Friday, April 10, 2009

Beautiful Bookends (Tutorial).....

"I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back."
~Maya Angelou~

This has really been a beautiful and inspiring week. One of my Beautiful Life Goals was to seek out and attend a conference. Well, I did just that this week right from my very own home. I was so excited to here our hostess, Melissa of The Inspired Room, speak at A Woman Inspired online conference. It was so great to have a voice to go with that pretty sweet face and blog! Melissa did a great job and I came away with so much encouragement from what she had to share.

Thinking over all I heard from each of the speakers of this event I am reminded of bookends. Bookends are a prop placed at the end of a row of books to hold them upright. Bookends are also defined as a support, any device that bears the weight of another thing. That is exactly what the speakers of this event did, they held the listener upright with their unique brand of encouragement and uplifting teaching and testimonies. They were a support in our walk of faith, letting us know that we are not alone in our thoughts, feelings, or experiences. Many of them confessed to bearing the weight of fear of public speaking yet were obedient in stepping forward, opening up the beautifully bound volumes of their lives and sharing their individual stories, pages read with such honesty and sincerity. If you are interested, CD's of all the sessions will be made available for purchase soon, just click on the highlighted link above to visit the site.

I had time for a sweet and simple bookend project myself this week and I wanted to share a little how~to with you. I have been gathering favorite things from around my home to begin creating a little vignette on the two shelves over my sofa. I wanted some bookends with that timeworn appeal that I so dearly love but could not find exactly what I wanted. One day while I was out scouring my favorite junk bins at a couple of flea markets I came across a couple of old rusty chippy painted strap hinges, a handful of ceramic thing~a~ma-bobs, and two spray painted ceramic apples. An idea was born!
I about had a conniption when the store clerk started to muscle my perfectly "L" shaped rusted in place strap hinges flat! "NO!", I cried, "You will ruin them!" He looks at me like I am nuts, "Lady, they are pretty much already ruined." "No, they are perfect just as they are. I am going to use them for book ends." I get that funny, "OK" sort of look from him as I take my rusty crusty treasures and leave. He did loosen one a little so I reshaped it and left it out in the rain and weather for a week and it rusted back up.

To make your own versatile display bookends you will need:
*Strap Hinges~Perhaps you do not like the rusty crusty look, think sleek and modern and use new silver or black hinges for that modern industrial feel. Don't limit yourself to rusty and crusty or industrial, how about spray painting them bright red to hold kitchen cook books, or sweet soft pink for the nursery?

*Something to use as feet~old knobs, wooden balls, thing~a~ma~bobs, old wooden spools, nuts and bolts would work well for an industrial feel, etc. Use you imagination here.

*E6000 glue


*Clear matte sealer

*If using old hinges, gently sand off any loose rust and wipe hinges clean. Be sure to sand the areas well where you will be attaching your feet if you are gluing them on. If your hinge is new or loose you may want to glue the joint at an angle with a few drops of super glue to hold the "L" shape.

*Coat hinges, if rusty, with a coat of clear matte sealer. This will prevent further rusting and keep rust from rubbing off on the cover of your books. If you are spray painting your hinges do so now and allow to completely dry.

*Using E6000, glue feet in place and allow to dry completely. These hinges have holes in them that you could screw your feet to if you are using something that would work that way. My thing~a~ma~bobs needed to be glued on.

You now have a rotating display pair of bookends! Below you will find some ideas of the versatility of display ideas you could use with these simple bookends. (Click on any photo to enlarge for better viewing)

My original idea to use the spray painted apples.

How about a sweet little pair of wooden feet? Think how cute this would be with your child's baby shoes!
You don't have to use a pair of anything, use two related but different items like this cast iron bird on one side and a nest full of eggs on the other.

What about items found in nature, like pine cones or sea shells?

Fun vintage finds can be cool too, like these old cameras or "instant ancestor" photos found at flea markets.Chippy china, favorite figurines, or jars full of beautiful buttons work well too!
I love the versatility of these! I hope you too can put this simple project to use in your home.

Miss Sandy


  1. Sure sounds like you have had a great week Sandy.
    Love your book ends. So pretty - I really like how they can be used for anything.
    Happy Easter
    Tina x

  2. that is the cutest project Miss Sandy...all done in the colors i am so drawn to right now...thanks for sharing your wonderful and inspired idea!!!

    Have a Blessed Easter!!!

  3. You're beyond clever! Those turned out beautifully. I love your darling have seen that Whispering Poppies is doing a Romantic Vignette Party on the 15th? I'd love to see what you could come up with.

    You did an amazing job of pulling this all together. Bookends. Who knew?

    Oh, I notice "Girl of the Limberlost" there in your books...have you read it? I loved that book.

  4. Oh my gosh !!!!
    I am just blown away by the simplicity of the bookends.I have a box of assorted hinges in storage. I have been holding onto them for that special someday project. Somewhere I also have some old porcelin insulators .
    Thank you so very much for sharing your bookends.
    Happy Easter

  5. What a great idea! I love having the little shelves on either side...

  6. I'm headin' to the barn to see if I can scrounge up some hinges and insulators. What a great idea!
    Thanks for sharing this great idea.
    Easter Blessings!

  7. Hi Sandy, What beautiful bookends. Your imagination amazes me!

  8. You are truly indeed creatively blessed.

  9. very good idea for collectibles to be used

  10. Dear Sandy,

    I'm loving your bookend tutorial. I wish you and your family a joyous Easter day.


  11. Amazing project! You're a very talented lady! I love your antique books, and your home looks beautiful! Easter blessings!


  12. Great idea! and you've shown so many options :) Thanks, Sandy! Hope you have a wonderful Easter!

  13. Such a great use for an pair of hinges -- they look so wonderful in your displays -- You have a beautiful mix of traditional and Vintage shabby chic --
    Easter Blessigs to you and your family -
    Kathy - ga

  14. Miss Sandy, I just love this beautiful project. So many wonderful ways to display not only books but other little treasure.

    Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with all of us.

    Have a very Happy Easter

    Hugs Karen

  15. Your bookend designs are just beautiful! Have a joyous Easter!

  16. HiSandy,
    Just LOVE your bookends!!! Simple and they look great on your mantle.
    Guess I need to look at "junk" in a new way! Thanks for sharing your idea.
    Deb :)

  17. Sandy,
    I'm truly impressed! I love it!
    Have a blessed Easter.

  18. Wow, loved seeing your think, inpsiration and thought process behind this project. They turned out great and the whole vignettes is beautiful !

    Have a joyous and Happy Easter !


  19. What a great and creative idea! Nice! I had to giggle when you told about the clerk's reaction...too funny! Have a happy and blessed Easter! ~Lori

  20. Fabulous project, thanks for sharing, it has given me some ideas- sounds like you had a great week- conference and all.
    Happy Day

  21. Hi Sandy,
    I couln't imagine what you where going to do with all your finds, What a great idea!! Soo creative are you, love reading your blog. I'm fairly new to this blogging world and I am enjoying it soooo much! Keep creating, it is a wondrous gift from God. Linda

  22. Cool project, Sandy! The "thing-a-ma-bobs" are old electric fence insulators.

  23. Dear sweet Sandy, this is the most wonderful idea ever!!! I love them! I hope you are doing good sweet friend, hugs and love to you...xxoo, Dawn

  24. I love these book ends, so clever. You are very talented. Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. Your comments meant alot to me. I'll always remember them.


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!