Fairy Godmother: (singing) Salaga-doola, menchikc-boola, Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. Put them together, and what have you got? Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. Slaga-doola, menchicka-boola, Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. It will do magic, believe it or not, Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. Now, Salagadoola means, A-Mechhicka-boola-roo, but the thingamabob, that does the job, is Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo.
Once upon a time, not so very long ago, there was a little blog named Quill Cottage. Quill had a secret dream of being dressed in the latest of blog designs. She longed for a custom tailor made ensemble that would show off all her assets like lovely links to friends and labeled categories to all the history of her posts (still working on relabeling all 500+ posts). She wanted a little something that reflected her love of art, writing, and nature. She wanted something that would garner admiring looks, yes, she is vain like that. She could not quite put her finger on it but she wanted something to reflect the roots of her hillbilly chic style but alas, she was a poor designer.
She tried, she really did, her brocade brown background fit pretty nicely but the placement of her banner and sidebar photos never fit precisely. Her attire was kind of boxy and getting drab. She had all but given up hope of ever sporting a true designers label until one magical evening when she logged off, falling into a deep sleep, where she dreamed a most enchanted dream.
A sparkling Blog Fairy Godmother named Karen appeared carrying a magical mouse wand. In the dream the Blog Fairy Godmother spoke, " I have come to make all your designer blog dreams come true but here is what I need you to do." She gave little Quill a list of questions to answer and then told her that she must wait patiently while she worked her magic.
Blog Fairy Godmother Karen clicked and clacked over her charmed keys. She copied, cut, and pasted with the latest of technology using so many of the personal precious images little Quill sent her with her questionnaire. She zipped emails back and forth, she even listened to the chatter of little Quills two phone calls without once remarking on her slow twangy drawl for she is a very good Blog Fairy Godmother.
Little Quill could hardly sleep for wondering if her dream of designer blog-wear would come true and when she did sleep she wondered what the finished design would look like. Would it really be tailor made to fit her tastes? (Please forgive her, but little Quill is a bit of a control freak, she is a little crazy like that.)
As it turns out, little Quill had nothing to fear, for her very own Blog Fairy Godmother knew even better than she exactly what it was she wanted. Little Quill had a vague idea but Blog Fairy Godmother Karen had a full fledged vision and with a wave of her magic mouse wand she brought it to life.
Little Quill slept for one week while the fairy worked her magic. One morning little Quill decided that she perhaps she should post something and clicked on the computer keys to open her program. What to her wondering eyes should appear but the best shock of her life...her new frock was completely designed and spread out in all its splendor before her very eyes. She gasp! So stunned was she by its beauty that she had no words and happy grateful tears spread to her eyes.
She was all atwitter as she gingerly began to explore her new look, hardly recognizing herself. She could not get over that all this beauty was just for her, a dream come true, a custom designed one-of-a-kind Blog Fairy Godmother Karen original! She even gets to display her designer label with pride, Valentine Design, on her sidebar for all to see!
Oh, but sweet Blog Fairy Godmother Karen was not finished yet. She also did a custom design for little Quills quite defunct shoppe which is now proudly ready to hold artful treasures! And if those were not enough, she is also making little Quill some matching little calling cards to enclose with her wares or to hand out at classes!
Little Quill pinched herself not once, not twice, but thrice to be sure twas not a dream she had dreamed. As all fairy tales should, this one has a very happy ending. Please feel free to push all the new buttons and explore all the links, as stated above I will be working on relabeling all the past posts and adding links to the new visible blog roll. I hope you, dear and precious readers, will enjoy this new design as much as I do!
And what of Blog Fairy Godmother Karen? She is residing in her darling desert cottage granting wishes for designer blog-ware of all shapes and sizes. Want a wish from Karen? She can grant them large and small, exactly what your heart desires. Blog dreams really do come true!
I'd love to hear what you all think of the new design here at Quill Cottage!
Have a wonderful week!

