Monday, March 28, 2016


Life here at the Quill has taken several unexpected turns, some have left me crazy busy while others have sent me off in a tizzy.  There was the sale of a house that turned out not to be a sale of the house that I spent weeks emptying, donating, selling, packing, and storing only to find out 4 days before closing that it fell through.  The sale that wasn't a sale after all created a ripple effect of needing space back in my own home for things that were going to need a home so.....I had to pack up, sort, donate, sell, downsize and move my studio BUT before I could do that I had to empty the writing cottage by sorting, storing, selling, and donating what was in there in order to move the studio.  Then there were issues with my moms health and well being to focus on.  Now a major move for a family member where I am once again emptying, sorting, packing, selling, and donating a lifetime accumulation and all the memories and emotions that go with that.  I seem to be caught in a vicious cycle!

I have heard it said that what we do here on earth prepares us for heaven.  While I know it's not a literal job I let my imagination roam as my hands were busy and I thought to myself, "Oh no!  I am going to be accumulating loads of stuff that has to be sorted and distributed!"  Then I wondered what exactly I would have to sort and distribute since there will be no earthly goods?  The most amazing thought came to me...I could accumulate prayers and distribute blessings!  Wouldn't that be an amazing job?

My silly ruminations really helped with what was fast becoming a bad attitude about having to be responsible for other people and their possessions.  These tasks fell to me not as burdens but as blessings to those I am doing the service for and to those who are receiving the distributed goods.

Life does not always go as we plan, it can leave you crazy busy or even in a tizzy, just remember, accumulate those prayers and distribute those blessings because whatever He has you doing right at this moment is an amazing job!



  1. Thank you Sandy. I have been doing something similar and love the thought of prayers and blessings. Thinking you are unwrapping King Tut's tomb only to find a box of recipes from 1972 can become mind boggling. Your take is much healthier.

  2. Dear Sandy,
    thank you for your post. It went straight to my heart and spoke to me. I hope things will slow down a little for you and I wish you that everything will be the way you would like it to in the end.
    Many hugs,
    Karen B.~ Todolwen xo

  3. Must be the alignment of the planets. I, too, have been going through similar machinations since I retired in 2010. I think I may be seeing the end of it with the upcoming May sale of my mother's belongings. She just passed on at 100. I really do hope I don't have to keep doing this in the hereafter, but, maybe, if it's fated, we could all get together and do it as a team effort! We'd be the best. Very experienced. All the best to you. And just remember what they say, purging is good for the soul!

  4. I've been through this same process several times over and I wish I had found a dose of your attitude at the time. I think I would have found the entire ordeal so much easier to deal with had I thought of it in an uplifting way, rather than feeling totally overwhelmed. Good for you for finding a light in the tunnel!

  5. I think this is something going on with many people. It seems to be stemming from a higher realm than just the earthly one. It seems over the last year I've had to let go of many things that were not as important as I thought they were. It does get easier...eventually.
    I was wondering if you have a youtube channel? It would be wonderful to have you demonstrate some of your techniques in a video format...especially the sun/coffee/fabric dying process! lol

  6. I could relate to this Post very much too! The Historic Home we have for Sale we'd been in negotiations with the Municipality it is in for 3 months for them to Purchase it for it's Historic significance to the Community. It had gone thru the many steps required for a City Purchase and at the 11th hour one individual who was opposed to the Project pulled the plug and wouldn't approve it moving forward! I felt like everyone, including many in the City who were enthused about the Project, had wasted so much time and energy, but it is what it is and we'll start over Trusting that the right Buyer will eventually come along to restore or re-develop it. Thanks for sharing your Story, it has encouraged me. Dawn... The Bohemian


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!