Picasso-
Miss Sandy
P.S. I am sufficiently recovered from all illness and injury to carry on and have had three successful days of getting settled into the studio. Only three more crates to sort through and then the pretty part begins! I hope to have a full reveal very soon.
Miss Sandy
P.S. I am sufficiently recovered from all illness and injury to carry on and have had three successful days of getting settled into the studio. Only three more crates to sort through and then the pretty part begins! I hope to have a full reveal very soon.
what an inspirational quote and post!
i can't wait to see what you do with
your studio!
I have not been visiting everyone as much as I used to since I have had pneumonia for over a month but am making some progress! I was sorry to read you had been sick too dear Sandy...glad you are better! I can't wait to see what you will come up with for your studio!
Glad to hear the good news on your full recovery! Looking forward to your reveal...especially after this post. Have a great day, fondly, Roberta
Glad you are feeling up to snuff! I always love your little stories and pictures to go along with them! We're all waiting with bated breath to see what you come up with Miss Sandy!
I'm so glad you are feeling more energetic. Thanks for sharing your space and your heart with us. Finding a new direction is exciting and bewildering.
I LOVE your "dream" sign! And the photo of the ballerinas in the jar is lovely! Blessings... Polly
Miss Sandy~
I know your new studio will be fabulous! Can't wait to see the photos! (So happy that you are feeling better.)
I am so happy to learn that you have totally recovered. I can talk about allergic reactions caused by wasp bites too, I have been warned by the doctor: if ever a wasp bites you in the 'neck area' immediately go to the hospital because you could suffocate from the (internal) swellings, so I want to give you that advice too. I just know that your studio is gorgeous, but I cannot wait to see it! Love the snail mail too, isn't it great to find a cheerful envelope between the bills? Have a sunny day Miss Sandy!
I'm so glad you are fully recovered and enjoying your time in the studio. Can't wait to see the reveal!
Thankyou for taking the time to visit my blog. Really love your studio. All the best.
Super beautiful post...your space will become whatever it is meant o be..and with your magical heart it will surely shine with beauty!
Beautiful and very inspiring photos Miss Sandy.
Can´t wait to see your new studio -I´m sure it will be amazing.
Wishing you a wonderful day.
xo Tina
Hi sweet girl!!!! I can't WAIT to see...I just know it is going to be WONDERFUL!!! I'm so very glad that you are feeling better dear friend, things just aren't the same around here when you're not around ~ hugs and love, Dawn
I love the pictures that went with your wonderful quote. Have fun creating your studio! Thanks for visiting my blog Miss Sandy :)
Sandy ;)
Hi Miss Sandy, thank you so much for your sweet visit, I can't wait to see the beauty that you unveil in your studio and I'm so glad that you are feeling better.
Big hugs being sent your way :)
This encourages me so much as I lament over what on earth to do with my kitchen/living room which has been in a state of...whatever you want to call it since October. I like so many styles and I'm having a hard time finding the right inspiration.
I can't wait to see what you decide upon.
Lovely thought that the process is as important as the result and true on so many levels. Have great fun seeking inspiration. I'll copy you if you find some. :. (I feel about as inspired as a soggy dishrag and too lazy or worn out to seek the prize.)
Well I'll be Miss Sandy, What a woman! And I believe that you've got your priorities right. Wonderful, beautiful, inspiring Blog. Thank you so much for visiting mine. Have a blessed and Fabulous Summer! Cheers from the Farm, Famrgirl Kelly Farmstead Lifestyle
Happy hunting and dreaming! You will find "it!"
It will all come together for you! I love all the inspiration you have! I know it will be fabulous.:)
So glad you are feeling better Miss Sandy!!
Your treasures,and the photos of them are lovely, but the little narrative you've woven to bind them all together is beyond delightful. How clever you are! It felt like being drawn into a dream. I will definitely come back and check in again...
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such lovely comments.Please take very good care of yourself...
How beautiful! Both your blog and photos...
Such a beautiful blog! Thanks for stopping by my blog to say Hello! : ) I am off to see some of your past posting now!
Your studio is beautiful as it is but I understand the need to change it. My studio is always undergoing some transformation. I can't wait to see the new space.
Dear Miss Sandy,
Your adorable post is a touch of class, nostalgia and fantasy all spun together! Keep creating!
I'll be back!
I enjoyed looking through your blog. Thanks for stopping by to see me. : )
Miss Sandy, I cannot believe that I have never found you before. Your blog is wonderful. I think I may have come across it when I was just a blog stalker because the lovely name sounds so familiar. But this has been such a treat to come by and read some of your posts. i loved 'I can cry if I want to' when you missed the party. I was laughing so hard. Baby and Inez certainly had reason to be sad.But by the looks of this post, they will not be dissappointed again.
I'm going to love it here!
Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and encouragement about my studio. It meant so much coming from you.
Glad you're feeling better - I'm still doing the WBC studio tour. Your photos are beautiful, I'll keep checking to see the final results.
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