Friday, July 24, 2009

Where Boggers Create Blog Party.....

(Click on any photo to enlarge for better viewing)

Woo Hoo! Party day has arrived at last! Karen of My Desert Cottage is hosting a Where Bloggers Create Party today. To visit all the wonderful creative spaces, click on the highlighted link to Karen's blog, check out her space, then click on the links listed on her side bar to visit all the party goers. Thank you, Karen, for hosting such an inspirational event.
I am doubly blessed to have two creative spaces, my art studio and my writing cottage. Over the years I have graduated up from small almost nonexistent spaces to real rooms. My first crafting space was a 1920's porcelain topped table, our actual dining table, with supplies stashed under the bed in plastic bins. My writing space was a wall hung desk in the corner of our bedroom.

After my son married and moved from home, my daughter moved into his larger bedroom and we turned her room into a guest room. In a three year period we only had two overnight guests so I decided to quit dusting and vacuuming valuable real estate and converted the guest room into my art studio. I moved everything from a 8' x 16' out building, which is now my writing cottage. This was one
of the best decisions I have ever made. I love my room!

My art studio is a shared space. My daughter has her own corner and storage where she likes to sketch, edit her photos, or scrapbook. I also share my space with coats and um, well, dirty laundry. But you
can't SEE the laundry so its OK, it doesn't hamper (pun intended) creativity.

Without further adieu, I invite you into my hodge podge haven of inspiration and art!Darling Daughter occupies half of this back wall space. Here are some of her inspirational items and displays. Shall we take a peek at her sketch books? Love these! You can pick up hints of her quirky personality, likes, and sense of humor by viewing her space.

I have used family items as well as flea market finds to decorate my space. This is my fashion wall where my modern sewing machine hides under vintage flair. The sewing table tutorial can be found here. The framed broaches were my mother-in-laws. The necklaces and earrings belonged to my paternal grandmother. The little lady standing on the corner of the sewing machine is Inez, you might remember that it was she that got me grounded from Ebay! The pattern tissue paper flower, tutorial found here, and the framed paper doll are pieces of my art. The picnic baskets hold thread, embroidery floss, and sewing notions. The black case holds vintage patterns for use in crafting.This is my current display of babies and beauties. The ruffled hat, purse, and little black shoes and lamb box were mine when I was a baby. The Kewpie, The Thinker, was purchased at the Rose O'Neill museum and is a vintage original. Flea market finds and blogger art round out the display.Everything is coming up roses where a bevy of beauties repose among the roses. The head vases are what I refer to as my damaged diva collection. None of them are in perfect condition but perfectly beautiful to me.My daughter drew and famed this rose for me several years ago.There is a story behind this rose painting. I bought it at a flea market after seeing the signature. It was painted by my former neighbor who has passed away. Evidently her family got rid of some of her belongings and this ended up in the flea market. I loved it because I loved her. Our road is named after her family and she painted this the year I was born. It is not the best painting but I love the vibrant colors and the fact that sweet Mrs. Ophie's hand created it.

Here is the practical portion of my space, where I create! I have a lot of favorite personal items in this area but I have to say that my Shakespearean Raven Theater is my all time favorite piece of art I have ever created.
Dividing our spaces is this little vignette. I altered a jewelry box to use and an ink cupboard. I store ink pads in one side and alphabet stamps in the drawers.
Here is the new build that I told you about in my last post. Don't let the lace fool you, that is where the dirty laundry is hidden. I have room for my printer and lap top which makes it handy for printing images for my art. I didn't really have time to thoughtfully decorate this area so I have a bit of this and that. I LOVE that vintage photo that I call Little Red Riding Hood, she is so adorable!The altered tin bucket I made for and art challenge just looks like it is filled with yummy lace, the lace is hiding a bucket of dead dolls. I rescued them from certain death due to dismemberment. They all need their heads and arms reattached. I'll show them to you when they are more presentable.

I am still working on stamping and hand painting these storage boxes. You can find a tutorial for theses boxes here. Above hangs one of my collage projects.Here above my paint cupboard is my button cubby where buttons are sorted by color and in cute little jars. My gathering basket is at the ready for our next commune with nature. Rolls of vintage wall paper or stored in the corner.
The closet is where I store gift warp, paper supplies, embellishments, and scrapbooking supplies. Oh, and coats too.I have a couple of spaces that I can rotate little collections of inspiration or display art. I have to tell you as I went around the room I got a bit weepy from all the blogger love in my room. I have 30 items that were gifts or little handmade pieces of art in my room! This does not count a collection of tags I have tucked away in an old hat box waiting for their turn to be displayed. That is a lot of blog love!

