Monday, April 13, 2009

A Wonderful Weekend.....

"Awake, thou wintry earth~
Fling off thy sadness!
Fair vernal flowers, laugh forth
Your ancient gladness!"
~Thomas Blackburn, "An Easter Hymn"~

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend like we did. On Saturday we gathered at my aunt and uncles home with almost all the extended family in attendance. This was Gorgeous Grandsons first real egg hunt and he got the hang of it real quick.

We had an intruder burst upon the scene, he snatched up an egg and ran much to the children's delight!
My aunts yard was draped with beautiful blooms that made a great backdrop for photographing the children hunting eggs. The humble bumble, honey bee, and butterflies were in attendance too. All in all it was a wonderful day.

Upon my return I checked my email to find out that a dear blog reader has started her own blog. I would love it if you would go over and welcome Vicki of Grandma's Rose Cottage. You will be tickled pink by the "Pink Egg" story her youngest grandson, Josh, wrote for her blog and touched by her sincerity to have her blog honor the Lord as well as refresh those who visit her.

Recently I was given two blog awards and I wanted to thank the givers of these honors. Kim of Unreasonable Grace passed along the Berry Sweet Blog Award. I was deeply touched by the precious and encouraging words of Kim and want to extend a special thank you to her for this honor.

Sweet Andrea of A Parson's Wife kindly passed on the Friendship Award. I have been getting to know Andrea through her lovely devotional posts which have been such a blessing to read. Thank you, Andrea, for this kind honor.

Now, both of these awards have rules of how they are to be passed on but if you have visited here for very long at all you will know that I rarely play by the rules. I honestly have mixed feelings about these things. I don't want to leave anyone out by choosing only a few blogs to give them to. I love all the blogs I visit and I think you are all award worthy. As Vee quoted over at her place, "I am conflicted because to pass them on has always felt awkward. It would be like walking through Keukenhof Gardens and only selecting just one tulip. Impossible! ...your visits and your comments are my reward."

So, having said that, if you are reading this post then consider yourself to be my "Berry" Sweet Blog Friends and award yourself with these sweet sentiments! Pass them on as you please and have a wonderful Monday!

Miss Sandy


  1. What uplifting photos of Spring's beauty and how sweet to see your grandson's Easter egg hunt. That intruder looked pretty dangerous! Hope you have a great week Sandy.

  2. What beautiful flowers! Sounds like a lovely day overall. What a fun intruder!

    I echo your feelings about awards -- I hate choosing only certain people to receive them and making others feel left out.

  3. Miss Sandy,
    Thank you for reading and posting on my blog. Thank so much for posting my sight on your blog. Your words are so kind. This a real joy to me. Thanks your new friend. Vicki

  4. Looks like a wonderful Easter Sunday with your family! I bet you got some great photos of your precious grandson! It was storming here where I live, so the little ones had to hunt eggs on Saturday.

    Our lives should celebrate the resurrection of Jesus EVERY day! I'm so thankful for his sacrifice and know that someday, we will have a sweet resurrection!

  5. Miss Sandy,

    I'm so glad that you had a blessed Easter and a wonderful time with your family. The pictures are so beautiful! Your posts always lift my spirits!

    Many blessings,


  6. I enjoyed seeing your spring photos. Looks like you had a great day!

  7. Congratulations on the awards! Your comments & thoughts are always uplifting. The spring flowers are so beautiful. Thank you for always sharing from your heart and from the Word....sharon

  8. You know what? I just experienced "smelling the warmth" of spring just now right here in your blog. It's kind of neat and must have been the flowers that caused me to have that sensation. Your little grand is so cute reaching high for his Easter egg. Glad that you enjoyed a wonderful day!


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!