If you are new blogger or someone who is thinking about starting a blog, this is for you!
You will learn how to create and customize your blog plus all the ins and outs of all those tabs, options, posting, this really is easy blogging A-Z! Not only do you get written instructions but actual screen shots to show you the how to process.
If you are already a blogger using Blogger and want to master that new interface, this is for you!
Karen has even covered that dreaded new dashboard interface for us! Step-by-step photographed screen shots walk you easily though the new process.
Building Beautiful Blogs includes 85 pages of valuable tips, tricks, and information to help you customize Bloggers new templates and navigate the new interface, the download includes:
A glossary of terms
Creating your blog
Customizing your blog
Everything about choosing templates, layouts, backgrounds, headers, etc.
Everything about your design page, posting, comments, stats, earning, privacy, publishing, permissions etc.
Karen includes information on mobile and email blogging options
You will learn about your sidebar and every gadget available to enhance your blog
Plus all about posting, editing, general blog tips, and so much more.
AND that dreaded new interface is included in this well worth it wealth of information!
Even this old blogger learned a few new tricks!
So, Never Fear! Blogger Help is Here! If you have any questions on Building Beautiful Blogs I would encourage you to visit Karen at My Desert Cottage or Valentine Design. This truly is a tool for all skill levels of bloggers using the Blogger format. If you have a Blogger blog this is a "must have" book well worth the purchase price of $19.99.
Thanks so much Karen! Now I won't have quit, move, or plain old delete my blog!
Hope this information helps some of you too!
Have a blissful day!

Oh Sandy thank you so much for that wonderful recommendation! You are a dear and I value or friendship. I'm so glad that the book helped you feel more confident about the new interface. I would have been so bummed if stopped playing with your blog because of it! Have a great day sweetie, and thanks again!!
Ahhh Sandy I agree with you 100%, our dear Karen and her amazing wisdom was what got me stated on my blog, she is kind and so happy to help at a moments notice and her book was invaluble!
Thanks for the info. It is so hard to keep up with all the changes. Love your music.
Thanks for the links and tips.
Its always good to have a thing to look into when in doubt, thanks for this! :)
Thanks for the tips. I just began in January. Looking at something new again after a couple of months wasn't very encouraging. That's life!
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