I don't like to see my supplies everywhere but I do like to see my supplies where they are stored so in all my cupboard spaces so I used clear plastic storage containers that are also labeled. Back in January I began to go through all my supplies and really edited them down to only the things I love to create with. I don't have a lot of everything but a little of a lot of things. I have learned not to go willy nilly over the latest gadget, gizmo, or hot product of the moment. I find I am more apt to create when I am using what I am personally drawn to.

Obviously I can't stash everything in my tiny room so I utilize other spaces for overflow. Vintage linens in the hall closet, bulk fabric, fiber fill, & foam in the storage shed, one large bin in the storage shed for project items like frames, boxes, etc., spray paints and painting supplies for large projects in the man cave, Handy Hubby's shop, and overflow of art, decorating, and design books all over the house.

My writing cottage is situated next our garden pond and is decorated in a beachy style. I love this space because no matter the time of year it feels like a summer get away. If you would like a short peek at my writing space, you can visit this previous post.

I hope you have enjoyed viewing where this blogger creates. If you have any specific questions about my spaces, feel free to post them in the comments section and I will address them in a later post. Now, I am off to visit all the other inspiring spaces!

Miss Sandy


  1. Why Miss Sandy your room is absolutely stunning!!! You are a lovers of dolls I see, they are so lovely!!! I really like how you have displayed everything, it's so inviting and peaceful!!! I am inspired by the way you have decorated with all the personal touches, so wonderful! Thanks for sharing your creative space with everyone!!
    Margaret B

  2. Love your great ideas! Thanks so much for sharing! Come visit my studio, too!

  3. Wow, Miss Sandy, now that's an art space. I'd never want to come out! I can certainly see why you are so inspired. I tend to do my projects all over the house but one of these days, perhaps I'll have a space just for ME to be creative! Your room is lovely - wish you had a photo of yourself creating something beautiful...

  4. What a beautiful creative space you have to work in. Love it!
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Wow, Sandy! How gorgeous and inspirational!! Thank you so much for showing us your space!

    Is that a painted spice rack holding your bottles of glitter and glue?

  6. My aunt is contemplating a redo of her craft space. I have recommended this post most especially for all the obvious reasons. What a scrumptious space, Sandy! It's really lovely. One thing that I hope she reads is your comment about wasting valuable real estate on a guest room. She has a guest room already, but is also using her craft space for an extra bed. Truth to tell, I have considered putting a bed in my craft space, but after reading this, I am nixing that idea.

    Just loved seeing all you've done and how well you are using all available space!

  7. Your room is big! And great inspiration! I love that blue. The other day I read a press release from our major paint company. In short: White is 2008, 2009 are neutrals while we are in a crisis. 2010 will be the year of more optimism and therefore more optimistic colors like: light blue! I love the headvases and all your vignettes, the babyshoes and the other things you owned, I just don't know where to start. I can say everything is beautiful! Have fun today!

  8. That is just awesome! It is rare for the same person to be both very creative and very organized.

  9. Absolutely lovely. I have a studio upstairs, but since the knee surgery do not go up much. I need to change that. I posted about my space several weeks ago. All over the first floor. Maybe this will ispire me to get it all together.

  10. Wow! So glad you joined the party so I could find you! Great Space! Thanks, for sharing! Hugz, Z

  11. Wow, you have two beautiful spaces to create. I LOVE your writing cottage.

  12. Sandy with an area like that even non-creative people such as myself would be tempted to try to do some type of project. What a wonderful place to dream and work.

  13. Hey Chickadee!
    Wonderful and inspiring space! I loveyour chickenwire!!!
    Big mermaid hugs


  14. Miss Sandy, I so love your art studio. There is so much beautiful inspiration in every nook and corner. By the time I finished reading and enlarging all the pictures, I now need to go work on my space some more.

    thank you for sharing and the motivation.

    Hugs Karen

  15. Fabulous Studio and wow great storage ideas! I love that it seems all these lovely studios incorporate their collections. They must be a great source of inspiration and fun. Everyone seems to have a collection of some sort. I adore the lady-head planters! They are usually too costly for me but I love them!

