Monday, April 5, 2010


"Take thy plastic spade,
It is thy pencil; take thy seeds, thy plants,
They are thy colours."

-William Mason, The English Garden, 1782-

I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Easter weekend. Ours pretty much looked like this...It was overcast with a light hazy drizzle almost all day but still a quite pleasant day to reflect on the significance of the celebration. This was our first ever holiday without being surrounded by any family and that gave me a whole new perspective on how those who do not have anyone to celebrate with must feel. I think that was my Easter gift this year, compassion, a new understanding and compassion, a lovely gift to receive.

I think it is always sad to see a celebration come to an end, but, with springs arrival, Garden Parties can begin! If you are looking for the artsy crafty type of party then check out Artist Class, which begins today and it is not too late to sign up. Be sure and use the discount code of: quillcottage to receive $10.00 off the class price.
I played around with my Butterfly Garden Fairy Cupcake Pick, which is my tutorial for the class, last evening and came up with a paper cupcake to poke it in for my own pleasure, although a real cupcake would be much more yummy...I was a little bummed this morning when I went to take a photo of the cupcake, evidently the craft glue I used reacted with the Styrofoam ball and the cupcake part sunk a little. The pearl part was more rounded out than it is now but I guess it still looks OK. Styrofoam is so tricky to work with when gluing, oh well.

If you are looking for a few fun and fanciful ideas for entertaining at your next garden party then may I refer you to an older post HERE where I share some ideas for decorating your next party, like these...
Oh, and don't forget that I am celebrating spring with a Give Away, you can SIGN UP AT THIS LINK. Here are the three prizes I am giving away...I started a new art piece this last week and thought I might give you a sneak peek of its beginnings...I also have my hands full of sweet little flowers to use in my next tutorial to share with you here...Today promises to be a very busy one both in and out of the studio, no parties for me! I hope you all have wonderful plans in store for your day and that you day is filled with joy!

Miss Sandy


  1. All the best with your class!

    (I think that styrofoam is a challenge. I used to make angels that required a styrofoam head to be light enough. Miserable.)

    Why did I think of a switchplate cover looking at one of your projects. Must admit that I found that pretty tempting to consider.

  2. What gorgeous things you've shared with us today. Hope your class has much success. Have a very happy day!

  3. This is my first time visiting your Sweet Blog. I just love looking around at all the wonderful items you have made!
    What a treat for my eyes. If you don't mind I'll be back every now and then for a little inspiration.
    Hopeing your day is wonderful!

  4. Sandy, the photo of your weather is lovely. So misty and soft.

    I'm looking forward to seeing your newest projects.


  5. I just know your class will be a great success. Such lovely things you have created. Always so enjoyable to visit you.

  6. Miss Sandy, wherever did you find such a beautiful image to use for the tag in the nest? The tag with the ring-around-the-rosy-ing children... just lovely. So full of childish joy and pleasure, it is an image I would love to find somewhere.


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!