You would cry too if this happened to you! I can't go to Karen's party after all! I will spare you the details but lets just say I spent the day rubbing elbows with many of those in the medical profession who were obviously on a separate time table than mine and I just can't make the finishing up, taking photos/editing, uploading, and posting that I desired to do this late in the day. Karen's request was to try and get that done today and although it kills me to admit defeat, I admit that, I can't.It is a hot mess around here too! Baby is in there throwing a fit and kicking up a storm...
She has flung herself all around the place, such a temper!
She is sad that she can't go to the party either...
She was looking forward to showing you her special space, instead she is just hiding her face...
And that Inez, I tell you, she has been strutting her stuff all around the studio trying to hog the very best light in order to show off her new vintage party dress...
She is such a diva, she wants to go back on Ebay and all because she can't go the party either.
Well, if Baby and Inez had that kind of reaction you can well imagine what mine is like.Karen has been so sweet in trying to help me work out attending but this was just not meant to be for me. I'll have my own little studio reveal party at a later date. I am sorry to disappoint you, my readers too. That bothers me more than anything else. My deepest apologies to you and to Karen.I still hope you will hop over and check out all the links, meet new friends, and find loads of inspiration. My hat is off the Karen for all hard work she has put into this event.Blessings,Miss Sandy
Oh, my, that vintage dress is just too adorable! I'm sorry you can't make the party. Perhaps there will be another???
Oh dear- get well soon!
Ah Sandy, it just gives me something to look forward to! Love the photos of Baby crying!
As I said sweet Sandy, Please do not give this a second thought. We'll throw a party just for you and your studio when you are feeling better!
Its funny I tried everything to get rid of a toothache today and as I sit here with a icepack on I find your post most amusing and cute, I loved it. you never know how each day will turn out even if you have great plans in store.Have a great evening,Sincerely,Jonny
It takes a courageous woman to admit that she's not yet up to the task. Don't you worry. We're going to love your reveal. Until then, calm Baby down and have yourself a cup of chamomile tea. Gentle hugs...
You are the cutest! How clever, "I'll cry if I want to." Sorry that you had to be in the hospital, it takes forever to be seen there. Meanwhile I know that you must be so creative wherever your space is, because this post is totally adorable.
You are hilarious girl...I so was NOT expecting this but thoroughly enjoyed it!!!!
I'm sorry things are not going your way but I'll be praying that everything gets cleared up soon for you :)
Miss you~
Oh what a pitty, I feel sorry for you Sandy and let's shake hands; we always say that sharing tears is dividing them in halves: I cannot attend the party either, I have a huge graduation party for my daughter to prepare and on top of that I'm sick, I have a soar throat, so I'm doing all I can, but partying in blogland is definitely not going to happen today.
Please get on the mend soon Sandy, thinking of you, hugs LiLi
Aw Sandy don't worry be happy!
Now you are here with us anyway and I like your creative post. Baby is so cute throwing her fists and I love the pretty lace dress of Ines!
I had problems getting my post ready in time too and have not accomplished everything that I wanted to.
Today is eye candy and inspiration overload anyway so I will look forward to the post of your pretty studio on another day, no problem at all!
Sending you best wishes from Germany
I love how you broke the news that you're not able to join the party - too funny and clever!!
Looking forward to partying with you later!
I'll be looking forward to seeing your studio in the future. I love that lace dress on your mannequin though!
Dear Inez,
Don't be such a traitor, your lucky you weren't disassembled & turned into an assemblage! And baby doll, don't throw a hissy fit, it'll all work out. We love Miss Sandy & will wait as long as it takes to see her awesomeness in all it's glory! Lisa
Oh no, sorry you weren't up for the party! But this is such a fun post, I really enjoyed it. Hopefully we'll see the studio another time?
Best wishes to feel better soon.
Honey, you are never a disappointment!!! I love your cute post, we will have to celebrate another day!!!!
Take care!
Margaret B
Oh Sandy, there are 450 participants and it will take forever to see them all! Your reveal will be special and we will all look forward to seeing your wonderful creative space in the future. Now put baby down for the nap that she needs and tell Inez to go stand in the corner for her bad behavior!
Blessings to you and I hope you are feeling much better!
How can one woman house so much creativity? You even get creative with your apologies. What a cute little doll!
this is one of the cutest posts I have seen all day! (And there have been some wonderful ones!) How precious is she!
I can't wait now to see what you have in store for us!
Hope you are better soon and can share your space!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Cute post! Sorry you couldn't make it to the party. Looking forward to seeing your space at a later date! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Hello Sandy..loved your post and looking forward to visiting again. Take care and thanks for stopping by my space, I appreciate that so much. Susan
LOL What a great post! But I am so sorry you couldn't make the party. O*M*G I LOVE that baby!!! Tell "baby" that it is ok...we all look forward to seeing your space, and her again, when you are able to finish it!
Creative Blessings,
Loved your post anyway!!!!!!!! It's not too late to join though. The list will be up for a while and we will come back to see your studio. xo Joan@anythinggoeshere
LOL!! You are so funny! Thank you for visiting my site in Montana. I hope you can join us next year. I would love to see your space. Kit
LOL!! You are so funny! Thank you for visiting my site in Montana. I hope you can join us next year. I would love to see your space. Kit
Well, Sandy, I'm sorry to hear you weren't able to get your creative space ready in time, but I am more sorry to hear that you haven't been well. I hope you recover soon and get back to your old self. I really enjoyed reading your post and some of your other posts. I love your dyed linens. You are one creative lady! I read through your profile and I see that we like many of the same things. That is pretty cool. Get better soon!
