Friends are kisses blown to us by angels.
-Author Unknown-
Thank you all so much for all the sweet consolation over not being able to attend Karen's party. I have been slowly visiting the links and there are some really amazing spaces and creative souls listed. I am finding party hopping pretty fun!
In an age where all forms of communication are instant, email, tweeting, texting, etc. it is sheer delight to receive good old fashioned snail mail as it is now called. In the past few weeks I received two such packages from dear blog friends.
The first came from a precious new blog friend, Peggy, who had just dipped her toe into the blogging world with a brand new blog, Tuckaway Hearts. Peggy read this post and felt led to ask if I would be receptive to her sending me a little something that she thought I might enjoy and would offer encouragement. Now, I am a most cheerful giver but to be on the receiving end always feels very uncomfortable to me.
My first reaction was to figure out how to politely say no, but, then I remembered something my grandmother said to me once when she witnessed me refuse a kindness. She told me that I had just become a robber of someones joy, the joy they would have gotten from extending a kindness. That lesson has stuck with me and even though I find it very hard to be on the receiving end I try to be gracious about it. So, I told Peggy about what my grandmother said and agreed to the gift. Little did I know at the time that I would have been snubbing Peggy's ministry by refusing, a ministry she feels called to, spreading a little love.
Peggy promptly mailed her gift but it did not arrive at my doorstep until almost two weeks later! It had accidentally been bundled in with my neighbors mail and placed in their mailbox. They were on vacation and their son was picking up the mail for them. When it finally arrived it could not have been more perfect timing, it arrived on my Birthday!
The package contained three beautifully stitched hearts made from striped ticking, each bearing a special hand stamped message and a tiny little angel holding a dove, bearing the message of peace on the back of her wings. Peggy meant one heart for me and the two others for gifts from my sweet grands but as I sat and looked at each one a message so loud and clear came to me that I emailed her and asked if she would mind if I keep them all.
Here is what I saw in the package of love that Peggy sent - That " My Daddy" (God the Father) "XOXOX" (Loves me), "Trans-farm-ation" (He desires to see my life transformed. He desires to see my difficulties bring me to a place of " Peace". ) He is constantly at work in my life to change me into who He created me to be whether the situation is a good one or a bad one. While losing my grandmother was certainly a bad situation He has finally brought me to a place of peace.
The first cutting of hay is being done at the farm right now and next trip up I intend to gather a handful of the sweet smelling cuttings and put a nest of it in one of my grandmothers canning jars. I want to arrange the hearts and tiny angel inside, canning the precious love of not only the Father above but of my new friend Peggy. I will proudly display this perfect accent at the farm. Peggy thank you so much for ministering to my heart with your special brand of love.
Next I got a package from my sweet dear friend, Vee of A Haven for Vee. She said to watch my mail box, well it looks like I should have watched it a little closer. When I got Vee's package, it had been opened! Yes, it along with some other mail in my box. Who would do such a thing? Anyway, after contacting Vee, I think the contents were in tact. But someone had begun to remove the ribbons from the packaging, so, I tied them back up before taking the photos...

First there was the most precious note with a beautiful bookmark and just look at these precious words of truth inscribed on the back...
I put this in my current devotional read...
I unwrapped wonderful wallpaper clips embellished with buttons - those went straight onto my chicken wire to hold art tags...
A bevy of beautiful buttons were in the next package...
The clothes pin ones I want to use on an art piece by making an old style sampler with a tiny doll dress I have to hang in the laundry at the farm...
The tiny shiny ones will be displayed in the studio...
And the sail boat ones I will incorporate into something in the writing cottage...
There were pretty pink satin roses and seam binding...
And last but certainly not least a handmade needle keep...
I love the pretty glass button on the front. I love that it is not only practical but pretty too!
Vee got a kick out of the fact that I did not have one. My poor needles lived in those dreadful paper packages. As soon as I got this I put them in their new home and they are quite happy and so I am, so blessed with such sweet friendship that Vee and I have shared for a couple of years now. Thank you sweet Vee!
Now, if you have been wondering why I have once again fallen off the face of blog land, it is all because of a pair of vintage drapes. Drapes are dangerous! Monday morning I was determined to get crackin' on that studio of mine, I so want to be settled in and back to business. I decided over the weekend that those huge closet doors that swing out into the room had to go and I would just put curtains up.
I remembered that I had a pair of vintage drapes out in storage that maybe were large enough or could be altered to make due without having to purchase something. I retrieved them and was shutting the storage shed door when a particularly nasty red wasp came in for the kill! He zapped me on the inside of my forearm and tried to make a second pass when I flung the drapes at him and ran. By the time I got to my front door and looked down at my arm I thought, " Huston, we have a problem!"
Long stinging story short, I just found out that I highly allergic to wasp stings. I have spent the last couple of days with my new BFF's, Ben (benadryl) and Epi (epinephrine), in utter misery with crazy itching hives and wheezing, PLUS, I still have the bronchitis. Handy Hubby said that he was sure if anyone was going to have a weird reaction to something it was sure to be me and I agree. So, that is where I have been.
I do sincerely hope that each of you are enjoying summer to its fullest!
Miss Sandy
Sometimes the ability to read God's hidden messages to us is are very fortunate to have received it. Hope you get to feeling better soon....I'll be back to see your studio after you're feeling better.
Those are beautiful gifts from some lovely friends. I think I'm going to send you a gift too- a first aid kit! It seems like you're really under attack lately- sometimes quite literally. Praying for you sweet friend!
First of all, I am shocked that a red wasp had the nerve to sting you. I hope that he got his. I'm so sorry to read that you are this terribly allergic to stings. Needless to say, keep that epi pen with you at all times.
