Yesterday I was made aware of an awesome online audio conference to be held April 6 ~ 9, 2009. A Woman Inspired is packed full of sixteen speakers and four days of inspiration where they will share the vision God has put on their heart. You will be able to access this conference anywhere in the world using standard software that they provide and it is compatible with all computers. All you need is a computer, Internet access, and speakers! The conference is in real time but it will be recorded so if you can't be there then, you can download the sessions and listen at your convenience. This conference is a bargain to boot just $12.95!!! Plus there are some great giveaway prizes that you are eligible for when you sign up.
Each speaker has a specific and unique message:
*Janice Croze of 5 Minutes for Moms ~ Calling on Christ in the Storms of Negative Self Talk
*Lysa TerKeurst (Blog) of Proverbs 31 Ministries ~ Lysa will share her amazing and inspiring adoption story
*Darlene Schacht, founder and editor of Christian Women Online Magazine ~ A former plus sized woman who successfully managed to take off weight and keep it off for a decade will speak to the heart of women who are hoping to slim down.
*Shelly Ballestero author of Beauty by God ~ Shelly will speak about finding balance when it comes to beauty in today's obsessed world without becoming withdrawn, depressed, or overwhelmed.
*Sheila Gregoire of To Love Honor and Vacuum Blog ~ Sheila's session will be on, Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight!
*Allison Worthington ~ A Blissfully Domestic blogging mom of Mrs. Fussypants has a heart to connect and empower women all across the web.
*Ginger Moore of Hillbilly Heiress Blog ~ Waiting on God -Miserable or Miracle? will be her topic.
*Allison Bottke ~ Setting Boundaries With Your Adult Children will be her topic.
*Lisa McKay of The Preacher's Wife Blog ~ Knowing one's calling is a hot topic and Lisa will be
speaking on Bigger Than Your Biography: Allowing God to Establish Your Personal Ministry.
*Cindy Beall of Cindy Beall Blog~ Cindy will speak on the heart topic of Choosing to Forgive.
*Marybeth Whalen of Proverbs 31 Ministries, Cheaper By The Half Dozen Blog ~ Marybeth will be sharing her thoughts on Inspired to be Financially Free and/or Inspired to Live Frugally.
*Natalie Witcher of I Am (Not) Blog and Stiletto Army Blog ~ Natalie will share the inspiring message of Living With Me, living with ourselves and having the Spirit of Christ.
*Melissa Michaels of The Inspired Room Blog~ Be Inspired by What God Can Do Through You, is Melissa's personal message of how God gave her a nudge to go on an adventure with Him.
*Lynn Donovan of Spiritually Unequal Marriage Blog ~ Lynn's session, A Front Row Seat, shares her real life adventures of traveling with God through the tumultuous years of her early marriage to an unbeliever to the day she prayed over the yellow pages and God showed up.
*Leigh Gray of Speak Thru Me Blog ~ Leigh will share an intimate look at her personal walk with the Lord.
*Amy Bayliss of Amy Bayliss Blog ~ Amy's topic is Girlfriends: Thriving Past the Superficial.
UPDATE: Two more speakers have been added to the line up!
*Cazandra MacDonald of Oozing Everyday Blog will share in her session, "Forty" and Qualified.
*Cindy Haux of Cindy Haux Blog will be speaking on: From Hurt to Healing, How God can fix our broken lives.
How great is it that no travel is required, makeup and fixed hair are optional, no childcare is needed, AND it is financially possible! For registration information, to learn how the conference works, and to learn more about each speaker and topic visit here. I hope you can listen in!
Miss Sandy
Thanks for the information, Miss Sandy! I know that I have a number of new blogs to check out at some point...
How's the sewing coming?
What an awesome opportunity! Thank you for letting us know about it! Many blessings to you today!
Thanks for the heads up! Sounds wonderful!
Thanks for spreading the word, you are so sweet! :-) I hope lots of women can come, it is so exciting to have a conference we don't have to travel to!
Thanks for posting that for all to see in your realm of influence!!!! That is the incredible thing about this conference!!!!!! The way He will work and move thru the screen is going to be mind blowing!!! I can not wait!! Thanks again, Leigh
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