"All are but parts of one stupendous whole,
Whose body Nature is, and God the Soul."
Pope - Essay on Man Ep. I. L. 267
So often our daily lives are so full and so busy that we hardly pause for a breath before we press on to the next activity or commitment, we forget to just be still and know God, to enjoy Him and His creation. I invite you to pause, be still, and let the beauty of the Lord refresh and refill you.
"And God saw every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good." Genesis 1:31
I love nature,
Sunshine in the early morn,
Stars that are night time born,
Ocean waves and seagull cries,
Winter snow and stormy gray skies,
Soft purring cats, flowers, and leafy green trees,
But above all, I want to love You, Lord, more than these.
God, You are an artist who can paint a sunset sky,
Your art ushers in each new morning that goes by,
Such breath taking beauty they all are to behold,
But bathe me in the beauty of Your Word,
Which is better than silver and richer than gold!
You are dreamer with an imagination bigger than anything,
You thought to give sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing!
Open these gifts that I might hear, taste, touch, and see,
Myself changed by Your Word, a sweet smelling savor unto Thee!
My Praise:
God, I love Your world! There is nothing that exists that was not made by You. You spoke it into being and Your creation leaves me breathless!
Photo's: 1. View of sunrise in our side yard, 2. Bird Island ,Destin, FL, 3. View of treetops to the west of my home, 4. Kitty resting on our deck rail, 5. Sunset over Waikoloa Beach, the Big Island of Hawaii, 6. Sunrise over the sand dunes of St. Simons Island, GA, 7. Scenic Hwy. 19 on the Big Island of Hawaii, 8. The heavens above me, and 9. My Grandmother's hollyhocks