Sunday, December 30, 2007


Happy New Year!

January is ushered in with celebration and glee
We invite the New Year in as we watch the old one flee
The New Year is a calendar blank, full of endless possibility
Three hundred and sixty-five new mornings and evenings, fifty-two fresh weeks
Four new seasons to cherish, spring time’s new life, summers lazy days, autumns blazing colors, and winters cold and bleak
Twelve months of holidays and ample opportunity for memories to be made
Each square is fresh, blank, and free, all in a row, neatly laid
Just waiting to be wisely used by you and by me
From wishing away our seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and years we must flee
Remember that today is the tomorrow you wished for yesterday
Each day is God’s gift to us with ample time to work and rest and play
We should usher in each day for the gift it is with mercies tender and new
Arising at the start of each asking the Father what to do
And how we spend our time and what pursuits to seek
What we should let go of and what we should keep
We think the time is ours to spend so fully and so freely
When it is all the time we are given is God’s time really
Everyday we have a choice as we stand at the crossroads and look for the ancient paths of old
Asking where the good way is, walking in it, and finding rest for our soul
We cannot see what is coming, we can only look behind
Asking our Father to bless us and to help us to redeem the rest of our time
So have a blessed New Year and may this little rhyme
Remind you of the gift you have in where, when, how, and in whom you invest your time!

May you each be richly blessed in the coming New Year,

Miss Sandy


  1. There's a lot of wisdom in your rhyme, Miss Sandy! Thank you.

    A very Happy New Year to you, my new friend!

  2. Thank you Miss Sandy I enjoyed reading this, and a Happy New Year to you :)

  3. Ahhhh....the rhyme and the music.
    So soothing and inspirational.
    Happy New Year!
    Becky K.

  4. I've been sitting here listening to your music again. (Everyone else removed their Christmas playlists. Shoot!)

    And, of course, I've been thinking of you and praying for you to be feeling real good.

    Yes, we'll be happy little bloggers together this year and wander through Blogdom with wild abandon.

    Catch you soon!


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!