This week I am joining Debra at Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Christmas. And Wow, what a week it was! Before we get into the heart of this post, which really is the Christmas that almost isn't, I thought I'd give you an update of the great tree debacle. I am proud to announce that my mouse eaten tree has been replaced by the man of the house but not without a hitch or two.
I finally located a sale in a nearby town and had Handy Hubby drive my semi-sick self to get the tree. We checked to make sure it was the proper height and all the info. matched the sale tag and purchased the tree. I decided to set it up and at least plug it in so I could enjoy the lights from my sick bed on the sofa, that's when I discovered our error. The twinkling white lights were not white but bright splashes of color, thinking I must be sicker than I thought if I could not distinguish white from bright color, must be the NyQuil, disheartened I put it back in the box and crashed on the couch.
The next day sweet Handy Hubby made the hour round trip to exchange the tree for me. I managed to pot it and plug it in only to notice that the lights look skimpy, so, there it sits all unadorned until I can recover a bit more and find my extra lights in storage to twinkle it up a bit.
I was so very excited when this season started and just like Santa I made a list and checked it twice and much to my delight no one had been naughty, except for the mice! You might say that Christmas is off to a slow roll here, everything and I mean everything is being done between naps and NyQuil still. The pumpkins finally tossed themselves off the table into a basket and said that enough was enough, get on to the Christmas stuff!
Where to start...Christmas Cards! Need to get them in the mail early so an assembly line was formed and crafting commenced. In two days I had them all ready to assemble, card/ornament bases...
Triangle trees...
Stacked in big red bowl as pretty as you please...
And then I was assaulted with the first sneeze! Ignoring the warning I went straight back to work filling red and green bowls with Christmas cheer...
Dodads and bobbles lay by their side, ready to embellish when the time arrived...exactly when that is going be is hard to say, maybe these will get mailed out for the next Christmas years day!
I pushed on through thinking that there was still the decorating to do. The tree needed a theme and companion, pitiful offerings, an old dirty crate and skates from a hopeful champion...
Maybe I should hang a wreath or two between the sneezes, kerchew! Maybe not, I needed a nap, my energy was gone, drained, and sapped. They look nice here, they really do unless you want to play a game of checkers or two...
From my horizontal view, the mantle looked like something I could do. Just a bit of garland fluffed into place, in my allotted three inch space. (That is how much is left after Handy Hubby stuck his big TV up there, yes, I am still in mourning about this missing mantle space. I know its been three years, I really should give it a rest.) Speaking of resting I made it as far as across the room to the chair. The garland looks kind of nice clumped there...
Back to the sofa I fell with a thump, kind of huffy and a bit of a grump. After a short nap, into my creative powers I thought I would tap. A bag full of goodies from Dollar Tree, a custom made instrumental CD, and a few supplies from the studio were all I would need. They made it as far as the other chair and sadly they are still piled there...
Back to the nap that lasted a night time, hopeful that a new day would bring health and not decline. Since the pumpkins had abandoned their post, I attempted to replace them with a little winter scene, simple, pretty, and serene...
With a little vintage goodness posed at its side, this was all I could manage before I slunk to the couch and cried...
This is not Christmas! There is so much to do, finish the shopping and wrapping, assemble the cards and send them on their way, decorating and baking all for Christmas day. Who am I kidding? The only holiday fare here is a delicious Holiday Mold full of mother of pearl buttons, bad for the teeth but oh so yummy...
A simple flip of the mold and they are ready to slide out of their container with a delightful glide... 
Not exactly the edible baking I need to do, but seriously, who would want to partake of things baked between sneeze and kerchew? With the little drummer boy banging his drum in my head, I finally gave up and just went to bed. I awoke to the sound of a trumpeting call, no not the angel (even though I felt like death and all!), but the phone ringing off the wall...
