Saturday, April 3, 2010


"I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden."

-Ruth Stout-
I have just spent the most glorious week communing with spring, enjoying being out of doors observing nature. To celebrate returning to the enchanted land of blog and to share a touch of spring I am hosting a give away! Read on for details...

I sat on my deck steps and watched as a little bird dipped its beak into my offering bowl of shredded paper scraps and bits of cotton twine. I watched it twirl and intertwine them with carefully chosen twigs, grasses, and dried leaves. I marveled at its weaving skills and was inspired to make a nest of my own.
Gathering a few strands of much needed to be trimmed wild honeysuckle vine from the bramble out back, I returned to the steps taking lessons from my little bird friend, weaving a nest fit to hold small springtime treasures. After my nest was complete I spray painted it a soft cream and added a re-purposed ceramic bird to the rim, lastly, lining the nest with pink velvet and organza rose petals.This spring time nest is filled with three brightly colored tags wrapped in lace which has been secured with yellow paper roses and glittery butterfly tags. A larger tag hold also holds lace, a pretty posy, and a little embellished envelope filled with sweet paper punches. A bright blue pink posy embellished box contains tiny trinkets of spring: colored buttons, beads, jewels, brads, and charms.This Sweet Spring Nest is my first offering of sharing spring with one of you as a give away prize!While sitting with eyes closed, face tipped up to the sun, slowly swaying back and forth on the yard swing, I listened to the distinct trill of the Eastern Bluebird. I let my heart soar with each lift of its note. This little bird and a happy heart inspired my next offering in the give away - a Songbird Scrap Pack!

This package contains happy spring hued patterned paper scraps in pinks, yellows, greens, and blues.
It also contains hand cut sturdy card stock tag bases in a variety of shapes, spring time colors, and sizes. A matching K&Co. tag sticker pack accompanies these supplies. The package is topped off with an over sized hand made tag that depicts the musical trill of the bluebird and a happy heart all bound up in the soft sweet sounds of spring.While slowly driving down a lazy winding back country road on my way home one afternoon last week, I passed a greening field peppered with wild flowers and fluffy white sheep. Running among them was a little slip of a girl. Their bleating and her laughter danced on the breeze through my open window. Both sight and sound embedded themselves in my memory. A little flash bulb of a moment in time that sang to me of nursery rhymes; "Mary had a little lamb...whose fleece was white as snow..." I wondered if her name was Mary, the little laughing sprite skipping with the lambs.

This was the inspiration for the third and final offering of sharing spring with one of you. Eloise Wilkin has long been one of my favorite childrens book illustrators. I used one of her illustrations from a tattered old nursery rhyme book of Mary feeding a lamb for this small collage.
It is framed with an vintage paper photo frame and shimmers like a happy memory with dusting of fine glitter. A vintage flower basket applique has been applied and further embellished. The message of "spring" is spelled out across the bottom of the collage, resting just above paper ruffled edging and a bright lace bow. The collage is hung from frothy pink and green tulle with vintage button accents.To sign up for the give away, just leave your name in the comments section. There are no restrictions for signing up, anyone is welcome. You do not need to have a blog and international friends are welcome. Three winners will be chosen and posted on Saturday, April 10, 2009.

I was not the only one enjoying springs new abundance, so were the deer. Much to my dismay there will be no Easter Lilies here at the Quill this year. Every lily in the small lily garden my daughter planted and tended when she was younger has been cropped off by some hungry deer! My first response was anger but a floating thought drew itself forth as I stood looking over the damaged garden...

"This is fitting, this sacrifice of something so carefully chosen, placed, and tended. These lilies have been sacrificed for the good of the survival of a species, nourishing sustenance, not what I would have chosen but what was needful. The lilies will resurrect again and they will bloom profusely."

Such a wonderful thought on the eve of Easter-tide, the celebration of something, no, someone, The Lord Jesus Christ, who was carefully chosen and sacrificed for the sake of mankind, who resurrected, and left behind a legacy of peace and hope that still blooms profusely and is celebrated each Easter season.