  16. I absolutely love your room, I so enjoyed looking at all the little bottles, & jars and interested in what was in them just adorable! I am taking notes as my plans are to turn a bedroom into my own space. Thanks so much for sharing.

    Have a blessed weekend,


  17. Oh my goodness - your studio is stunning, Miss Sandy! From the wall color to the creative organization, each detail is an inspiration in itself!

    Thank you do much for shraing!

    :-) Molly

  18. Hi Miss Sandy,
    Soooo enjoyed stoppin' by for a visit. Luv your creative space and all your "vintage" accents.

    Thanks for sharing. :)

  19. A fantastical creative space...I loved it all and what a cool way you arranged it all.

  20. thanks for sharing all your great ideas and your creativity! Hope you can stop by and visit me, too.

  21. What a cozy, quaint place for you and your daughter to create. I see she has a LOT of butterflies! I love your dolls, the vintage lace, your gathering basket etc. - so many things you have shared with us and now to see them in your design studio. I now can picture you at work in your lovely surroundings. Thanks for sharing.

  22. What a beautiful space to create! I adore how you've put your special touch everywhere the eye can see.

  23. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous studio. I love-love-love the vintage items!!!!!

  24. Hi Miss Sandy!
    Isn't this so much fun? Even though we DO feel a little guarded about our private havens, you are IS fun to share. I love seeing your space as now I can imagine where your creativity is so beautifully inspired. I'm so lucky to have one of your pieces of hangs proudly in MY studio!
    I'll pass the compliment on to Sophie and I'm sure she'll greatly appreciate it. If ever she ups and packs her bags, I'll certainly send her your way!!!! ;)
    everything vintage

  25. Well, my heart sure sped up when I saw that sewing machine table! I have about four of them and they are my favorite pieces of furniture. (Yours is extra special because you altered it!) One is my kitchen island. I love your pretty organized space. And the obvious love you have spread about the room. Love it!

  26. A wonderful space - I love the blue and white color scheme and the idea of hiding your new sewing machine under a vintage case is great! I absolutely adored spending time with you today in your space!

  27. I had to click on so many of your have a wonderful gift of making vignettes....the bay items are my favorite!

  28. What an amazing space. Love the color, the chicken wire shelf and I am very attracted to the apothacary jars filled.

  29. Oh Sandy. Where do I start?? First, can I come visit???? Your creative space is divine sweet friend!! And what a precious mom you are to share it with your daughter ~ I love her style as well! I love each and every aspect....your sewing area is so wonderful, the transformation of the pieces turned out so good Sandy! I love the head vases that you have displayed too...and Inez?? ohmygoodness, Sandy, she was worth being grounded!!! I just took a peek at your writing space goodness girl!!!! It's beautiful ~ by the way, can I come visit you??? :) What a wonderful space dear friend ~ thank you so much for sharing it all!!! hugs and love, Dawn

  30. Miss Sandy,
    It is Wonderful!!! I see so many amazing details that I adore, like those fabulous framed moths, the lovely vintage head vases, the sewing pattern stool and table, and the wonderful altered chest for your ink supplies. I've bookmarked your flower tutorial and will try that out in the near future.
    Thank you so much for the tour of you charming work space.

  31. Hi Sandy, Wow!! What a great creating place you have!! The color is so pretty and that long counter!! WOW! I think it's so neat that you and your daughter can craft together. The display over your sewing machine table is just beautiful!! So artfully done. I just love it. Thank you so much for sharing your space with all of us!! Linda

  32. WOW!!! I really love your creative space! I would love to come over and just peak at everthing and then create something with you. my tubs of fabric live in the garage so I know what you mean about having your stuff spread out all over the house. thanks for stopping by and leaving a nice comment.
    :) Missy

  33. What a great space.. Sharing with your Daughter? How wonderful.. She is a talented artist too.. Love all your special treasures and vintage items.. Thank you for sharing.. Thank you for visiting me too.. Keep creating..

  34. you have a gorgeous amazing space !! how wonderful that your daughter creates with you too !!! thanks for stopping in my blog !

  35. OMGoodness! I just love it all! You and your daughter are so talented! I especially love your head vases. I had a few when I was little and had my tonsils out. Of course, they got thrown away. I finally found one at a flea market. I want to keep collecting them. I remember as a little girl thinking they were such beautiful grown up ladies!

