Wednesday, January 4, 2012


 Reaching: To stretch or put forth; to arrive (a destination); to obtain; to grasp (seize firmly)  or touch something; to strive or yearn; to move forward; to gain with effort; achieve, obtain, gain, compass (accomplish)
 This new year has taken me by surprise.  Fresh vistas of opportunity are opening themselves wide and I have in four very short days had much to contemplate.  Big decisions have been hovering over the Quill about which new directions to follow.  The last few days have been spent putting forth the effort of deciding the distinct destination I need to aim for.

A couple of times a year I take a few days to pull away from everything and give some concentrated time and attention to assess where I am and where I am going.  During this time away I do a sort of mental check list of spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, relational, and work oriented areas of my life.  I spend time seeking guidance on what is working and what is not, if changes need to be made, etc.
 I have never been one to make resolutions, they always seem to focus on the negative things I dislike about myself that I want to change and fall off the wagon in doing so in a very short period of time.  The list of my flaws are always glaring and long and it does not take much time before I am hopelessly discouraged.  I set myself up for failure by trying to focus on too many areas that I feel need to be changed.  There a too many targets and I can't seem to hit any of the bulls eyes!

This year I am trying a fresh and exciting approach with just one single focal point, a simple single word...REACHING.  I did not choose this word, it chose me.  I will spare you the details of how I arrived at this conclusion but, suffice it to say, I know that the Lord will use this word in my life throughout this year.
This is a word that requires action and at this juncture in my life that is exactly what I need.  My method is simple.  I have decided each day to invite this word into my life in whatever way God intends for it to be used.  I have incorporated it into my morning prayer time.  Each day I am simply asking that He would enable me to live my word allowing Him to direct and guide me into the kind of person we both desire me to become.

This word is not just related to my character but also has an application from how I will minister and serve in the coming year to career path decisions.  I find it very comforting that this one single word is so all encompassing.  I only have to focus on one single thing...REACHING...stretching forth my arm, extending my hand, and opening my palm to take His guiding hand.
I intend to grasp on firmly and reach for some dreams that I have yearned for, hoping that this single focus of REACHING will propel me forward to a destination of achievement in realizing the birth of those dreams.  What about you, do you have a resolution?  A special word of the year?  What is the secret of your success in navigating through each new year?  I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Me? A word? A resolution? No, no, not "roll along me" who is buffeted by every breeze that blows. Not my thing at all. I get all tied up in knots about my failings (and they are many) so I wind up falling into my own navel I'm so introspective. That can't be good.

    You, on the other hand, what a good word. And if it found you, and not the other way around, it's going to prove very helpful.

    I'm terribly curious, as you knew I would be, about these possibilities. Ohhhhh, the possibilities! I so see them in you! As the Lord leads... =D

  2. Sounds to me like the Lord is going to require you to reach out of your comfort zone. Reaching requires extending for something that isn't quite in your grasp yet, whether that be the loving hand of your Father, another physical something, or a dream that hasn't materialized yet. I look forward to see what you grasp as you reach.

    My word, as you already know, is "completion". With your admonition, I started praying about it on a daily basis yesterday. And what an amazing day it was as I saw the Lord faithfully come to my rescue to help me finish some things that had baffled me for months!

    I think 2012 is going to be a really exciting year for both of us! Can't wait to follow more of your journey!

  3. I love how you put into words the way I feel about resolutions. For me the goal is to try and do better in those areas of my life where I need some improvement. I'm excited for you and the possibilities you have in 2012 and wish you much success with them, whatever they are!


  4. I have no secret for getting through the year...basically hang on and breathe! I did choose the word REST for this in Rest in the Lord and let Him take care of things. It probably came from exhaustion...but it came to me so I went with it!
    I am sure 2012 will be filled with creativeness and giving!!

  5. Oh dear Sandy, those last years I have felt that all so quickly runs, and that I do not live in the moment, but alwayes have to think forward ,..for my shop that is a huge part of my life-
    So I have chosen - ENJOY- enjoy the moment-the beauty around me-the little happy moments from every day- the things taking for granted.....
    I do hope I will feel I have lived my year deeper- this year.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  6. Hi Sandy & Happy New Year!
    Your post is a total inspiration today... an awakening for all of us to aim for. My word for the New Year is actually 2, be Organized and Achieve. There are so many projects I've left on a back burner for what seems like eons... it's time to get organized and achieve some of those things now!! I'm no longer working and so happy to have some actual time for creating, a blessing I don't want to waste.

    Hugs, Sherry

  7. Beautiful Post as always...I hope your New Year is filled with great Joy!!! Mary:)

  8. A wonderful word that has so much meaning and sentiment! :)


  9. Wonderful word, I can't wait to see what all you do with it. I have chosen a word for this year too...Believe...I hopt to start making some Journal/scrapbook pages with it...
    Hope you have a good year...and reach all your goals...

  10. Sandy, both this post and the one above it really touched me and hit home in many ways. I have been feeling this way for months and months and am at a kind of "numb" impasse stage, not sure of my choices. Right now, it's almost like a "sabbatical" for me where I've given myself permission to not do anything if I don't feel like it; to walk away from the studio and just play on the computer instead; or pick up my crochet or needlework. No pressure. That's what I need right now after several years of too much of it.

    Regarding clothes! Oh, girlfriend, do I hear you! I don't like trendy either. It's simply not comfortable. Stacy and Clinton with all of those midriff-hugging clothes: forget it! How does anyone SIT in them? What about the end of the day when we feel bloated and the clothes start to feel like a boa constrictor? Uh-uh! Give me loose and flowing and (bad word coming) COMFORTABLE!

    Thank you for speaking out loud what I've been feeling but could never put into words as beautifully as you always do.

    Wishing you joy, happiness and success with all of your goals this year.

    Hugs and blessings, Diane

  11. Following you from Layla's party-glad to meet you-stop over for a visit!


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!