Blessings and thanks for stopping by my place.
Sweet Sandy... I can't imagine what has happened. Bless your sweet heart! I hope all is well with you. And that poor baby doll is indeed having a FINE FIT! :) Thank you for your sweet words on my space. It was worth the work of cleaning it up. And WORK it was indeed. I'm looking forward to your reveal whenever you are up to it. I have had my GRANDS all weekend & am just now begining to visit the studios in the party but, it is my goal to go to each site & see each studio in the next few days HUGS! Charlene
Awwww, I'm sorry you couldn't make the party but your post was adorable...I can't wait to see when you do share pics of your studio!
Oh my....don't you fret...Miss Karen's going to have another party next year and you will be there like a shining star!
Your post is precious by the way!♥
Almost as much fun watching Baby have a fit as to see your pretty work space. Bummer on not making the party but take comfort--maybe a little?--in the fact that you're not the only one that missed it. We can always shoot for next time. Or just work on your own time schedule. We'll look and enjoy whenever you show us.
Monday Blessings ;-)
Oh sweet girl!!!! Now don't you worry one. little. bit!!! We won't hear of it!!! You have plenty of time to finish up your beautiful room and when you do, we will all be eager to drool and enjoy each and every minute of it!! You must, MUST take care of your health as you only feel like creating when you are healthy and happy. Plus, Karen's keeping up the links for a year ~ so as soon as you post, I'm sure Karen will link your post to her list. And that little baby just needs to dry her tears, Inez too! They both need to be happy, proud and honored that they will reside in your gorgeous studio. Don't worry Sandy, we'll be here for the reveal! hugs and love, Dawn
Just reading this post makes me laugh and know I want to come back!!!! I am so, so sorry about you having to spend time with the medical profession. Yeesh.
Thanks so much for stopping by blueskies and taking a peek!!
Dearest thank you for your sweet sentiments on my blog. So sorry, you couldn't make the party...I wish you every good wish of beauty and grace to come your way. Blessings Eden
Thank you for visiting Calico Petals.
Look forward to visiting your creative space at the next party!
Hope you're on the mend.
Jill @ Calico Petals ♥
I hope that you are well soon. I love the doll. She is obviously well loved and worn by affection. Love the beautiful white baby dress.
I hope that you are able to enjoy your Tuesday.
God bless,
Thanks for making me smile. I am sorry you were not able to get ready for Karen's party but I am so glad you came to visit me and that I returned the visit today. Your blog is great.
AHH! Love your blog and space anyway. Hope all is well.. That was really a great post.. Made me laugh. Thanks for stopping by and saying nice comments on my blog. Take care.. I will be great.
Hi Miss Sandy,
Oh so sorry you could not come to the party this time. Your post is incredibly cute and so creative. This gives us just a little peek into your creative world and creative space. When you can finally reveal your studio we will be there with bells on.
Take good care and hope to see you again soon.
Thank you for stopping by and your kind comments. So nice to meet you.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
I'm sorry you missed the party but I thank you for visiting my blog and leaving me a comment. Finding new bloggers this way is so fun! Your blog is lovely and hey, i love your Inez!!! That is one thing I am in search of for my craft room ~ I just love those old dress manequins. BTW, my maternal g'mothers name was Inez!
Have a great rest of the week!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope that you at least were able to visit some beautiful studios and get some great ideas.
Dear Miss Sandy, Oh, I understand your disappointment. A few years back, we were only days away from going to a very exiting, and long-looked-forward-to event... the wedding of a dearly loved cousin. My daughter got sick and I was unable to attend. My husband went, taking our two oldest children.I was heartbroken. I still look at pictures of that day, and feel sad. I know missing things, but I also know how the Lord has been teaching me to rely on His strength, joy, and hope throught those sorts of moments. Odd to say, now I can encourage others to give glory to the Lord even in their "missings." Sigh... Not easy, but, He is teaching me a lot about giving up dreams, letting go of some wants, and just being flexible to His plans. (not to say that being stung was part of His plan, but... growing and learning gracefully through the challenges with which we are presented is.)
Looove your baby, even if she's been crying about not being able to attend the party! You and I can meet there next year!!! Thanks so much for coming over to my blog and your kind words! We'll be ready and have sooo much fun! Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs
I know that your studio will truly be worth the wait!
From the looks of the previous post, it will be worth the wait. Sorry to hear about the wasp sting, oh my goodness! I'm glad to hear that you are still enjoying the party and thank you so much for stopping by my blog. Anna
Hello, Your Doll is adorable, i love it.. and i love those little hearts you recieved-How Creative.. Ill have to go check her blog out- i too am slowly going through all the creative spaces- but with work got a bit behind.. Thanks for stopping by..
Such a funny post! Thank you for visiting me so that I could find your blog post and have a much welcomed chuckle! ~ Angela
Hello Miss Sandy... what a beautiful blog you have... I am so sorry you were stung! I can REALLY sympathize with you... several weeks ago, a wasp got up my pantleg and even though I tried to swat him and kill him through my jeans, he stung me 7 times! I ran up our back stairs with my pants down around my ankles (sorry neighbors!) before I got inside and my husband killed him... needless to say I was on Benedryl as well, and got an Epipen... Do hope you feel better soon... did you keep ice on the sting? That is all that helped me... I will visit you again soon... please get feeling better! xoxo Julie Marie
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