Praise be the doctor could see me sooner! Off I sailed to the far side of town for a medicinal remedy to what had me down. A package of pills and a shot in the hip, a wing a prayer that this malady would loose its grip. But wait, there is a tiny bit more to this tale, the shot came with a reaction that quickly assailed. It knotted my muscles, they spasmed and jerked, causing insomnia until it wears off and does its work. I feel much better save the deprivation of sleep. And you know what, the decorating can keep.
Keeping Christmas real(istic) here at the Quill means quietly waiting yielded and still. It's not a bad way for Christmas to arrive, quietly thankful for the one thing complete, the babe in His manger with worshipers at His feet...
My fondest wish this year was to keep Christmas in my heart. Perhaps being sick was a perfect place to start. While enduring sickness and pain it made me more aware of the many blessings that fall on me like a heavy rain. Most of my week was spent in prayer, not for myself but others out there, whose symptoms will not quickly go, but, linger and plague them so. Health is a gift that I lay at the feet of the one born in a stable knowing in good time I will once again be able.
I think I learned a good lesson by laying here still...while my home may not be all decked out in holiday decor, my life holds more blessing than my button jar can pour. If I were to string them and wrap them around my tree, not one light or needle would you see. If I were in the garland to twine them, they would be too hearty for my mantle to bear. If I were to assemble them and send them off in the mail, the postmaster would watch in wide eyed wonder at the volume through the slot as they sailed. If I were to wrap them up in a wreath, my door could never bear its girth. If I were to arrange their heft on my table, its legs would become wobbly and unstable. It matters not who got what and what gets done when, its where I am placing my thoughts as all the " must do's" crowd in.
I am counting my blessings, one by one, savoring each one like a bright twinkling light on a tree. I am keeping Christmas in my heart which in turn is keeping me content and happy! Praying your plans and preparations are going according to your schedule and that you too are keeping it real(istic)...but NOT between naps and NyQuil!

The next day sweet Handy Hubby made the hour round trip to exchange the tree for me. I managed to pot it and plug it in only to notice that the lights look skimpy, so, there it sits all unadorned until I can recover a bit more and find my extra lights in storage to twinkle it up a bit.

I pushed on through thinking that there was still the decorating to do. The tree needed a theme and companion, pitiful offerings, an old dirty crate and skates from a hopeful champion...

Keeping Christmas real(istic) here at the Quill means quietly waiting yielded and still. It's not a bad way for Christmas to arrive, quietly thankful for the one thing complete, the babe in His manger with worshipers at His feet...

I think I learned a good lesson by laying here still...while my home may not be all decked out in holiday decor, my life holds more blessing than my button jar can pour. If I were to string them and wrap them around my tree, not one light or needle would you see. If I were in the garland to twine them, they would be too hearty for my mantle to bear. If I were to assemble them and send them off in the mail, the postmaster would watch in wide eyed wonder at the volume through the slot as they sailed. If I were to wrap them up in a wreath, my door could never bear its girth. If I were to arrange their heft on my table, its legs would become wobbly and unstable. It matters not who got what and what gets done when, its where I am placing my thoughts as all the " must do's" crowd in.
I am counting my blessings, one by one, savoring each one like a bright twinkling light on a tree. I am keeping Christmas in my heart which in turn is keeping me content and happy! Praying your plans and preparations are going according to your schedule and that you too are keeping it real(istic)...but NOT between naps and NyQuil!
You are in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. The true meaning of Christmas is evident here, and is also something you exemplify the rest of the year. Hope you have a restful day.
Cute post. Actually I am battling a bit of a sore I started the cold meds this morning. I don't have my cards ready yet, but everything else is thankfully. Health is the most important thing in life. I sure learned that lesson forever. And Christmas will be Christmas with or without lights! But it is fun when we can decorate the way we love. I hope you get your energy back soon....
My prayer is that the Lord will redeem the time for you... Praying that you will be feeling better and better with each passing hour.
