Saturday, July 11, 2015


Party Time!

The fabulous hostess, Karen Valentine of My Desert Cottage, is once again throwing the biggest blog party on the block and I am happy to join in the creative space tour.

If you have followed my creative journey you will have seen much of what is here although it has been shifted around, freshened up, and added too.  There are a few new pieces of works in progress to be seen and some stable old favorites making the rounds again.  Thank you for bearing with me until I get back in the swing of studio time.

I hope you find a little inspiration for your creative space here, enjoy:
The studio end to end:
One of my paper sculptures, "The Christening Gown", hangs on my studio door.  
The photo is my mother in the 1940's:

A new studio addition is this piece below that holds a few pretties as well as supplies.  I also added the small rolling supply cart with hand decorated tin cans for sorting supplies for works in progress.  Right now it holds things for three junk journals:

This is actually a candle holder that I found at a flea market and love it for my cones of yarn and balls of string:

Behind the door I have storage for my buttons, threads, scrap ribbons, and hand dyed ribbons, its amazing what will fit in a 6 inch depth of space:

My closet is jam packed with supplies of every kind.  My philosophy is to have a little bit of everything but not a lot of any one thing.  For me variety is the spice of my crafting life!

I have two supply carts that just slide into the sides of the closet one for beads and jewelry and the other for adhesives and painting tools.  I love that I can drag these to where ever I am working:

All my clear bins are labeled not only for my forgetful self but for the guests to my studio to aid in ease of finding supplies.

Decorative punch of your choice
Black Smooth Card Stock
White Colored Pencil
Double Stick Tape

Punch, Write, Stick!
The good thing about this is that the labels easily peel right off the plastic if you need to change them, they are far less expensive than the chalkboard labels, and the writing does not smear or rub off when handling!

I have one shelf in the middle of the closet that I keep just for pretty things, this is a rotating display as my mood strikes:
The little shoe in front is one of my shoe sculptures.  
Would you not love to have a gumball machine full of shoes for real?
Handmade fabric book by Tina:
The bracelet is one of my original design jewelry projects and a favorite of mine to wear:
Another one of my handmade shoe sculptures:
Handmade journals from swaps:
This cabinet is cobbled out of a variety of salvaged pieces and it holds the pretty as well as the practical.  My borrowed printer (mine now rests in peace), all sorts of paper from wallpaper to gift wrap supplies live here alongside my boxes of beautiful glass:
A work in progress, I just figured out that the Borg Queen (my family named her that) fits perfectly onto a small torso form I recently purchased.  I would like it taller so jewelry can be displayed on the rack on front so I will be extending the main pole to add height:
Some of my favorite nature things currently live here too.  One of my handmade books rest under the cloche:

One of my handmade fiber birds:
All dressed up and ready to party!
This is the wall opposite the that I am looking at these photos all I can say is HOLY MOLY I have a LOT...way too much...stuff in this room!  Please keep in mind that this is years of accumulation, this did not all happen over night:
Easiest window treatment ever!  The wire shade is also a newer addition.  The jewelry strung around the lamp shade frame belonged to my paternal grandmother:
2 Nails
20 Gauge Black Craft Wire
Mini Clothes Pins (or paper clips plain or fancy)
Wire Cutters
Variety of Papers (I used some of my jewelry design sketches and an assortment of vintage papers)

Tap a nail in each corner of your window.
Wrap wire securely around one nail then pull wire taunt to other nail and wrap securely, clip off excess wire (I left little tails on mine and curled them around a pencil then squished and stretched them for a wild springy look)
Clip papers in place!
In the future I would like to pull pieces down and do some artwork on some of them.

At the bottom:
I used vintage book pages and Victorian era images, a little white paint on a stamp to give my cabinet fronts a collage look.  The three drawers on the left are project drawers.  The top one is for handmade embellishments, the second one for fabric projects, and the bottom one for paper projects.  The center drawer is a tool supply drawer and the cabinets below hold hand tools like my drill, heat tools, staplers, etc. as well as supplies like plaster, spray paint, and other mediums I like to have on hand.  The ones on the right are quick easy to reach tools and supplies.

I like to use up card stock scraps by cutting them into tag shapes and sorting them by color so I can quickly grab one to collage or paint with left over scraps on my work table at projects end. I tucked the flap of an envelop in and put each color inside where I can see them and keep them from being a messy jumble:
Down the middle:
Favorite canvas artwork by Sonya Lovely-Badgley and thanks Amy for letting me borrow your awesome paint can lid idea!

