Wednesday, April 7, 2010


"Walk the earth, stepping beauty into everything that you do."

-Nina Bagley-
(Quote used with authors permission)
One thing I love about the art community is the generosity of the sharing of ideas, techniques, and sometimes even their inspiring words. I encountered three such artist this week and I wanted to share them with you.

With spring in full swing and May just around the corner the thought of the old tradition of the May Basket was the inspiration for Mary of Mary's Meanderings to share a free May Basket Tutorial.(Photo property of Mary's Meanderings used with permission)

The May Basket tradition has roots that go back the early European settlers of the American continent. In some parts of the United States, May Baskets were and still are made. These baskets are small and usually filled with flowers or treats and left at someones door step. The basket giver would ring the bell and run away. The person receiving the basket would try to catch the fleeing giver. If they caught the person, a kiss would be exchanged.
(Photo property of Mary's Meanderings used with permission)

Mary's beautiful baskets would make lovely party favors!

I know you are going to get tired of me gushing about Artist Class - Art Tutorials but I cannot help myself after having done the first class project yesterday. The first artist to share her tutorial is Lisa McIlvain of Tarnished & Tattered. Her project is a Tattered Mother's Day Collage.I used Lisa's technique to create a collage, personalizing the theme, to hang in my studio as an inspiration piece. I love that I not only learned a new technique but that this project really challenged me to step away from precise placement and to let loose and have fun!

For quite some time I have wanted a piece to hang on my studio door. It needed to be something special, something personal, something inspirational, and something that announced that beauty and creativity lay just beyond the threshold. Lisa's tutorial brought about the desired results...For my image, I used a clipping I had saved from a magazine that depicts a group of women gathered in a room devoting themselves to the study of art, a reminder of the wonderful community of artistic women who share my passion. Each one holds a paint brush and pallet as they each paint their own unique interpretation of a still life set before them.My creative career began as a decorative painter. Painting was my bread and butter and allowed me to bring in an income and still be a stay at home wife and mother. I chose the theme of painting as a reminder of where I began. I embellished my collage with one of my ratty old paint brushed, a mini paint pallet, and a small square canvas.I thought my piece needed words as I always like to incorporate some sort of verbiage in my art. I looked at quotes. I searched through favorite books. I flipped thorough Scripture. Nothing seemed right, so, I gave up and went to visit some blog friends. That is where I found the beautiful caption that graces the top of my art work.
I visited Nina Bagley of Ornamental when I was arrested by these words in her post, "...walk the earth, stepping beauty into everything that they do." Nina was referring to the students she had just encountered in a class she recently taught. I could not get past that phrase knowing that this is the essence of what every artist hopes to do - walk the earth stepping beauty into everything they do.
I contacted Nina asking her permission to use her words and to make one little change from "they" to "you" to make the quote more personal and she graciously gave her permission. Nina's words, captioned at the top of this piece will now encourage me to step across the threshold of my studio, into this working place devoted to the study of art, and to the best of my God given ability to walk my artful journey stepping beauty into everything I set my hands to create.

Mary, Lisa, and Nina, ladies, you are each in a class of your own and I thank you for sharing your projects, your ideas, and even your words to enhance my artful journey!

Miss Sandy

P.S. A little side note on permissions - you should never use another person's idea, photo, or even their words without seeking permission first. If Nina had said no then I would have waited to find the right thing to use on my art piece. I think it is very important to respect the ideas of those who came up with them.


  1. I love the quote you have on your inspiration piece. So very perfect.

    Have a great day!

    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  2. Sandy, once again, another project from your heart that touched my heart. Even before I read your post, noticed the palette and brush and knew it was a very personal project for you. Soooo beautiful, sweet friend!

    And it's perfect to hang on your studio door!

    Blessings and Hugs,

  3. Truly beautiful piece. I like the way you've incorporated your past and your present into one sweet presentation. I'm so scattered that my mind doesn't bend that way, but I'm so glad that yours does. Amen to having permission first!

  4. Gorgeous piece you did from the tutorial. I love the fact that we can get such diverse projects from the same tutorial. Hope you have a fantastic day! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Sandy- what an awesome project you created! I do so love the quote you found and how gracious of Nina to let you use it. My you are so very talented and full of grace- would so love to meet you sometime!

    Thank you for featuring my lil baskets today- My that was fun to see them getting shown off on your gorgeous blog!

    It is snowing here once again in Colorado! I do so long for spring- get just a sneak peek then the snow comes again!

    bee blessed

  6. Sandy,
    Oh girl,you put me to shame! Your project is truly amazing, & so YOU! I love it that you took the technique & made it all your own. I love the old paintbrushes & the quote you used, perfect! I'm going to look up the May Basket tutorial today! What you said about permission, very thoughtful words my friend. Yes, I think we all borrow, after all we are artists & are inspired by the beauty around us. Giving credit & asking permission does not make another art any 'less'. We could all take the same project & get very different results. But following the golden rules shows class.

  7. Miss Sandy, this is beautiful! I love the artsy theme for that is my muse calling to me, too. Altho I don't do paper masterpieces as you do, this lovely piece stirred into wanting to do one. Great job!!!

  8. Projects that convey meaning and depth are wonderful, and your is a perfect example!

  9. Hi Sandy,
    Your project is just perfect! I love the quote too. God truly has gifted you!
    Thank you for sharing and reminding us that it is important to get permission to use other peoples ideas and creations.
    Have a wonderful week.
    Blessings, Sonya

  10. Oh my goodness sweet Sandy!!!!! This piece is so, so beautiful to me!!!!! I love it...Lisa is amazing and I'm so in love with both of your artwork, now to see her idea and your interpretation of it is just wonderful!! You girls are AMAZING....hugs and love, Dawn

  11. Sandy, your art piece turned out just gorgeous! Lisa is a wonderful teacher, and it's so awesome when we are able to learn new techniques and incorporate them into our own style. Learning how to free myself from precision is something I need to practice much more. You seem to have gotten the technique down perfectly!!!

    My Desert Cottage
    Valentine Design

  12. Miss Sandy, you made a very beautifull, and your all own interpretation of Lisa`s tutorial.
    It is wonderfull with the quote from Nina, and so special with what you used of different elements.
    xo Sandy

  13. Sandy amor, Your new creation is absolutely beautiful and so inspiring! love how you took something that inspired you and then were able to create something that is so you and inspiring to others like me...amazing! You, amor see beauty in everything (hence the pistachio nut eggs :) is evident in how you live your life and in what you create, your an amazing artist and a true friend :) Besos, Rose

  14. Hello Sandy,
    Just popping in to say 'Hi" and 'no I haven't forgotten you'. We had such beautiful weather for the last days that I decided to enjoy that and be a bad blogger for a few days. Now I even don't have the time to read your posts, but I will be back tomorrow evening. Looking at the photos, I would say that it is a very beautiful post!

  15. Miss Sandy, i love what you made using Lisa's beautiful...the quote from Nina is perfect...the may baskets are all so pretty!!! thanks for sharing all the pretty:)

  16. What a wonderful interpretation of Lisa's project. I love the picture and the easel embellishment is just perfect. Once again, you've shared bundles of inspiration!


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!