I really should not be left to my own devices for very long or I am bound to get into trouble. Case in point, I have been under the weather for a couple of days and have tried to find ways to entertain myself until I am up and around again. I thought about reading but I have read every book and magazine in this house and couldn't settle on a reread so I moved on to daytime TV. Have mercy! Have you seen what is on daytime TV? That was a no go so I moved on to the computer thinking this was a good way to occupy some time. I thought I'd visit some blogs and send an email or two. Sounds innocent enough huh?
I was enjoying my visits to places far and wide and then I came across this and this. Some of those seven deadly sins began to rear their ugly head, envy, lust, and greed. I WANTED that unfinished form.

I went here, but alas they were all sold out. Well, I stewed and brewed over it for a while and then and idea struck, google it! Did you know that you can make these yourself (here , here, and here)if you have a guinea pig, er, willing helper. I am thinking that darling daughter is perfect for the job and it was her day off. I researched and read up on the various methods of doing this and then casually asked how she would like to spend a few hours having fun. No dice, after I explain to her that she would be partially mummified for a couple of hours with no sitting or potty breaks. She laughs and says I am crazy.
Crazy like a fox, I think OK this little hiccup will not spoil my day, I think about calling my friend PH and asking her to be my model but change my mind. She might have done it if I had asked, after all we are crazy mid-life ladies looking for adventure and laughs. I am thinking this would have fit the bill. We have a running joke about duct tape so I surely would have had to use that method on her. I devise several methods for making my own but decide in the end to see if I can track down a ready made one after all. That is when I found some on Ebay. Yeah! but only if you know how to use Ebay, which I don't.

I might have forgot to mention that I don't actually have an Ebay account but handy hubby does so when it asked me if I was him I think being married to him makes me a part of him so I say "YES". If you have an Ebay account you also have to have a method of payment, I don't, but he does. Since I am not actually buying anything I think this does not matter. Here I repeat, READ THE FINE PRINT! Since it is his account and not mine it is also attached to his email and not mine. I forgot to tell him that he would be getting an email from a Granny somebody about an offer I made because I got so sick that afternoon.
I am languishing on the couch thinking death would be a relief as handy hubby sits at his desk paying bills and balancing the checkbook. I hear him exclaim, "WHAT?" Followed by, "Sandy, did you buy something on Ebay?" I say, "No." He says, "According to my account you did, I am being billed by paypal by a Granny somebody for a body form. What exactly is a body form and why are you buying one?" "No, no , no," I say, "I didn't purchase it, I just made an offer. I forgot to tell you to expect an email to tell me if they accepted or not and then I would decide if I wanted to buy it or not. Sorry." "It doesn't work that way, did you read the fine print? If you make an offer and they accept it you agree to the purchase and it is a done deal, you bought it." "Oh. No, I just pushed the buttons and made offers." "OFFERS? Exactly how many offers?" "Um, two." "You need to come in here and email this Granny and tell her you that you only want one of these weird things and not two. Tell her you have paid for the one and decline the other in case she takes you up on your other bid." So I drag my half dead self off the couch and send the email.
All is silent as I fall back into a heap upon the couch. "Sandy?" "Uh?" "You are grounded from Ebay." "OK." I guess I'll find out later today if that shifty Granny is selling me two of those forms or not. In the meantime, I have to find something else to occupy myself, and ideas?

There is also another wonderful give away going on over at The Joy of Nesting. Pattie lives in Mexico and is have a wonderful give away with really unique and colorful items that are indigenous to that area.
Miss Sandy
P.S. If you want to know why I wanted the unfinished form, go over and visit Calamity Kim at this post. I wanted one to be able to make my own forms and I might just try out a dress or two too!
You must try to do this with your daughter. We had tons of fun making our dress form, but I'd suggest NOT doing in during the heat of July. Here's the link to my tutorial:
You crack me up Sandy!!! I just laughed out loud reading your post! I am so glad that you found you one though ~ I can wait to see all the creative things that you will do with it too!! xxoo, Dawn
eBay can be a dangerous place! You made me laugh out loud. I hope you feel better soon.
Oh my, that's the kind of trouble I get into. Sounds like your husband is as good natured as mine though.
I love your blog !You are funny even when you're sick. Hope you're feeling much better.
Yikes Sandy,
I'm thinking that the next time you try a "ebay tutorial" that roll of duct tape might come in handy :c} When you are feeling a bit better drop by my digs I'm having a little giveaway for my new Bloglandian friends :c}
Pattie :c}
Mazatlan Mexico
You know Sandy I've never tried to purchase anything off e-bay either. I wouldn't even know where to begin. You'll have to let us know if you get two forms. Hope you are feeling better soon!
Too much FUN!!!! I want a dress form too, but am trying to hold out!
You're going to become the "new" Erma Bombeck at this rate, Miss Sandy!
Thanks for the links to the giveaways and also thanks for the absolutely inspired ideas about hiding the tv. You've got John's gears grinding.
Hi Sandy,
This is a good one, loved reading your post and then I really appreciated the information on where to go to make your own dress form. Hope you got it all cleared away on only the one purchase. Thanks for bringing some smiles our way.
Thank you for the smile! Hope you're well soon.
Oh Sandy! As always your posts are so humorous and refreshing! Hope your grounding isn't permanent ... and I hope you are feeling much better!
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