I agree with Bonita. Someone has tipped his hand with this whole attack thing. I'm joining in a prayer for protection.
What a nice gift from Peggy. So very meaningful. Your grandmama was (and is) one smart cookie. You keep on listening to such good advice.
Now I know what I sent you, but I never would've believed that you made it look like something. Your photography and presentation skills are amazing. I'm amazed.
And you know what I think? I think you give and give and give and it was time for you to have the joy of receiving and allowing us to have the joy of giving. Thank you, my friend. only female red wasps sting? Hmmm, that's a Google question.
Oh such good things and then that terrible thing you had to share. So glad that you are on the mend but please do take care. You have had quite the run of hardships of late.
Now as to those packages. Couldn't have come to a more deserving lady.
Becky K.
You poor girl! Wasps are not so nice anyways and this one had it out for you appurantly! I am very sorry that this happened to you. "She" used to give hives when "she" was a younger self and remembers how awful. Told me that if I had them I'd scratch all my fur off! Oh dear - this is mostest serious!
I am very glad that mew have such good friends who unknowingly sent you messages and love at a time when you could really use them.
I hope you are starting to feel better. Sending you head bonkers and purrs....
Sandy, at the risk of sounding redundant I wanted to say once again that the pleasure in sending you a small gift was all mine and the fact that you allowed me my'joy' in doing so, speaks to the kindness of your heart.
I wish you only good things now and always my new friend.
Lovely gifts! Being a gracious receiver is hard for many of us to do. But, your grandmother was right. Not doing so robs someone of the profound joy of giving!
Oh dear...some girls have all the luck :P What a dreadful way to spend the first few days of summer! I hope the rest of summer is work-filled and relaxing for you!
oh Miss Sandy - Sorry to hear about your wasp sting! One of the little buggers zapped me on the neck awhile back and they sure hurt! I don't guess I'm allergic tho.
You certainly have some dear sweet friends there in Peggy and Vee! They sent you such lovely gifts that hopefully those will take the "sting" out of your sting! Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week!!!
Lovely photographs and sweet story. Thank you for sharing the blessings of your snail mail. I also really like your soothing music.
I pray you will feel better soon.
You gladden the hearts of all of your visitors.
Bee stings can be so serious! I'm so glad you're OK, Miss Sandy! I'm not at all surprised that you have been gifted by two people who have seen into your special heart. I heard something similar to what your Gramma said to you but I can't remember the exact words - something about how much more difficult it is to be a grateful receiver because of what it does for the giver. I guess it isn't so much about us as it is for the person giving the gift and so often I think we don't feel deserving, don't we. But the giver does deserve to feel good about their generosity when it comes from their heart. Sometimes I think we all need to be both a giver and a receiver. Being grateful is a gift to the giver, isn't it! Ah... such is life. I know, in my case I'm still learning! I fall short so often of being gracious when given something because I guess I don't feel I deserve it.
Bless you. Be well, and stay away from those old nasty bees! That's a "gift" you don't deserve!
Hugs, Diane
I love when God lets us receive and understand one of "His Love letters" to our hearts. It is whatever He knows will speak to you, bring you joy, or minister to you. He knows just that PERFECT moment to do so. Happy belated birthday! and, I am glad to hear how the Lord is helping you to learn to be "a cheerful receiver". It may be "more blessed to give than to recieve", but receiving is also important and fills our hearts with hope, joy, and something extra to get us through those hard days. We all need to be filled. and, sometimes it is a great thing to let others practice the giving. All of us need to the value "giving over receiving" but that means that each of us has to be the receiver as some point. :-) I personally love both. I love to give. I love to receive. Both bless my heart. :-)
How scary! The wheezing part especially, you could have died!!! I'm allergic, but only with local reactions, not systemic. You need to be extra careful with that kind of reaction.
Oh Miss Sandy how I have been praying for your complete recovery. I am just delighted that you recieved such loveliness in your mailbox. It is well deserved.
Be blessed dear one.
It was so good to be back and see your blog open to all the love you share. I think the hearts are magic, loved the saying to.
Happy Summer, Mary
Dear Sandy, Thank you so much for visiting my tiny craft room and leaving a comment because it has given me the opportunity to visit your most amazing space. Your art is lovely, and your supplies inspire. I have discovered so many wonderful ideas to take away with me from this visit. Thank you so much for sharing. It has been wonderful! Elizabeth
Oh Sandy; a wasp sting is so nasty but to have an allergic reaction,OMG!
Hope your recovery is fast.
Your Gramma is quite wise.
Because I didn't participate in last years party, I took a look at your studio from last years party; I loved it! I can't wait 'til next years gathering.
Thank you for stopping by and visiting my work space and thanks for leaving such a nice comment.
Miss Sandy
Where do I start..I love this entire post....and wanted tosay thanks for coming to visit me today...please feel free to stop anytime the door is always open...
Miss Sandy, this is a beautifull post of giving,and recieving in the spirit of joy, I love what your grandma told you back,then--
and your gifts are all so thoughtfull,and full of love.
Hope you by now are fully ok,dear.
Thanks for visiting my blog and nice comment, wonderful gifts you have recived, and wise word your grandmother said.
What a beautiful post. Such inspirational advise from your grandmother as well. I think many of us could have used that lesson earlier in our lives.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my site as well. I appreciated your kind comment.
Hi Me again, lol, something else in common, about 7 months ago I had a similar reaction to sea salt, I had recently found out that I had a reaction to shell fish, but never gave a second thought to sea salt and I landed in the emergency room and now have to carry an Epi pen with me at all times, Soo sorry to just be able to share that with you now, better late than never friend! XOXO
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