Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Using Found Objects & Nature Finds In Artwork

Here a few ideas of how I use found objects and nature finds in my artwork, I hope you gain a few new ideas and inspiration.




  1. That was an AMAZING video! I'm glad I held on to the end. The last journal you showed with all the "rusty rings" was a tactile treasure that I just want to take home and play with:)

    If you have time in the future, perhaps you could show how to encase those wings? It seems like such a delicate process. I was also wondering how you properly treat branches and twigs in order to make certain that they are insect and mold free?

    You have really inspired me to be on the hunt for cruelty free nature treasures. I love nature, but never thought to look for wings. Your collection is beautiful.

    Thanks so much, Sandy.

  2. Ditto everything Ellah said!! You are SUCH a huge inspiration ~ I think I'll go take a walk!!!


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!