My creepy bird phase:

This is my time out corner...go ahead put me in time out, I dare ya!
See that wooden mug holder thing with scissors on it?  I borrowed that idea from a blogger from last years party, I wish I could remember who it was to leave a link:
Below is my ink pad cabinet, in its former life it was one of those brown generic jewelry boxes.  I painted it, used old papers to collage the drawer fronts, and added some rusty bits (that is one of my handmade rings and a fiber cuff on the glue brush holder):

 The drawers hold mini alphabet stamps and mini ink pads:

Up top:
The "cake" of vintage boxes and tins hold collage scraps.  The cupcake fairy on top is one of my creations from a long ago class:
 These birds are some of the favorite pieces I have ever made:
 Another piece of artwork by Tina:
 One of my mixed media canvas' that is soon to fly away to its new home and a cereal box junk journal I just started to work on:
Side to side:
This is an older studio piece but I have added some more parts to it.
Does it creep you out a little that they won't look you in the eye?

My budding little grand-artists love to hang out in here too so I keep simple washable supplies on hand for them:
 A few pieces of my artwork and a beautiful seahorse tag made by my dear friend Bobbie:
 "Summer" and "Autumn" mixed media collage (Winter and Spring are still in the project drawer):
 An old art quilt that I found in a drawer the other day and decided to enjoy it once again:
 My newest art quilt, I will be doing a post on this one soon:
More supplies for the grand-artist:
 This is a first painting by my grandson when he was very small.  My daughter in law generously gave it to me because I begged for it.  I mounted it on a canvas and added a border.  Priceless!
 This is where I do a lot of my metalsmithing, soldering, encaustic work, and glass cutting and is a fairly new addition to the studio:

This is a new addition, an inspiration board.  It is a simple idea and something I had put off doing, just cork board in a frame.  I have filled it with a sketch and elements that inspire a work in progress:
 Here is the work in progress:
 Both ends of the table are flanked by small bookcases filled with books and boxes and such:
This shelf is a work in progress as I clean out the cabinets and move supplies around.  The bottom shelf holds old metal lunch boxes:
The contain rolls of ribbon, seam binding, craft tapes, and industrial type tapes:
For double duty I drilled a holes in this one and inserted and threaded rod securing it with a nut on the ends after placing the spools of ribbon on the rod.  I am looking for a square lunch box I like to do the same thing with washi tape:
I have a few of these drawers and a couple of jars here and there with wonderful treasures just waiting to be made into something.  I will stay away from Etsy and Ebay, I will stay away from Etsy and Ebay, I will stay away from Etsy and Ebay.....nah, I have no will power when it comes to trinkets:
 My studio really does have four sides not just three but somehow I neglected to photograph a big chunk in the middle of the opposite side, I will fill in those photos later.  Anyway on the invisible desk you can't see I like to do my wire and bead work and fill my handmade bezels, as well as assemble jewelry:
( You can find some of these beauties in my Etsy Shop)
If you would like to learn to make a Romantic Crazy Quilt Fiber Cuff like the one below, I have a free online class you can access HERE, a thank you gift to all my sweet friends:
I love making bezels!
Over the invisible desk you can't see me work at I have a cool hanging display/storage shelf that is mounted to the ceiling.  I did manage to get one small glimpse of it:
Beside the invisible desk is another supply area:
A beautiful quilted bag by the talented Diane Knott filled with a flock of my fiber birds:
Another sweet painting by the grand:

Here is the missing desk and storage space above it.  I just got that darling little iron vanity chair from a favorite haunt, The Rusty Bucket, I need to upholster it and I am set to sew!
My daughter gave me this little metal set of drawers.  I keep little bits of this and that for making jewelry inside:

I found this vintage stationary caddy in a flea market, it works perfect to hold my tools, the little hinged door on the bottom hides a divided area that holds my Dremel bits:
 Desk Drawers:
Stationary & supplies (the top drawer on each side is currently empty until I can get some of jewelry supplies moved from the closet cart into them and the large drawer on bottom right holds files)
 Sanding supplies, misc. tools, containers for jewelry findings
 My favorite drawer in the whole studio, my nature collection drawer:

Thank you for visiting!
(click THIS LINK to return to the party listings)



  1. Hello!
    Your space and treasures are wonderful! I loved looking at all of the details, and the dress you created in the beginning of the post is absolutely stunning!
    Thank you for sharing!
    Happy creating,

  2. I love your space. It speaks to my heart. I enjoyed seeing the beautiful pieces you have made. Those cuffs are amazing. Di@cottage-wishes

  3. TRUELy beautiful studio, Love how you display your collections alone with your supplies.. And your ART woow.... I would love to be able to cut loose and decorate in your studio... Thanks for sharing..