    Thanks for visiting me.

  36. The light blue color is so dreamy and creative. Your studio is something to be so proud of. I love every corner!

  37. Miss Sandy,
    Can you hear me oohh and awwwing? I loved every little nook, corner, and inch of your creating place! It is a lovely reflection of a very lovely Artist!

  38. Miss Sandy, It is so much fun to look into your creative room where you create. It was eye candy to see what you have done. You and Dawn have taken craft room to a whole new hight. It was a pleasure to visit....Hugs, Mary

  39. Oh. My. Gosh. What a great studio! I love that color of blue you used. I have the same color in my living room and kitchen. You really are so lucky to have 2 creative spaces.

  40. I love your well organized, fabulously appointed space. I truly do! Thank you sooooooooooo much for sharing with us all and allowing us a peek into your life's work!

    Hugs to it again!


  41. a very nice place, sweet and full of old and beautifull things... it seems to tell a story... this room could be named "once upon a time..."

  42. Sandy, You have such a great creative studio. I love all of the vintage touches and the stories that go along with them. The rose painting your neighbor made is so special. It was meant to be yours! I see your daughter is very talented as well. Like mother like daughter. Have a great weekend! And thanks for stopping by my studio too.

  43. What an absolutely gorgeous studio. I love all of your displays and especially hiding your new sewing machine under a vintage one! Thanks for sharing your lovely studio!

  44. I love your vintage vignettes and displays--they are beautiful! I had an antique sewing trestle table and an antique portable singer sewing machine and in the process of moving--my husband threw them away while I was at work!!!! I look at yours and I miss mine so much! What I wouldn't give to have them back. Thanks for the inspiration.

  45. I love your studio! It's gorgeous and so many wonderful treasures!

    Cathy ♥

  46. Your studio is stunning full of beauty and creativity.

  47. It has been an adventure going through your art studio. Thank you for sharing your precious space with us. I love the blue, it is so warm.
    I have seen your writing cottage before but I could not resist going there again to take a peek. I just ADORE your writing cottage. All that light! I love big windows. I also really like the way you have furnished it.

  48. Besides loving your blue work area, your name for your blog is darling: Quill Cottage! I also display clothes I wore and doll dressed from my youth on my walls. They are vintage, ya know, chickee! After all, I'm heading into my 70s rather rapidly, sugar! But that space is delightful and I've so enjoyed the peek into your private area.

    Thank you soooooo much for visiting and leaving a sweet comment on my "where bloggers create", sweetpea; they are much enjoyed and appreciated.


  49. Wow, yours is the best I have seen so far. I especially like the vintage sewing supplies and the porcelin lady heads. Come on over and visit my studio at:

    I am lovin' this party!!!

  50. What a beautiful space. I love everything about it. My favorites are the vintage pieces that have special family connections. I also love that you share this space with your daughter. Thanks for sharing.

  51. Sandy, your room is delightful and I love the way you are the same in everything you do. You know who you are and what you like and it's all so beautiful. Like mother, like daughter, it seems too. Of course, why wouldn't she want to emulate such beauty?

  52. Your space is just wonderful! You are so organized and neat. No wonder you are so creative! :-) Love it all.

  53. What a beautiful room Miss Sandy! So many very lovely inspirational pieces you have collected. I love the items that you have that were passed down through generations! I also love Inez~ she was WORTH being grounded for :)

  54. What an absolutely wonderful space. You are lucky to be able to share it with your very talented daughter. Thank you so much for coming to my party. You've really helped make it a success!

    My Desert Cottage

  55. Oh, my goodness -- I have a Little Red Riding Hood in MY studio, too! But, I think yours is even more charming. Your space is beyond delightful! What a beautifully creative space you live in! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance at this lovely event; please do stop by for a visit soon!

    Enjoy the party!

    Warm Wishes,


  56. Hi Sandy,
    What an amazing studio! I'm sitting here with my mouth gaping open. Eye candy as far as I can see. Just beautiful!

  57. so many beautiful things! love the blue color you painted. Wonderful space- thank you for showing us!
    xo natalea

  58. You are blessed and TALENTED!!!! SHHHHHHHhhhhh don't tell anyone---I really shouldn't show favoritism at a party-----but, your studio is my favorite.....