Little Quill could hardly sleep for wondering if her dream of designer blog-wear would come true and when she did sleep she wondered what the finished design would look like. Would it really be tailor made to fit her tastes? (Please forgive her, but little Quill is a bit of a control freak, she is a little crazy like that.)

Little Quill slept for one week while the fairy worked her magic. One morning little Quill decided that she perhaps she should post something and clicked on the computer keys to open her program. What to her wondering eyes should appear but the best shock of her life...her new frock was completely designed and spread out in all its splendor before her very eyes. She gasp! So stunned was she by its beauty that she had no words and happy grateful tears spread to her eyes.

Oh, but sweet Blog Fairy Godmother Karen was not finished yet. She also did a custom design for little Quills quite defunct shoppe which is now proudly ready to hold artful treasures! And if those were not enough, she is also making little Quill some matching little calling cards to enclose with her wares or to hand out at classes!
And what of Blog Fairy Godmother Karen? She is residing in her darling desert cottage granting wishes for designer blog-ware of all shapes and sizes. Want a wish from Karen? She can grant them large and small, exactly what your heart desires. Blog dreams really do come true!

Have a wonderful week!
P.S. The photos you see peppered throughout this post are one of the upcoming live class projects I have been working on. This is my version of a snow angel tree topper. She can be used on tree, as a centerpiece for a table, or left out for icy winter decor after the holidays are over.
WOW! It looks fabulous Sandy!! Love those buttons on the sidebar with links to each category of posts. Karen has done outstanding work here!!
She is lovely -- so is your new-look blog!
Will you perhaps do an online tutorial for her later?
You have one awesome fairy blog mother! She dolled you up so beautifully!
It fits you perfectly. Love the sidebar buttons. All of it is so pretty and so you.
The Snow Angel is so daintily charming!
Oh.my.goodness Sandy!!!!!! Your blog is absolutely GORGEOUS and so, so very YOU!!! hugs and love to you, Dawn
Absolutely gorgeous, Miss Sandy! Your fairy blogmother Karen outdid herself! Just lovely! I'm off to do some looking around....
Congratulations to you, Sandy! You have a beautiful blog. I knew it would be. Karen is quite talented, isn't she? We missed you while you were gone.
Wow, wow, beautiful. I have been checking back for a few days. So worth the wait!!
Karen is so talented.
Thank you for stopping by. I love your new look, and it is so you!!!
It is like having a new house, fresh and new. Hugs, mary
Sandy......oh my goodness!!!! It is just beautiful!!!! Perfect!!! I love it, it is just gorgeous....that Karen is a dream worker, she made it just right for you!!!
I love your tree topper, that is stunning!!!
Margaret B
Sandy, Your blog looks wonderful. Karen did a great job and you gave her the goods to work with. Love, Love Love it!
Sandy, your blog is wonderful! Karen did a fantastic job. I love the header...love the tags...love the vintage looking floral painted photo mats...and the birds and nest image between posts! One day perhaps I can take a leap and have your fairy blogmother revamp my blog. Awesome! Connie
W-O-W!!!! I love all the details you put into this. It's gorgeous!
I did like your blog 'outfit' before, but this is even so much better. Karen has done an excellent job. I really like the Victorian photo album page buttons, that is so smart. Now I am going to try to push some of them.
Enjoy the new looks and have a lovely day!
Wow Sandy Your blog looks Fab! I told you Karen was the best, everyone should have a Karen in their life! I love your blog fairy story too, how neat that is! You are so talented with words also! Happy blogging! Hugs, Marilou
Sandy I love it! Karen is amazing...
It reflects your beauty, enjoy!
Your email didn't work for me so I'm replying here.
I'm flattered you'd like to borrow my tutorial and photo, please do. I appreciate the link back.
Thanks, Susanne.
Magic and great beauty, what a splendid Fairy Blogmother, oops, Blog Fairy Godmother~ lovely!
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