  4. Wow - what a space...You did an excellent job in getting it all so organized! I need to be then I can find stuff...and thrilled to see my paint can lid idea! its all so beautiful Sandy!

  5. Sandy ~

    As always, your blog is filled with inspiration! I've never seen such beautiful organization, and your artistic creations are amazing!

    Thanks for the peek ~ and I'm so glad you are 'making' again!

    Hugs ~

  6. WOW!!! is the fast way I can describe your space!!! Love it all. The mix of vintage with color...makes me happy. Thanks for sharing..Hugs

  7. I so love dropping by each year to see your beautiful creative space!!! Always filled with such inspiration!!! I LOVE the Christening gown!! Took my breath away!!
    And i see you used a lot of clear containers and labeled them using Chalkboard stickers like i did!!
    So many pretty things to see that i will be coming back for a second look.....

    Stop by when you get a chance as i re-did my space and had to share it in 2 posts!!


  8. your artwork is amazing -- the work-in-progress and the paper sculpture hanging on the door -- oh my!!! love it! and love your space. So glad I follow you otherwise I would've missed out on the blog party entirely. Thank you for the heads up earlier in the week.

  9. Love it! Yor creations are beautiful!

  10. WOW, that is some wonderful space you have! It must be a real joy to walk in and start creating there! Great!! Happy creating, Cindy

  11. Your space is so lovely! I am quite taken with your christening gown paper sculpture. Thank you for sharing your world with us!♥

  12. Okay your space is beautiful, but your work is AMAZING!! I was floored by your work with paper in particular, although everything you make is stunning. Thanks so much for the peek behind the curtain of the master.

  13. Oh WoW, I'm speechless! AMAZING! So many pretty things to see and all so beautifully organized!
    Thanks for sharing your amazing space and your adorable creations!

  14. Sandy Dear I am speechless wih delight at seeing your amazing and wonderful creative space. Thank you so very much for sharing! Creative Bliss and High on Life July...

  15. A wonderful studio Sandy! You really have spoilt us with vintage findings. I love the chicken wire Cloches and Wowwa that Vintage dress with your mums photo on is really beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing. Karen.x

  16. Just an amazing studio! What a lot of thought you have put into it. I love those paper valences and your grands' artwork. I see lots of good ideas to take away from this. I hope that you might still be in touch with Diane K. I missed her blog for a long time. I can lift my eyes and immediately see your artwork right here in my home...there's a paper bird, a beautiful tag, and DREAM. Thanks for the inspirations!

  17. Hi Sandy,
    Thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind comment. You have a great creative space here and I love your creations. Love, love, love your beautiful cuff bracelet. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.


  18. I could get lost in your creative space for days!

  19. Sandy you have created a great place to work, so full of inspiration. Thank you for sharing. Jo

  20. I could blissfully while away the hours in your charming studio looking at all of the amazing artwork and supplies!! Your space truly inspires the creative soul!

  21. Love, love, love your studio space! The paper collage on the drawer and cabinet fronts is so cool! *slaps forehead* why didn't I think of that! I covered my fridge in dictionary pages but never even considered cabinet fronts...DUH. Thanks for the inspiration.
    Halle #58

  22. My jaw dropped when I saw your incredible space. I am in AWE. I am in awe of your shabby chic vibe and love it.

    First, I have three of those roll around metal carts, but put them in the basement because I felt they were not really good for storage. But your idea of using them by wiring decorated cans around them made me sit up and take note. How very, very clever! Now I must try that idea for my assemblages.

    I really must return when I have more time and a faster computer. You are one super fabulous mixed media artist, and I simply LOVE your work. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Very nice space. I love your style. I love how you decoupaged the front of the cabinets. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Your studio and your work is breathtakingly gorgeous! I love how it's super-organized yet comfortably inviting at the same time. I will borrow your idea about mounting your grandson's work onto canvas. The christening dress with your mother's photo beautiful. Thank you for the crazy quilt bracelet tutorial!

    I loved visiting your studio. Thanks for the tour!

