Monday, March 30, 2015


Is it ever OK to wear your Pottery Barn curtain, your great aunt's handmade table cloth, and a high thread count Egyptian cotton pillow case as an public I mean?  I am wondering would that be considered artful or awful couture?
It all started with a simple question from Handy Hubby,  "What kind of clothes do you wear with the kind of jewelry you are making?  Maybe you need to show your work off with something different or unique."  The hamster wheel in my head started turning and I thought he is right, I should make some artful clothing to use as props for photos. I ambled off to the studio to see what I could come up with.  I had a simple basic shirt pattern on hand that I thought I could alter a bit to get the look I wanted by tracing the main pattern front and back onto a roll of craft paper and then sketching the alterations to that to make a new pattern.

Since this was only going to be a prop for photos I dug through my fabric stash to see what I could come up with.  I found a fab Pottery Barn curtain that I had picked up at a tag sale, the linen was high quality and I knew it would be great for crafting with, after washing and drying it crinkled into the most fabulous texture, this would make the front and back of the shirt.  
For the sleeves I chose a handmade damaged crochet table cloth that my great aunt made.  My mother had given it to me years ago thinking I could craft with the good parts, one end had a great gaping hole torn in the stitching but otherwise was in great shape.
Next I needed something to use for the facing pieces (yes I was making it like a real live shirt even though it was going to be a prop) and I found an Egyptian cotton pillowcase, soft as butter, in my stash, another tag sale find, that was the right weight and color.  Lastly I wanted an accent color and snagged a piece of muslin I had hand dyed to a lovely robins egg blue.
After patterning, pinning, snipping, sewing, clipping, and ironing I had a piece of artful couture as a photo prop!  I put it on my display form and hung it in the studio.  As I was cleaning up my sewing shambles I kept sneaking peeks at the garment.  I thought to myself, "I would wear that."  Followed by, "You can't wear that, its a Pottery Barn curtain for heavens sake!"  "Wait a minute, I am a resourceful southern gal just like Scarlett O'Hara and we both had the same idea..."
"But what if I look like this...
Instead of this...
While clad in my curtain garment?"

Batting the thought back and forth in my brain another Scarlett-isum came to mind, "Well fiddle-dee-dee, see if I care!"  So, did I wear it out in public?  The proof is in the picture...
So, what do you think artful or awful couture?



  1. Oh yes, definitely ARTFUL! I adore clothing made out of repurposed fabrics. I bet that top shows of your jewellery beautifully.

  2. Beautiful and so creative! I think you've found a new medium to work in!

  3. I love your curtain top and would definitely wear it in public!!! It is gorgeous!!!

  4. Now that story had a happy ending! I'm so glad you decided to wear it and I'll bet you got lots of compliments too. Just think of the curtain outfits in The Sound of Music!!

  5. Sandy ,you are wonderful, and so is your blouse/ top. Wow I think you created a gorgeous piece, and I would wear it with pride, just like you ,luckily did, and hopefully does, in the future. !!
    It is lovely, and your necklace looks wonderful, together with it.
    Curtains, tablecloths ,old laces, and all other beautiful materials, can and should be used for more ,like this ,my dear.
    I LOVE artfull clothing ,and they are not supposed to look like every other thing we find in shops !!
    Hugs, Dorthe

  6. I think it is adorable, and I would definitely wear it out & about!!

  7. good for you - in both designing such a scrumptious garment - and in showing it off yourself!

  8. It looks great on you! (Don't think that I could make it work. ; > though I sure pin a lot of upcycled clothing in my secret sewing folder.) You made me laugh with the comparisons to Scarlett via Vivian and Carol.

  9. Your post made me smile. Aren't we lucky to live in an age when anything is possible.I agree that if clothing is stylish, who cares what it is made from.I adore turning an ugly duckling piece into something lovely, or taking that cushion cover and making a bag from it etc. ARTFUL all the way!

  10. Uber Fabulous and I am definitely the WEAR it and BE PROUD. I LOVE what you have created. Reminds me of a favorite dress II made long ago. It was white jacquard drapery fabric and I got rave comments every time I wore it. Your hubby had a great idea and you make amazing pieces of ART.

  11. I have a skirt made out of curtain material. I haven't worn it for a while, so I think I will this Easter!

  12. Stunning!!! I would wear this!


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