Thursday, April 16, 2015


 Wandering the woodlands around my home is a favorite past time.  I often garner inspiration for my artwork during these treks, then find ways to interpret what I see through paint, stitch, and wire.  I have had this fanciful textile idea in my sketchbook for quite some while now.  Mushrooms inspired by photos taken last autumn...
Pounded and stitched leaves that have been in my stash since November of 2007, the natural plant dye has held its color well...
 I did a little stitching to loosely mimic Smartweed, taking liberty with the leaves which are actually lance-shaped.  A found, hatched, Polyphemus cocoon and its wings (left overs from a birds meal and enhanced with paint back in the summer of 2013) make a nice natural elements to enhance the design...   
Soft fibers imitate the moss that carpets the forest floor.  These are just a few of the woodland wonders that will embellish my new textile artwork. 



  1. Excellent use of natural objects. I thought, looking at these, how pretty a fabric design they would make!

  2. Right up my alley. I am a bit of a wood-elf after all. My screen savers both at work and home are different mosses:) The stuff intrigues me. How you are able to bring it all together is amazing,

  3. Stunning, yes - and a fantastic background, for your wonderful findings, dear Sandy. Looking so beautiful with your embroidery and the painted mushrooms, and the leaves are just beautiful, too!!

  4. Cant wait to see more. These are amazing. You have such a talent and I love seeing what you do.

  5. ooooh - I love the flutterby wing piece!!


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!