I wish each and every one of you a glorious spring and a very blessed Easter!

Miss Sandy


  1. Ooooooo, please put my name in the drawing :)

    Happy Easter Sandy :)

    Hippity Hoppity!

  2. What a beautiful collection of spring colors!

  3. As I read your post, I felt like I could actually feel the sun on my face and hear the birds sing! Thank you for giving me such a beautiful Easter weekend reminder of renewal. Now, I am going to go outside on this lovely day and see what signs of spring I can find on the farm! Easter blessings to you and your family!

  4. Oh, Miss Sandy!
    You have chosen my favorites for your beautiful Spring Giveaway! I love birds and I also love sheep/lambs! And, your day of choosing the winner is the day after my birthday ~ what a wonderful present it would be to win your giveaway!
    Thank you for all the sweet free images, also!
    A blessed Resurrection Sunday to you and your family!

  5. Wishing you and your family a happy Spring and a blessed Easter Miss Sandy! Lucky girl that wins your prize!

  6. what an absolutely gorgeous post about Spring and I especially loved the part about the deer eating your lilies as they did the same to mine. But they will be back! Also this morning I went to a Spring chick sale and someone was selling a little lamb and a Daddy and his little girl bought it.....the little girl was so excited and I know the lamb will have a happy home there. Happy Easter. Your give-away is so special and I would be honored to be included.

  7. What a sweet treasure trove! I love these springy colors. Thanks so much for thinking of your friends.

    Have a wonderful Easter!

  8. Thanks for the beautiful and thoughtful post Miss Sandy! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter.

    Take Care - Robin

  9. What a beautiful post!! I hope that you have a very blessed and joyous Easter!

  10. It's really not fair for me to enter since I've received a wonderful gift from Quill Cottage before, but I can NOT resist entering. What a scrumptious nest filled with sweetness. Thank you!

    How wonderful that you spent such a week out of doors and enjoying fresh air and sunshine. We were able to sit out on the deck yesterday afternoon for about an hour and it was sweet relief to be kissed by the sun.

  11. Hi Sandy,
    I'm so glad you got to enjoy your week outside. It has been rainy here. And a couple days ago it snowed! It was pretty with the daffodils poking up through it.

    I would love to win one of your lovely giveaways! Thank you so much for giving us a chance to win!

    I hope you have a blessed Easter SONday,

  12. Happy Easter dear friend. I would love to have my name added to your drawing. I love the story of the lillies. Sorry to hear their fate but, love the way you chose to look at the event. We do get to make those choices don't we. How blessed indeed. HUGS! Charlene

  13. OH my goodness, please count me in.
    What a wonderful spring post and all the beautiful things you found to give one of us.
    Happy Easter, Mary

  14. YUMMY!!! Would love to win all of these wonderful goodies!

  15. Miss Sandy, you make the prettiest things! It was a gift to my eyes to just feast in your spring offerings.May God bless you richly and I hope you have a blessed Easter.

  16. Dearest Sandy! Praise God for his loving kindness! What a wonderful day to display all these treasures...might we be the lucky ones? thank you for your inspiring posts.
    Easter greetings from the cozy cottage of Misses Peach

  17. Your blog moved me to tears today. Thank you so much for the wonderful words. I would be delighted to be included in your giveaway. I am new to mixed media, but I am slowly learning. Blessings

  18. Oh Miss Sandy what a precious giveaway!! Please count me in and if you haven't done so already, come by and sign up for the giveaway I am having!

    bee blessed

  19. Miss Sandy- I am back to ask what may seem a crazy question. I had a comment left on my May basket tutorial from a Miss Sandy asking if she could use a pic an link of the baskets but the name link went to a profile page that does not have an email or her blog address. I am trying to find her to tell her yes it is ok- Sorry for the confused comment if it isn't you!

    bee blessed

  20. Your creations have a touch of magic.
    I am enthralled.
    Thank you for this opportunity to have a chance of winning.

