I feel like such a baby...
(Image from Karen's Whimsy)

It seems I have experienced a little backlash that has dropped me back into the cradling comfort of my very own bed. I have made a sudden violent whipping motion back into the realm of sickness. Weak, feverish, and can't swallow, back in bed, covering my head, after three whole blissful days of feeling well. At least I got the laundry caught up and the house restored to order. I hope to return to the neighborhood soon!
Missing you all and wishing you happy spring days filled with wellness and joy!
Miss Sandy
Missing you all and wishing you happy spring days filled with wellness and joy!
Miss Sandy
Oh no, Miss Sandy! You don't have mono, do you? I sure hope not!
Please take it easy. I miss you too, but you need to take care of yourself. You probably over did the catching up on your housework, huh? That's what we women do!
I am praying for your recovery.
Blessings and prayers,
Oh, Miss Sandy, I do hope you are soon feeling right as rain! Perhaps you could do a little research on BulkHerbStore.com for some herbal help for your symptoms, and on WellTellMe.com. And some good old-fashioned chicken broth would probably do you much good.
Blessings and bear hugs!
Miss Sandy,
I wish you a hopefully quick recovery.
Blessings, Dorthe
Acckkkk, this will never do. Time for a little visit to the good doc's office, yes? Take care of yourself...
Oh no! Get well soon!!
so sorry you fell sick again so soon.
Oh no....perhaps a trip to the Doctor is in order? Hope you get to feeling better soon!
Sending Well Wishes your way and a speedy recovery!
Sandy, my daughter has the same thing and can't shake it. It's been over 2 weeks now for her too.
Hugs! Be well! Take care! Snuggle up and rest!
Hope you are on the mend for good real soon, I had that and finally the Dr. resorted to a prescription of Z-pack as I had 3 various others before that and they didn't kick it, Z-pack kicked in and did the trick on about the 4th day! Get well soon what ever you end up taking even if it is just good old sleep and Vities! Blessings
I hope you're up and about much more quickly than you can even imagine~prayers.
Oh sweet Sandy, I'm so sorry!!!! I will keep you in my prayers dear friend and please rest and take good care of yourself ~ thinking of you!! hugs and love, Dawn
So sorry to hear you are feeling poorly. Hope you get well soon!
Sorry to read you're not feeling well.. I will have you in my prayers Sandy for a speedy recovery! Take care now and we'll see you once you're back on your feet and feeling better..
Oh thats so rough, I know how you feel (I had that happen to me this spring, first sick one week, then better and boom back to being sick again)... I so hope you will feel better soon, very, very soon!!! Get a ton of rest and beauty sleeps.
Best wishes,
I understand. It nearly brought me to tears this morning to feel as if this sickness was going to start over again. A quick trip to the doctor and I am waiting to see if the cure will work.
Do take care and see the doctor if you haven't yet.
Becky K.
Wow, a lot of people are sick with this crud! I am so sorry to hear you've 'replapsed'. Stay in bed, you got clean undies, that's all you need! Maybe a little lovin & some 7-up. Get better soon! Lisa
So sorry to hear you had a relaps of that nasty flu bug.
Hugs and prayers to you and your family
Sandy, I'm so sorry. I hope you are 100% mended soon. Saying a little prayer for you right this minute.
Oh, no, Sandy!!! Please feel better soon!! Sending you healing thoughts and prayers... *Hugs*
OH NO!!!!!!!! Poor Sandy! Stay in the bed & take care of yourself. I too am kind of under the weather due to allergies. I was so sick on Mothers Day we didn't even go out. My eyes are puffy & looks like Hubby whacked me in the eye (dark & bruised) & all from allergies. YUCK! Pamper youself & take care. HUGS! Charlene
Oh my goodness, dear Sandy! I pray that you are feeling better by the time you receive this comment. Take things slowly and nurture yourself well.
I'm sorry it has been so long since I have visited you. Life hasn't given me much time to visit lately.
I will be thinking of you today.
Dear Miss Sandy, I miss you already and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Mary
Was it the swine flu? I know around here, that's been the pattern: feel better, then have a relapse. I'm sure you're well by now, as I'm so late in catching up on my blog reading!
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