If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give.
-George MacDonald-
Thank you, you sweet wonderful friends, for casting the gift of loving thoughts into my heart and giving as the angels give! I am so honored that you would take the time out to send them my way. I did see the doctor yesterday and am trying out another combo of meds and they seem to be taking hold. I am slowly climbing out of the sticky web of sickness...
Heading down the path to wellness...
My every step feels as if it is being closely watched...
Sickness still stalking...
Ready to pounce again at any moment...
Like the pale little primrose I lift my face to the sun...
Tilting it upward to receive the full warmth...
I can't think of anyone I d' rather share my nest with here than you...
As you can see, I managed a little walk about this afternoon. I found a few gifts from nature to play with. I happened upon a spark of inspiration in this little piece of wood...
Can you guess what it will be?
Happy guessing and many blessings,
Miss Sandy
Happy guessing and many blessings,
Miss Sandy
Well if it's not a bird's wing or an angel wing, I can not imagine! So glad that you are feeling better, brighter, and lighter... Now whose little puddy tat was willing to act the part of sickness for you today? Yours?
Glad you are feeling a little better and able to go outside for a little walk! That always makes me fell better ~ to be outdoors and enjoying creation!
I think your little piece of wood looks just like a bird head ~ the knot hole being the eye and the longer part the beak. You must be feeling better ~ your are starting to get creative again! :~D
Be Blessed!
I'm so pleased you are feeling better. Your enchanting photos brightened my day. I, too think the piece of wood looks like a bird's head. Isn't wonderful when you find something that inspires you...especially when it's something that many people would just not 'see' You are truly blessed.
So glad you were able to get out and enjoy the things you love. Those pictures are stunning!
I have no idea what you will do with that piece of wood, but I'm quite certain you will turn it into a masterpiece and we will all gasp in awe at your creativity- the usual.
Sandy...this is exactly why we love you! Anyone who reads your beautiful thoughts and sees your lovely photos and creations can't help but be enchanted and want to return again and again...!
Continue to be well!
Dear Sandy, even in your unwell state you have yet again created such wonderful beauty for us in your blog post. I feel like I have taken a walk with the (MASTER GARDENER) a stroll through his garden. You have the ability, neigh the gift to draw us closer to beauty. I can't even find the words to tell you what your posts do for me, the words sound maybe mushy or not quite right but I so love the way you write, the photoes, I feel loved and taken higher. You truly care when you share.
New Zealand
Oh, I forgot to ask, can you tell me what is the gorgeous little yellow flower in the 14th photos. Just love the way the petals are at the end.
Thank you
Beautiful photos, such an inspiring post...so glad you are feeling better...thank you for sharing...
So sorry to hear of your recent bought with the flu bug! Take in the sun and shine!
Will the piece of wood be a little bird head?
Oh my dear one how quickly I want you to mend.
There's a special thank you on my blog today. Thanks for being a longtime supporter on my race to the finish line.
Be blessed dear one.
You are so special.
Laura, your blog is so beautiful and inspiring as are the words that you write.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comments. I hope you feel better soon.
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