  59. What a great space!!
    I especially like the head vases; my mom has a small collection of them. I store my vintage wallpaper in a vintage tole can too!
    I didn't get my studio photographed for this event, but I am having a giveaway on my blog this weekend for "Christmas in July". Stop by if you like PINK! :)

  60. Wonderful space! Love your heaad vases! They are wonderful and you put them to a very creative use.

  61. What a gorgeous space and how sweet that you get to share it with your daughter. It looks like you both have so much fun creating in there. I especially love the framed brooches.

  62. Oh, what a wonderland! Chock-full-o-creativity! Thank you for sharing with us all!
    Christina :)

  63. Wow Miss Sandy! What an amazing space you have! It's very beautiful, and you have so many great things to keep in it!


  64. Thank you for sharing...I got some great new ideas for storing items! Your space is so inviting...
    Thanks so much for sharing...
    Dancingly, Denise

  65. Love your room Miss Sandy. It´s so beautiful and so inspiring. And all that space - Oh I wish - lol.
    Love all your beautiful displays too.

  66. What a wonderful studio! I especially adore your fashion wall!

  67. Not only do I love your creative space, but I love the magical music on your blog and I truly love your profile! What a fun lady you are! I'm now following your blog!
    bunny hugs,

  68. Wow, what a wonderful studio. It is stunning. I am going to read all your blog and become a follower. Thank you for sharing. Martha

  69. Lovely ... everything about your space says perfection... Simply beautiful. You've done an amazing job here!


  70. Sandy,
    I love both of your creative spaces. The blue in your art studio is such a wonderful shade - calming without that cool rush out feeling that you sometimes get from blue. I love that you keep some of your collectibles in there with you it makes it so personal and so you.
    I have followed your blog for some time - but I'm usually kind of a lurker more than a commenter. Since I am here I would be amiss if I did not let you know that your post always inspire me in one way or another. Thank you.
    Thank you also for popping over to my blog and leaving such kind words about my studio. I really appreciate it.


  71. Wow! I think I'm in love...with your studio! Everything is sooo well organized, and so beautifully decorated. I love your touches of vintage flair in the room. So beautiful!!
    And what a pretty and cozy retreat your writing cottage is. I don't think I'd be able to leave there. Thanks for sharing your amazing spaces!

  72. Hi Miss Sandy, it's been a while since I've visited your beautiful blog but I had to stop by to see your creative space. An inspiration. I have a button from the coat my grandmother wore on her wedding day and always wondered what I would do with it--you have inspired me with the framed broaches. Thank you for commenting at my blog. It made my day. You have a wonderful space. Thank you for sharing it. ~Kathy

  73. It's a wonderful space, light and bright. How neat that you and your daughter work in the same area...that (to me) would be the best part indeed! :D It's very lovely.

    yapping cat

  74. I must tell you that your space has to be my absolute favorite of them all. I think we are feathers from the same bird. I love, love, love all of the vintage items and that you share the space with your daughter. My oldest is just spreading her wings as an artist and I would love to share a space with her one day.

    Also, I wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving your very nice comment ;o)

  75. Wow, what a wonderful studio. It looks very well organized. I love the color and all your fun vintage treasures. Thanks for letting me peek, it is a lovely place to create.

  76. I'm still trying to make my way through all the studios! Yours is wonderful. I love all your organized storage! And I love your long counter to spread out while you create. Very pretty!


  77. I love everything - and have gleaned some lovely ideas for my space - which is new, and still a bit stilted, I think. Thank you for sharing your very pretty space!

  78. Oh my what a wonderful room- so organized. I love it.

  79. Miss Sandy, what a beautiful studio you have, I just kept going back and looking at the pictures and all the wonderful details again and again. One of my favorite things is your gorgeous vintage sewing area. I have been honored with my Itas (grandma's)
    antique sewing machine that I used to help her sew on when I was little and raised by her. I would sit on the floor with my dolly working the foot "treadle" (is this what its called?) waiting for her to make my doll clothes. I am so inspired by your beautiful sewing area. I am hoping I can do something as beautiful to honor my Ita's treasure. Thank you for sharing your beautiful studio. Rose

  80. What a beautiful creative space to work in! Very charming and inspiring.

  81. Coming over again to visit your fun space! Could you tell me how you hung the vintage suitcase on the wall? I love that idea!

    bee blessed


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!