Friday, September 4, 2015


Studio time over the last week has been focused on making a new art journal.  I saw this amazing art journal on Pinterest and traced it back to fellow artist Thespa McLaughlin of Vintiquities Workshop.  Once there I realized she had an online class showing how to construct the journal and I could not resist.   Below is the photo of Thespa's Journal that caught my eye, love the construction!
(Metal & Rust Tag Journal by Thespa McLaughlin of Vintiquities Workshop)

The base of my journal is constructed just as Thespa instructed, from there I took off on my own creative adventure to originate my own version:
(This cool rusty piece was found a couple years ago on my grandmothers farm, this seemed the perfect project to use it on.)


 (I did a wee bit of metal work for the background of the nest above and the copper bird below.)
(I textured my pages to resemble aged stucco yet with a smooth enough surface to still write on.   I then hand painted a bird and leafy foliage on one corner of each page.)

(Thespa had her tags come out of the top of her journal pages, I planned mine where they would be inserted into the side of the pages instead.  I added hand beaded dangles and hand made nature themed wire embellishments to my tag tops not only as a decorative detail but to easily pull out the journal tags for writing.)
(My journal holds 16 hand tinted tags with front and back stampings and journaling space.)
 (My base was an old accounting book, the papers on the outside of the book were notes, receipts, and such that I found tucked into the pages of the book.  It was fun to reuse them on the cover.)
Thank you Thespa for sharing your awesome teaching skills and for inspiring this journal!



  1. Oh my goodness dear Sandy... your book is absolutely stunning!!! The cover with that amazing rusty piece and your metal work, your paintings, the cool wire and beads embellishments... I just happened to have a look at my blog list when your post popped up and just HAD to have a closer look at your intriguing journal, hence my quick reaction :) Wishing you a beautiful weekend.

  2. Wonderful, fabulous, stunning, amazing, AWESOME!!

    I am speechless!

  3. And will you truly use it? Such a work of art that I am pretty certain I would not be able to. I really like your use of color, found objects, and the old ephemera.

  4. Oh wow. This is one of those projects that I would love to be able to touch and feel. Incredible!!

  5. Your Rusty Nature themed tag journal is amazing and beautiful! Thespa's inspiraion tag journal is also fabulous. You really soared with this creation dear. Creative Journal Bliss...

  6. honestly... the photos on Facebook don't do it justice!

  7. Love this Sandy, the nest and the birds you created are wonderful as well!
    The photos are so much better on your blog, I'm so glad I stopped by:)
    I really like blogging better than FB anyway!
    Hugs and love, Marilou

  8. я в таком восторге, что у меня просто нет слов!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. It turned out so beautiful dear girl. I LOVE that the metal piece on the cover came from your grandma's farm. It's such an inspiration to use cast off items with such a family connection. The pages are divine, and I love the beaded ends to your tags. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

  10. I love your rusty journal of birds Sandy, so beautiful! I enjoyed my journey through your writing cottage too! I lost all of my blog roll due to a Google connect glitch and Karen had to move my blog, now I have to go back and find my favorite blogs. hard to get back to blogging again.
    Very difficult to do it all anyway,I'm so happy to refind you on FB even though I don't feel like FB is where I like to be.
    Sending Hugs Marilou

  11. Your Creations are absolutely stunning! I am adding your Blog to my sidebar so I can peruse your Archived Posts more to behold Art that nourishes the Soul! Dawn... The Bohemian


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