  21. Erin P. I have added your name, thanks for the sweet email!

  22. Hi sweet Sandy!!!! I would LOVE to be entered into your Spring Giveaway and would be delighted to win anything from you sweet friend!!!! Your giveaway news will be on my next blog post too ~ hugs and love, Dawn

  23. I just love your wonderful style & hope I win the goodies!

    Thanks so much,
    Susan P.

  24. This post was beautiful and thought provoking thinking of the deer eating the lilies. I wonder if they think we plant just for them when they come upon a feast. They are such tender animals and so precious to see up close.



  25. What beautiful things! Count me in on this giveaway!

  26. Everything is so lovely, Please count me in. Blessings, Carol Mae

  27. please enter me in your giveaway. You are incredibly inspirational and someone who I have decided to share a latte with every morning!
    linens lace and lattes

  28. Your giveaways are all lovely and I would be honored to win any of them. And your blog is so beautiful, as are your thoughts. I visit often and am often inspired.


  29. Please enter me into the drawing. Any of these lovely things would be awesome. Am now a follower.

  30. Oh yes ... please count me in. This is a glorious giveaway. Thank you!

  31. Beautiful giveaway, please enter me, I love following your blog..

  32. Lovely giveaway - please enter me. Love reading your blog.

  33. i would love to win all your spring goodies. thanks in advance for entering me.... diane from

  34. Oh, yummy spring goodies. Please put my name in the drawing.

  35. Ohh what a cute nest! Count me in!

  36. All your things look so lovely...I would love to be entered into your generous give away...Happy spring to you...

  37. More beautiful things. I have always felt one should create something beautiful everyday, be it ever so small or large. I do believe you think that way too!

  38. Today may just be a lucky day to register for your lovely giveaway as it is my 65th birthday. Sorry the deer ate your flowers, but you have a good attitude about it. They will grow back. Have a lovely day.

  39. Oh, Miss Sandy!! My heart just leapt with joy at the possiblity of winning one of these lovely things. You did such a lovely job with the nest and each special item within just makes me glad. And those papers are brilliant... Thank you for your generosity in including internationals. It means so much to me. Have a wonderful day!! :-)

  40. Hi Sandy, Loved your Spring post.
    I sat out in the sun over the week end it was great!
    Please include me in your lovely give away. All of your items are so "springy". Thank you for being so generous.

    Smiles and Blessings,
    Nancy C

  41. What a lovely Spring giveaway...and what a lovely post. Please enter my name...I am crossing my fingers and toes...Happy hugs, Chris
    PS: I am also a new follower

  42. Sandy amor, I just wanted you to know that I finally got a chance to post today and I told everyone about your lovely giveaway and put you on my sidebar :) Hope you have a beautiful weekend! Besos, Rose

  43. Hi Sandy:
    I went through your whole post and then was so enthralled with the images, I forgot to sign up! Please include me in your generous giveaway drawing.

  44. Well, this is so very kind of you! I would love to have anything (!) from your studio :-)

  45. Oh my...oh my....oh MY! Look at all of that deliciousness...

    Please enter me too.

    Warm blessings,

  46. This is such a delightful post. I love all those light spring-y colors! Excellent birdie!

  47. Dear Sandy,
    I am so happy ,that I today went to see here, to be sure I had commented,-because, I had not, and now I have still the possibility to be entered in your beautifull spring-like giveaway.

  48. Oh thank you for the chance to win this wonderful give away! It would make me so happy to win! Love your free images too! Thank you so much!

  49. What a beautiful giveaway. I love your blog.

  50. LOVE LOVE YOUR CREATION!!! Please enter my name on your giveaway.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend with this lovely weather.

    best regards,
    Wanda C.

  51. Hi Sandy,

    This is my first visit to your blog and what a joy it has been. I am an avid gardener here in New England and last weekend's warm spell really put me in the mood. I see I am not the only one who is enjoying these lovely spring days.

    Your lovely "give-away" is very generous and full of treasures I would just love to play with. I would love to be entered. When you have a moment please stop by my blog. I too, am having a "give-away". Hope to see you there soon.

    Enjoy your spring.