Here? Here we are just doing what we can do today. We're taking it pretty slow and remembering that it is for this, whatever the "this" happens to be in our lives, that He came.
Dear Sandy,
How sad that you were on the sick, but amazed that you are still able to be so creative in your writing. I hope you are feeling better. I so enjoy reading your posts. I am new to the blog world, and am so happy I have found your blog.Enjoy your new tree and the whole season.Ciao!
Hope you get to feeling better very soon and are happily in the holiday mood and swing of things. Hugs!
Oh Sandy - I sure hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself. Hugs!
You certainly have the right perspective on being sick. Sometimes I think God slows us down so that we can focus on what's really important. Hope that you will soon feel better while still focusing on the gift of the Christ Child.
Dear Sandy,
I'm SO sorry you are still sick! I'm sending you prayers and well wishes.
You might not feel like you are getting much done, but your writing is still wonderful. And we always enjoy it. But just get your rest.
We all need to remember the reason we are celebrating this holiday.
May the Lord wrap His healing, and loving arms around you my friend.
Counting my blessings too:),
Hi Sandy, So sorry you are sick. Hope you will be on the mend soon. I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a blessed Christmas. We just found out that John has a tumor on his salivary gland, has developed narcolepsy and diabetes. I am giving up blogging to care for him during this time. You and Laura Gunn were two of my very first visitors and I have so enjoyed each of your creative blogs and daily inspiration. My prayers for you to have a safe and prosperous New Year.
Oh Sandy, your health really gave you a kick in the pants, didn't it! It is so difficult for an actively creative person to be sick. Mind wants action, body wants rest. What a see-saw!
I'm trying, as you are, to keep it simple. This weekend has been set aside for me to do my mailings. After that...who knows!
Be well, that's my wish for you!
Your decor would have fit right in with our tour. I love it all...great decorations! Lezlee
What a cute post....I am sorry you have been so sick ....tho.
I can't believe I haven't found you sooner....very are.
I giggled my way through most of this post -- and sometimes I just laughed loud. Darling post.
Adorable post. I hope you get to feeling better quickly. I am loving that pot that you have your tree in.
I enjoyed this post so much I read it to my husband... he thought it was very nice too.
It was what I needed to hear as I have not gotten anything done yet and as I was getting ready for the studio open house today one of the workers said, why bother Christmas is almost over... it sent me over the top. I am so behind!!! And then I read your post... thank you.
I hope you are feeling better, I was down for 3 days after Thanksgiving and still I am coughing, but have my energy back.
Thank you so much for the sweet comment on my blog. I LOVE your blog and have become a follower! I adore all the whites and creams you have here, and the triangle trees are my favorite!
Thank you so much for the sweet comment on my blog. I LOVE your blog and have become a follower! I adore all the whites and creams you have here, and the triangle trees are my favorite!
Thanks for stopping by Town and Country Mom. I hope you feel much better soon!
Sweet Sandy I hate that you are still sick!!! Someone so sweet should not have to have this crud on Christmas!!!! Hope the shot does it's job & don't stress about the list... I think you have the right thoughts in your heart. Keep it realistic HUGS!
Bless your heart, you do better with the flu (or a reasonable facsimile) than I do perfectly healthy! need to rest if you want to be your best. See, you are not the only poet who didn't know it! Smiles...
Have a great weekend (and feel better!),
Hope you are feeling better soon, Sandy! I was down with the flu one Christmas and was unable to get anything done~ my husband went out to a bakery and bought the cookies, the family put up the tree and did a little decorating, and I remember lying on the couch on Christmas Eve and watching It's a Wonderful Life... it was so stress free that I remember it as one of my favorite Christmases, and I learned a good lesson for the the future from it! XO
Hoping your feeling better!
Your post is so witty! I enjoyed it (not the sick part though)!
Thank you for visiting and happy, happy holidays to you!
