Sunday, April 12, 2009

Serendipity Sunday: Resurrection Morn.....

Serendipity: Making a delightful or unexpected discovery

"He has risen!"
~Mark 16:6~

This weeks discovery was a poem I penned in April of 2006. This is a reprint here on my blog and I hope you will not mind. I am thinking I may just make it an annual tradition.

Resurrection Morn
By Sandy Babb, April 2006
Today we celebrate resurrection morn

The day that true hope for mankind was born

The story of hope began with the Savior’s birth

Very few realized this small babes worth

The story goes on as the child waxed and grew strong

He came to preach and to teach right from wrong

He chose twelve men to walk by His side

One of whom that could be bribed

They traveled both far and wide

Teaching by the sea, on hill, and in the countryside

The message of Him was spread far abroad

Rumor was rampant that this was the true Son of God

Those in power in those days

Resented his message and refused His ways

With malice and cunning they began to plot

How to rid themselves of this perceived blot

Fear of a kingdom they thought would come

Not understanding that it was a kingdom of heaven, not an earthly one

They twisted His words and mocked His ways

They struck up a bargain with the one who would betray

The story unfolds in a garden scene

A place where the mood was tense not serene

He gathered with Him there three of His disciples to pray

He cried out to the Father that this cup be taken away

Not what I want but what Thou will

He yielded Himself willingly, peaceful, and still

Along came a multitude with swords and staves

A treacherous kiss gave Him away

He was seized by their hands and lead to where He stood

Falsely accused, none saying good

Silently He stood, knowing what came

Suffering, humiliation, mocking, revile, and shame

They clothed Him in purple and inscribed a sign

They gave Him to drink myrrh mingled with wine

The crowd that gathered cried with pitiless glee

“Crucify, crucify, crucify He!”

“Save thyself, come down from the cross!”

Praise God He did not or all hope for mankind would be lost

There He hung pinned to a cross

Where He cried out to God through the darkness in a loud voice

With His last breath heaved, He gave up the ghost

He returned home to His Father and the heavenly hosts

Here the story does not end in tragic death

But leads to a conclusion in which we can all safely rest

His body was shrouded, placed in a tomb, and sealed with a great stone

The tomb of Joseph of Arimeathea, which he had hewed and honed

Guards there were posted on that fateful third day

The earth began to shake, with fear and trembling they fainted dead away

Along came three women on the Sabbath day

Wondering how they could roll the great stone away

When they arrived the stone was rolled away and there sat a young man all clothed in white

They were quite amazed and filled with fright

He who sat there said be not afraid

He whom you seek is risen, His not here, see for yourselves then be on your way

They looked and they trembled and were quite amazed

“He is risen! He is alive!” they cried

He appeared to many after He died

This is the story of how hope was born

That long ago day that we now call Easter morn

Praise God He is risen just as He said

Our Savior, He lives, alive and not dead!

May each of you have a blessed Easter!


Miss Sandy


  1. Very beautiful Sandy. God bless.

  2. Thanks for the beautiful poem Sandy. Hope you are having a great Easter! I bet you are having some serious storms about now. Ours are getting ready to move in as well.

  3. Beautiful poem in remembrance of the One Who shed His blood to cleanse us and give us life eternal! Thank-you!

  4. I hope you're having a blessed Easter as well, Sandy. Praise God He is risen!

  5. That is a beautiful poem, Miss Sandy. It so eloquently sums up our BLESSED HOPE in the resurrection.

    A blog I follow (because of the photos) is the property of a young woman in France. Her post for Good Friday made me so sad. Basically, she stated she believes that Jesus was crucified and resusitated. I pray for her...

  6. Beautiful poem, Miss Sandy! Thank you for re-posting for us newcomers! Happy Easter

  7. Thank you for that poem. It says it all. Praise the Lord the work is still going on...Sharon


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