  25. Oh Sandy, your space is unbelievable. You look at everything thought new and fresh eyes . . . hat boxes that look like wedding cakes, jeweled lamp shades, old wire fencing as display racks, and gorgeous bejeweled birds everywhere . . . and may I say not creepy at all. Then there is our work, "The Christening Gown", amazingly beautiful :)
    Is there somewhere that you could decorate an old grandma with lace and jewels and stick her in a corner of this room? I would be very still and never bother you while you worked, but at night I could come out to play in your amazing studio. I would promise to always have it cleaned back up by morning:) Pinky promise.
    All kidding aside . . . You have turned organization into a thing of beauty and that is an art in itself. Awesome studio!
    Your blogging sister,
    Connie :)

  26. Oh, my, what a beautiful creative space. Love the space and love your artwork!!! My favorite piece is the paper sculpture dress. And I know about the little porcelain heads that never look you in the eye. I have 6 boudoir dolls that I often use in photographs. And I'm always, and I mean always, trying to get at an angle where the dolls are looking me in the eye. It doesn't happen.

    Keep up all the great artwork.

    Sending hugs
    Marrianna in Flagstaff AZ USA

  27. Wow, you are amazingly talented, and your room truly reflects your style! I've only just dabbled in mixed media art and not sure it's for me, but I still get so inspired when I see lovely creations like yours. Thank you for sharing your wonderful creative space.

  28. I am completely in awe of your creativity, your talent, and your organizational skills! LOL! Girl... I feel like bowing my head and hands and saying "were not worthy!" over and over! Seriously. I am so happy you joined the party this year. I looked forward to this visit since I new you were coming to play. You are one of my creative idols.

  29. I am soooo in love with your room. There is so much to see. It well organized and 'comfy/cozy' as I like to say. Wish I could actually be in that room to admire every little detail up close. TFS!

  30. First of all I agree totally with Karen's comment! You had me in awe of your art work with the paper dress! I consider myself as a paper artist but after see your art I don't think I should say that anymore! Wow! Thank you for sharing and ultimately inspiring me!

  31. What a wonderful studio, I am so in awe of your displays and supplies so organized. Beautiful.

  32. What a wonderful studio, I am so in awe of your displays and supplies so organized. Beautiful.

  33. What a wonderful studio, I am so in awe of your displays and supplies so organized. Beautiful.

  34. Fabulous space, Sandy! When my craft room grows up I want it to be just like yours! : ) Your creative space is just my style and I think I could have a ball in it. So much inspiration. Love that christening dress. I think that is amazing. It looks like a lot of work and love went into creating it.

  35. Love so many of your creative storage ideas Sandy. Consider the lunch box idea stolen! You are so organized and what a treat that you also shared your favorite art pieces.

  36. Organization galore- my favorite things :D
    I enjoyed my tour!

  37. Just stunning!! How do you ever leave this space? Thank you for inspiring us all with your wonderful ideas for storage displayed so beautifully!! I love the decoupaged cabinets also and the shelf displays on the old doors. You are so very talented Sandy!! Blessings, Linda

  38. Hi Sandy,
    As soon as I can catch my breath (I think my heart stopped for a moment there) I will tell you how amazing your studio is. I want to live there. Beautiful, and inspiring. There are too many cool touches to list (though the lunch box with the ribbon holders was awesome) but I am inspired and will probably borrow ideas from you in the future...

    Thanks for the tour, and thank you for stopping by my blog, A Glitch in Time, and you nice comment.

    Best wishes,

  39. Hi Sandy, Your creative space is over the moon inspirational. I love every inch of your room and all the great storage details. From the lace to your ribbons, vintage treasures and all in between, this space is truly a show stopper. Magazine worthy for sure. Love it.
    Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment.
    Wishing you happy creating.

  40. Fabulous workspace for all the media you work with. I like your thoughts about a little of everything as I guess that's what I have on a much smaller scale. :-)
    So many storage places of all shapes and sizes too, thanks for sharing your studio.
    Happy Crafting.

  41. Oh my goodness...I am in AWE of your studio! Your organization is amazing as are all of your creations. You have such talent. I love the neutral color scheme and all of the vintage charm in this room. You must love playing in there! I will have to visit here again and look at each picture more carefully to truly see everything! Thanks for sharing....:)

  42. Love, love your space. Got a lot organizing ideas. Have to say really love the vantage lunch pails. My Grandpa carried one exactly like them to work when I was a little girl. When I see them at antique malls I think my Grandpa is nearby. Such vivid memories. Never would have thought to put ribbon in them. Thanks so much for sharing your space.

  43. OMG! Your space is awesome:-) I'm jealous of all the supplies you've collected:-) I wonder how long did it take you to collect all the things! This is a dream space for a creative person! And the dress you made - I couldn't believe it was handmade! Perfect!
    Thanks for sharing it with us:-)

  44. As always, just beautiful! Love the WIP dress near the fairy tale book. Also, the cupboard/drawer fronts look fabulous. Oh, I could go on and on; it's all amazing.