Loved your delicious mold of MOP buttons! You are so creative, what wonderful perspective..."my life holds more blessing than my button jar can pour"~ Amen :-)
Boy you have had some tree problems! I think the tree looks wonderful without decoration! But knowing you thats not about to happen! I love those little triangle trees, so cute! Your blog looks amazing! Glad you stopped by my blog, I'm adding you to my side bar! Here's hoping you feel better soon!
Thanks for the blog visit and sweet comment :) Love your decorations! Hope you're feeling better soon.
Oh dear Sandy! Sorry to hear you're sick! Hope you will be on the mend soon, and most of all, enjoy a stress- free Christmas to be savored in your heart!
Thinking of you, and many thanks for your kind and lovely (oh so lovely!) comments. You made me smile big.
I sure hope you recover quickly from whatever ails you! I am usually sick in Dec. with my annual case of bronchitis so this year it is nice to be healthy! Don't fret about Christmas decorations and cards- just enjoy the season quietly and peacefully. I so enjoyed your tale of the mouse and your tree. ~ Sue
Isn't that the truth, Miss Sandy!
I mean about how abundantly we're blessed! Sorry you're sick, but perhaps that "stick" in your hip will soon make you turn a back flip! Here's to hoping that you bounce right back and enjoy your holidays with family and loved ones!!!
Hi Sandy I'm so sorry you've been sick! I can't believe you were able to keep working on everything! Are you better now?? Oh, and I love the present you sent Karen,the presentation was beautiful, lordy girl how do you get all of it done? Oh and blog on top of all of that. I need Sandy lessons. Hope you're doing better, take care dahlin',love-cin
Sending you some get well cheer...
Thank you sandy for visiting me while not feeling so well. You are so creative and I love visiting someone who thinks like me:)
Paper! more paper, and lots of paper.
Love your cretive inspiration.
thank you again for your beautiful connection to understanding my art and why I love paper too!
Joyeux Noel
Sending you loving get well wishes and Christmas season blessings! Love you sweet gal!
Sandy, to be sick you are one amazingly creative gal!! What a wonderful post. Hope you're feeling good again soon. Can't wait to see it all come together!!
'Quietly waiting yielded and still." What a beautiful description of Christmas!
I'm so sorry you've been under the weather. I haven't had much time lately to visit blogs (picking up son from college!) and didn't know. I hope you feel 100% soon.
Your home is so beautiful with or without Christmas decorations and, more importantly, your heart is even more so.
Hope you have a wonderful week filled with perfect health and an abundance of Christmas cheer (and decorating).
Oh my, I cannot believe this whole post, or amazing you, and even while being sick!
I'd like to get that much done on a good day. =)
Hope you feel better son. Cannot wait to see all the decor and want to see your cards!!
barbara jean
PS I will say, that being sick (I have been a bit too) does make us put things in better perspective. What of all of it is really of any importance in the whole scheme of life.
Oh my goodness, so much wonderful Christmas surrounds you friend!! I want one of your amazing Christmas Cards, they are heavenly!
Thanks for stopping by & visiting my Vintage Christmas. Here's to making new Wonderful Holiday Memories!!
Smiles & Candy Canes,
What a beautiful Post, love the decor, love the poetry... hope you are now feeling better... you have accomplished so much in spite of not feeling 100%! It all looks simply Magical!!!
Christmas Blessings... Dawn... The Bohemian
First of all let me say I hope your feeling better soon,then let me say how much I enjoyed this post!!! All the best,Chrissy
What an entertaining and heartfelt post, Sandy! I hope you are feeling better soon and able to deck some halls, but you duly note what's truly important in a home. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my new blog via VIF.
Take care,
I think your heart is in the right place, even though decorating is wonderful and it gives us a feeling of the wonders of Christmas, knowing what it is really about is what counts. I so hope you are on the mend and that you do get to decorate your home, so tonight I will lift you up to the heavenly father and ask him to give you some help to get well soon. God bless. Cathy
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