Monday, July 20, 2015


This little art quilt was inspired by a photo I took on a trip a few months ago. 
 Standing just behind a sand dune near a rickety weathered fence and a pile a of driftwood logs I clicked a pic of a small strip of shining sea that lapped against the bladed grasses of an estuary where a warm molten sun was slipping into sleep.  
Gulls circled overhead as the gulf breeze ruffled the water into little ripples that caught little winking glimmers of light.  
I stood rooted in that spot listening, looking, and savoring those complete and restful serene moments of feeling the weight of drift wood and shells in my hand, sun warmed sand under my feet, the salty tang of the breeze swaying the sea grass,  and noticing the rich layers of land, water, and sky.  
This little quilt is my interpretation of that experience. 
This one is a keeper, I am going to hang it in my writing cottage where I keep all my beach treasures.

I hope you all enjoy a serene beauty filled week and find inspiration where ever you may be!



  1. O.
    This is absolutely stunning! You know how much I love the ocean ~ this really speaks to my heart!

    Beautiful & evocative ~

  2. I love the serene movement of this piece. That probably sounds like an oxymoron, but it has movement and at the same time evokes peace ... if that makes any sense. It is beautiful.

  3. A beautiful piece of peace. Thank you so much for sharing your artwork with us. I feel a big calmer this morning after looking at the art quilt and reading your commentary. Wonderful.

    Blessings from up north,

  4. a sweet and meaningful piece...

  5. I would keep this one too - it has a great deal of meaning, along with being beautiful. I'm glad you shared the story behind it.


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!