  45. Thanks so much for visiting my post! Appreciate it. And your workshop is so lovely! You had me at the christening gown. Beautiful space, will you come organize mine please? ha ha! xo

  46. Wow! Every nook and cranny is an absolute feast for the eyes! Total Gorgeousness!

  47. Oh Sandy I want so much to come and play in your studio!! I promise not to touch anything or make a mess. Please can I come? I'll even bring cake. Seriously - I've been looking for an idea for labels for my plastic storage drawers in my space and I LOVE yours. If you don't mind, I plan to steal that idea!

  48. Oh My ! How could I have missed following You all these Years.You do create art that I always appreciate and now as Your newest follower I can visit frequently.Love Your studio-what a dream space.Thank You for Your kind words when You visited My humble space. Denise of Coffeeberry Cottage

  49. I am just picking my jaw up off the floor! That is an impressive creative space and one that you must of had for many years to get it to that stage. I hope you never have to move! I would really enjoy having all those items to create with as I am sure you can find the perfect piece in your room. Your work is delightful and thanks for sharing it.

  50. Oh what a fabulous treasure-filled studio! I love it and totally want to spend endless hours poking around. Thanks for the tour.

  51. What a beautiful studio... I am still drolling. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my studio. Wishing you many blessings.

  52. Oh my.. what an amazing, fabulous place to create your lovely art! I am very impressed.. that you can even photograph in your studio drawers! Thank you for sharing this inspiring look into your studio!


  53. Wow! That was a fun tour! You have so many great ideas and your studio is my favorite kind--everything out in the open where you can see what you have and enjoy all the collections. I may have to come back and read it again!
    Thank you for visiting my blog too and for your kind comments!

  54. Sandy, what a beautiful, beautiful studio you have. Such an inspiration to others. I'm sure you have such peace when you are in this room. Thank you for sharing it with us. ~ Abby

  55. Thanks for stopping by my blog Sandy. I always enjoy your studio pictures! You always inspire me!

  56. Hi Sandy

    Your space is amazing and your supplies are an abundance of envy Ha!
    I'm sure everyone has commented on "The Dress", but my goodness it is a delight! What a precious creation Sandy. Thank you so much for visiting.
    ℓღvє Hεlεɳa
    ●▬▬▬▬▬PЄTAL & LACЄ COTTAGЄ▬▬●

  57. Wow, your space is amazing and your paper sculpting is gorgeous! What talent you have. I think your nature drawer is my favorite thing as well, but gosh there is just oodles of fabulous stuff!

  58. Wow, your studio is lovely! It looks like you've put a lot of time and effort into your space. I like your art too, your little birdies are cute!

    Thank you for stopping by my space and commenting! :D

  59. I like your space and all the displays
    I would not want to work I would mess it up
    I will be back

  60. Fantastic is what I say!!
    Such organization, indeed.
    I love, love that little girl's dress, amazing piece.
    Thanks for sharing your space with us.

  61. Yes, I am indeed still visiting blogs for this event! I'm taking my time in order to take everything in! Your studio is lovely, well organized and looks like a place where creativity can happen easily and happily!

  62. Without a doubt Sandy this is by far one of my most favourite artwork spaces. There is so much to inspire any aspiring artist. It looks to me that you have been collecting for a very long time so many of the same things that I also have and love (but I have to say my collections are ever so much smaller).
    I do love coming back here year after year as it is such a special place.

    Your current work in progress is breathtaking and you should be so proud of your creative abilities in so many mediums.
    One day even we could do a little swap of sorts - dare I mention??!!
    You know I have used your little embellished fabric bead tutorial to create some of my own, one of which, I have used on the spine of one of my latest books!
    So there you go!

    Thank you for being so willing to share your studio and inspiring us in our artistic endeavours.


  63. Your studio is just amazing.. what fabulous place to create.. and I loved seeing some of your lovely work, too.. thank you so much for sharing this inspirational place..!


  64. With just having a major move I am just now getting around to the Creative Studio Blog Hop Karen Hosted... alas, haven't gotten my new Studio Space up and running yet at the New Home, but viewing everyone else's has added to the Inspiration of how I would like it to be organized! I have vowed that this Studio Space will be more Organized and less Organized Chaos! *smiles* Thank You for Sharing your Wonderful Inspiring Space and Gorgeous Creations. Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian


"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Thank you for decorating my space with your presence!