Friday, December 28, 2007

Laughter Is The Best Medicine.....

The envelope I held in my hand was post marked December 13 and yet it was still unopened. I knew what it held and I chose to do my best Scarlett O'Hara imitation and ignore the unpleasantness that it contained, at least until after Christmas. I knew it contained yet another questionnaire, not the kind you find in a magazine or one of those quirky web quizs, like What kind of biscuit are you, home made or canned, type thing. This quiz would ask me all kinds of questions I was tired of filling out and getting no answers to in return. It was from the office of yet another specialist, one of the next two I will pay a visit to in the coming weeks. I am frustrated that there is no answer, yet I fear the answer all the same.

Tossing the cover sheets aside to read through after filling in the blanks I heaved a huge sigh and picked up my pen and began to make check marks down the pages. That unpleasant task finished I picked up the tossed aside pages and began to read all the requirements before my upcoming visit. I skipped across all the personal information already filled in at the top of the page and read all the areas that were highlighted with the most pertinent instructions. As I was about to refold the pages and return them to their envelope, my date of birth caught my eye. I blinked and blinked again and sure enough the date was typed in wrong but it was not the date that stunned me, it was the age I was listed at. Incredibly, I was listed as being 101 years old! For some reason I found this totally funny and began to laugh and laugh and laugh.

I wondered if the office wondered why I was even bothering to find out what was wrong with me as I had already lived to the ripe old age of 101 and it probably didn't matter what the results would be as my days were surely numbered. I could just hear the office buzz about seeing a patient of that age and being wowed when I walked in instead. I thought about calling them and telling them about the error but I decided I will have a little fun with this instead.

After all the laughter I am feeling suddenly better, lighter, and certainly younger! Laughter truly is the best medicine. It really does not matter so much what the results reveal, it will be what it is and I will do what I have always done, persevere. I will follow the advice of the Apostle Paul, be content in my circumstances, whether I abase or abound, therein I will be content. I will cling to the Serenity Prayer, to change what I can and to accept that which I cannot change. I will choose to cling to hope for better and brighter days without uncertainty. I will waltz into those appointments as no 101 year old woman has ever done and I will be mischievous and have fun and I will take my medicine, a hefty dose of laughter and I will feel better.

I prescribe viewing the following video for today's dose of laughter:

Wishing you all health, happiness, and a hefty dose of laughter,
Miss Sandy


  1. Maybe I will see your pic on Today? Willard wihing you a happy 101! LOL!

    As I was entertaining the kiddies that went to the train display the other day while the parents were ordering and to keep them occupied at the tables, Katie said to me...

    "You have gray hair like my Grandpa!" Grandpa is in his 60's and I am 44. His hair is white mine is a bit peppered. I laughed, but it smarted, too.

    Oh well, kids!

  2. Good luck at your appointment.

    Thanks for the lovely gift!! What a surprise. I have posted a photo of it on my blog today.

  3. ..I will certainly say a prayer for your appointment! I hope I write as well as you when "I'm" 101!!~smile~

  4. Miss Sandy,

    God is so good, isn't he? In this dreadful time for you of filling in forms, he inserts a reason for you to laugh. gotta love that.

    I will be keeping you in prayer, friend, asking that the cause of whatever it is will be found and fixed.

    Happy New Year. May you live with love, laughter and joy for another 101 years.:)
    xo Lidy

  5. That was great Sandy! I laughed and laughed and laughed. But I am also concerned and will be praying for a clean bill of health for you.

    Your writing is always such a joy to read and so very inspiring. Thank you for sharing your BEAUTIFUL HEART!

    Hugs!! Nancy

  6. Hi Sandy ~
    You have been truly blessed with the gift of writing ~ it is beautiful ~
    I will keep you in my prayers for God is faithful !

  7. I am so glad that you really AREN'T 101. lol, I hope they find answers for you and you are better soon. It took 5 months for them to diagnose me, and it wasn't anything as bad as what I had worried it might be. I will say a prayer for you :) Hugs,

  8. Awww Sandy. You are the best, you know that, don't you? I have to thank you for that precious package of faerie goodness that I received on Christmas eve....and found it Christmas night just in time for my birthday the day after!

    You are such a sweet, sweet is so evident in your writing, your blog and everything you do....I will treasure your package and all the wonderful contents always. I wish you for you happiness, health and much love for the new year, Sandy!!!

    xxoo, Dawn

  9. Sandy, You've created a fun (and inspiring) post from a uninspiring task! I will also keep you in my prayers - for Doctor's wisdom and for your complete restoration! Thanks for your kind post on my blog!

  10. Keeping you in my prayers that all goes well with your doctor appointment.

  11. Dear Sandy,
    101 and going strong! LOL!
    Laughter IS the best medicine.
    I will keep you in my blessings and know you will find the perfect answers.
    I have enjoyed catching up. Your writing is inspiring. I enjoyed looking at the Christmas Story from the point of view of the shepherds. Life is to be celebrated every day.
    I hold thoughts of wellness for you.
    May 2008 be a most joyfilled year.
    Hugs and blessings,

  12. Oh how grand to be reading blogs today! You women are the brightest, most delightful, most fun bunch of gals I've ever known. Just don't forget to tell us how the doc's office responds to your youth and vitality!

    Thanks, too, Luv, for all the support and prayers over the past few days; I felt buoyed. Now I'll be praying that you have the answers that you need. He's willing and able!

  13. Miss Sandy,
    Cling & Persevere. You sure said that right. My thoughts and prayers are with you. You are a blessing to all of us and our prayers will all go out for you during this uncertain time.


  14. Not having an answer is the worst! I spent two years searching for a cause for major pain and finally found a doctor who did not think it was in my head and solved the mystery. A simple surgery later,(removal of a dead gall bladder and the cutting of adhesions from a prior surgery, and I am feeling great!
    Keep up the hunt. You know your body.
    Prayers going with you in this matter...
    Loving your ability to laugh...of course the thought of being 101 is a bit shocking and worthy of a laugh. tee-hee!
    Becky K.

  15. Such a gorgeous and beautiful journal.

  16. My prayers are with you!
    The comments are working Yahoo!

    Happiest New Year Dear Sandy!


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!